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Teslar Watch - Response 2

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Some of you may recall my critique of the website used to promote the " Teslar

watch " . Well, the company has just sent me a very long reply to all of my

comments. I shall share my response in a series of articles.



Dr. Siff: The following is the Letter we sent to Randy Harrington:

ELF Labs State Route 1, No 21. St. Francisville IL

ATT: Dr. Mell Siff Re: Answers to the Observations on Statements Dec19, 2002


Response to Mel Siff:

In the November 15, 2002 edition of Science Magazine (American Association

for the Advancement of Science, Vol 298, No 5597 Page 1355) an article by

Seife " Doing The Wave in Many Ways " under the subtitle Quantum

Effects, he notes: " What makes quantum objects quantum and macroscopic

objects macroscopic? It seems to do with the process by which quantum objects

lose their quantum nature: decoherence. (In a sense, a coherent beam of light

behaves like a single quantum object.

When a photon or an atom is measured, it is forced to choose whether it spins

up or spins down, and at that very moment, it behaves like a classical

object, rather than a quantum one.

[*** Who on earth stated that an atom as a whole has a spin up or spin down

state? This is nonsense. This comment that measurement causes a subatomic

particle to change its state is a classical example of the misapplication of

Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, which never ever implied that the act of

observing physically changed the state of a given system. All that Heisenberg

mean is that one cannot simultaneously measure to the same degree of accuracy

the momentum and position (or energy and time in a given state) of a

particle. This Principle does not relate to whether or not a given entity

(wave or particle) is classical or quantum in nature. We might even state

that this Principle was an important step to help later scientists realise

that events in physics no longer ought to be regarded as being highly

deterministic, but far more indeterminate, fuzzy, nonlinear, chaotic or what

you will. Eventually, many years after Heisenberg, scientists indeed

formulated far more probabilistic, statistical descriptions of what appears

to happen in physics and chemistry. Mel Siff]

The quantum state decoheres. Decoherence can strike when information flows

from the object into the outside world - from the measurement or from the

stray bounce of a molecule of air. The bigger and warmer an object is, the

more difficult it is to isolate it and prevent information from flowing from

it into its environment, making it decohere more and more quickly. This

hemorrage might be what makes big things behave differently than small

things. Macroscopic objects might have a quantum nature but it disappears too

quickly to measure, leaving behind only the grin of Schrodinger's cat " . So

bigger is not necessarily better; yes, this tiny watch and chip can do huge

things! But remember the watch is NOT a cure all or panacea. It merely

provides the body with the information and energy to shield itself.

[*** Nothing of any note or real value here, other than a tedious

continuation of cutting and pasting various unproven speculations from the

world of modern physics, unfortunately replete with many misunderstandings

about the real nature of what physicists have done and are doing. Mel Siff]

2. Observation on Siff Statement:

Static caused by electromagnetic fields?? Since when is static electricity

produced by some anonymous [sic] EM fields associated with the body? The

mentioning of the triple warmer actually gives one a clue as how this watch

may produce some genuine physiological effects. A long time ago a little

vibrating wrist band (as well as bracelet with a large bead) was sold to be

worn in a similar region of the wrist to combat travel sickness and research

indeed showed that pressure or vibration in this region helped in this

regard. So, if this watch does produce some short term effects, then it has

nothing to do with collapsing EM fields, with special quantum effects or

anything as abstruse as that. The watch is simply being used to stimulate

some acupuncture points and I am sure that some of our list members would be

able to offer some more information in this regard.

Answer to Observation:

The term " static " is used in this context to describe ambient frequencies

that are not beneficial to the body, but the brain is forced to process. No

one made a statement that " static electricity is produced by anonymous [sic]

(anomalous?) EM fields associated with the body " so we won't argue this

point. This is misinterpretation and perhaps poor writing on our part.

The energy of the scalar travels omnidirectional on the triple warmer

meridian as you suggested, and does create a pulsed electromagnetic field

which you are referring to as " stimulating acupuncture points " . But the

Teslar goes way beyond a vibrator as far as technology is concerned, and has

nothing in common with such a device.

Stimulation of the acupuncture meridians in itself will not shield the body

from the ELF component of the EMF's as electromagnetic fields do not have the

wave propagation that a scalar produces. The scalar wave of the watch

communicates with the scalar component in the DNA through the 'sentriol' to

carry the message of information into not only the physical meridian, but

probably more importantly, out into the biofield and mindfield.

[*** Once again my concern with the pseudoscience being quoted to prove the

modus operandi of the Teslar device is met with more guruspeak which proves

absolutely nothing. Again we are exposed to the idea of a discrete

'biofield', but now also meet the 'mindfield', something which has never

been proved to exist. In addition, the neologism, a 'sentriol' is now intro

duced, so that one almost expects to be introduced next to something like

the hypothetical 'thetans' from Scientology mythology. What is this

'sentriol' in scientific terms? Who has ever shown that DNA produces a

scalar component which communicates with externally imposed fields right

through the fog of numerous other endogenous fields of far greater strength

which may be generated by neighbouring subcellular systems? References? The

use of guruesque and impressive jargon is a well known method used in pers

uasion and propaganda (e.g. see my text 'Facts & Fallacies of Fitness'

or Thouless 'Straight and Crooked Thinking'), so it would be far more

productive to reply on proven science and far more plausible theories than

all this obfuscation via semantics and speculation. Mel Siff]

For instance, if you wanted to look blue, a blue light could be spotlighted

on you and you would look blue. But you wouldn't really BE blue. However, if

you could swallow a magic blue pill that would allow you to radiate blue from

yourself, that would be a different matter. With a pulsed electromagnetic

field you are merely masking and trying to overcome prevailing ambient

frequencies, but with a scalar quantum those frequencies and impinging fields

collapse and the body can then use that energy to shield itself which boosts

the immune system. Enclosed is an article published by Dr. Glen Rein,

Stanford University, which is an in-vitro study showing a 74% increase in the

T-cell Lymphocytes when exposed to a watch with a Teslar chip verses exposure

of a watch without a chip, proving the body is actually using the energy

provided to enhance the immune system.

[*** Note also that an increase in the levels of T-cell lymphocytes can also

imply that the body is trying to defend itself against potentially harmful r

adiation or toxins, so that this study really proves nothing. One’s levels

of T-cell (and B-cell) lymphocytes will also increase if you are exposed to

X-rays or nuclear radiation. The important thing to ask here is WHY the body

needs to increase its levels of T-cell lymphocytes unless its integrity or

health were being threatened. One's levels of T-cell lymphocytes should NOT

increase if the body is healthy and happy. One might easily deduce from this

work that the Teslar watch is creating some imbalance in the body. I trust

that Dr Rein addressed that issue in his discussion and conclusions and that

he somehow was able to prove that this was not the case. Mel Siff]

3. Observation On Siff Statement:

Proven by whom? It would be interesting to see the research studies " Fast

EEG " ? What do they mean? This term can mean anything. Are they referring tot

he very rare measured and unusual very high frequency (100kHz) brain rhythms

that were reported many years ago (by Nudel in 1965), or are they simply

referring to beta waves (13-30Hz) of the aroused mental state? This appears

to be yet another example to use gurusque language to impress the masses.

Once again, let's see the studies. So, energy enters the body on the left?

What sort of energy? This is classic Eastern mumbo-jumbo and does not occur

with the findings Dr R O'Becker who studied the polarity of the DC potentials

and whom the Philip Stein group quote. Haven't they read his research

properly to appreciate that they are citing work of a man whose findings

contradict or disprove some of their central claims?

Answer to Observation:

First of all, this web site is still under construction and the information

conveyed has left out very pertinent facts. The science is available on our

web site: www.teslar .com. The EAV testing was conducted first by Dr.

Morley of Dorsett, England on a MORA machine. Although we, as researchers are

not keen on EAV, as we feel it can be operator dependant, we did accept Dr.

Morley's tests as they were unsolicited and the MORA does seek a base line

before giving a read out. This test has since been replicated by many EAV

practitioners, some with reputable machines and others not. This particular

test demonstrates the reduction of ambient electromagnetic fields that are

impinging on the body's bio meridians as a result of wearing the a watch with

a Teslar chip, versus the " static " noise on the system wearing a watch

without a chip. Please note the study attached.

[*** I saw no peer-reviewed study - does one actually exist? How can ambient

fields - in other words, all fields from the earth and entire universe be

reduced - by the simple wearing of a small wrist device? One cannot reduce

ANY form of energy impinging on any system. One can only create an opposing

field which tries to produce a smaller resultant acting on the earth or our

bodies, but the energy required to significantly reduce the effect of ambient

radiation (even sunlight alone) would require far more energy than all the

output of all power stations on planet earth. One can offer shielding by

encasing the body in something like a Faraday cage (and indeed, fine mesh

garments have been shown to help diminish certain physical problems, but that

is another topic which I will address at a later stage), but one cannot

reduce the ambient fields themselves. Mel Siff]

A fast fourier analysis of a subject's EEG was performed by Dr. Eldon Byrd,

PhD., to demonstrate that subjects show the effects of ambient electro

magnetic fields through an analysis of a subject's EEG. Dr. Byrd's

analysis was to see if the EEG would show any difference in a subject wearing

a Teslar. In his review, the amplitude of the EEG measurement was increased

by 80% in the Teslar subject. It is suggested this demonstrated the brain

throwing off more ambient electromagnetic frequencies when the subject wore

the Teslar. The subject without the Teslar absorbed those frequencies. Please

see study attached.

[The brain " throwing off ambient EM frequencies " ? What does that mean? Is

this proved to be 'good' or 'bad' ? Mel Siff}

As for 'energy' entering the left side, remember Doctor, this site is written

by the uninformed, for the uninformed public at large, and not for someone as

astute as yourself. Terms used are perhaps a bit simplistic, so please be

patient with the writers who are trying to get a grasp on a very complex


[We should not distort the accuracy of any information even if many happen to

be laypersons. While many of us can have patience when the issue is one of

sheer intellectual discussion, but not when seriously distorted information

is being used to market a product. We owe it to potential customers to be

entirely candid and technically correct when we sell to them, though I know

that this view of mine runs counter to what is par for the marketing course

in the West today. Mel Siff]

When we discuss 'energy' entering the left and exiting the right, you are

correct in your evaluation of esoteric information such as Christ blessing

with the right hand; yogas's cupping the left hand and extending the right;

it even goes back to a time when we first learned to shake hands with the

right hand - not the left; and why certain healers always extend their right

hand to send 'energy' to a subject.

[*** Nobody really knows if Christ healed with his left or his right hand. If He

could heal only with one hand, then this would certainly imply that the

divine energy is rather limited in working only under certain conditions.

This type of 'holy handedness' would also mean that anyone without a right

hand, such as amputees, would not be able to heal. Nobody either knows why

one shakes with the right hand. This tradition, by the way, is not universal

method of greeting - in the East, it is very common for both hands to be

placed together in front of you as a form of greeting. Another very plausible

theory behind the right hand shake is that an empty right hand (the weapon

hand in most people) shows that one is not holding a weapon or threatening

the person whom you are greeting. Mel Siff]

We must admit that in our research, these incidents made us question why

these incidents were handed down and what they really meant to a biological

system, if anything. ( Note: Dr O'Becker was using a DC magnetic field

in his tests with polarity and this has nothing to do with this matter.

Please refer to his book The Body Electric).

[*** There is no such person as Dr O'Becker - see later. I have known him for

many years and even received a draft copy of that book from him some time

before I bought the final version off the shelf. I am very familiar with its

contents and the work of its author, so I really do not need to refer to his

book again. Anyway, Dr Becker scientifically showed that there is a polarity

of the DC control system of the body, but so far none of the authorities whom

you have quoted has shown in peer-reviewed research that similar polarity is

displayed by other electromagnetic or quantum fields or whatever these fields

are purported to be. Mel Siff]

I won't bore you with old information, but rather ask you to look at some of

the latest findings. We are really interested in the cellular level and its

connection to the biofield through the organs, cells, nerves and other

systems of the body...even the un-regarded lymphatic system that is very

important to the detoxification of the body.

[*** There is no such thing as a single 'biofield' in the human body; there

are a multitude of many different subcellular, mitochondrial, molecular,

cellular, neural, muscular, cardiac and gross electrical and electromagnetic

fields throughout the body and it is not possible to monitor each one

separately from the others non-invasively in the living body. What exactly is

this so-called 'biofield'? As it stands, that term is meaningless and

speculative as a single discrete entity. Mel Siff]

Please address the articles published in Science (American Academy for the

Advancement of Science) December 6, 2002, Vol 298, No 5600, Pages 1941 to

1959. These articles are written by various researchers including L. Shapiro,

" Generating and Exploiting Polarity in Bacteria " ; " Anterior-Posterior

Polarity in C.elegans and Drosophilia - Parallels and Differences " by J

Pellettoere and G Seydoux; " Shaping the Vertebrae Body Plan by Polarized

Embryonic Cell Movements " by R. Keller; " Composition and Formation of

Intercellular Junctions in Epithelial Cells " by E. Knust and O. Bossinger;

and " Molecular Mechanisms of Axon Guidance " , by BJ Dickson. This is some of

the latest research out (this month) but by far NOT the only research.

These articles point out that.. " Even the apparent symmetry across the body

can be deceptive. The internal organs have a well defined predictable,

left-right asymmetry in their organization, which again is widely preserved

within vertebrates... " Even the spin-spin proton-proton coupling moves from

left to right. Knust and Bossinger (p.1955 same journal as above) examine

epithelial cell polarity in organisms ranging from worms to flies to

invertebrates, and compare and contrast the mechanisms involved in

establishing and maintaining polarity. Intriguingly, many of the same

molecular players involved in epithelial polarity are also important in the

cell movements outlined by Keller. Finally, Dickson (p. 1959) describes how

one of the most structurally and functionally polarized cells - the neuron -

exploits its characteristics to establish specific connections within the

developing nervous system.

Not that there are not anomalies, but for the most part, when the Teslar is

introduced to the 'wrong polarity side' of the body, aching and a 'back up'

feeling is produced. It simply isn't comfortable, and we find people simply

'know' the feeling intuitively. Is this because every cell in the body

screams 'Wrong polarity, jerk!' We now know this is the energetic movement of

polarity, not only in the body, (the organs, the nerves and the cells), but

our mindfield experiments also exhibit a left to right spin in the field.

Attached please find a copy of Dr. Hunts Book, Infinite Mind for more

information on this subject.

4. Observation on Siff Statement:

<Really? This presumes that there was a time when there was a time when there

were no EM fields in the universe. If that is the case, then humans

presumably must have been around before the alleged " big bang " . The

similarity of the Schumann Resonant frequencies to the mean alpha rhythm of

adult humans (7 - 9Hz) has been noted for many years. Books such as

Gaquelin's " Cosmic Clocks " and Hill & Playfair's " The Cycles of Heaven "

(1978) discussed that possibility that the ELF (Extra Low Frequencies) [sic]

noted by Schumannn in 1952 in the space between the Earth's surface and the

ionosphere may entrain the brain rhythms to about the same frequencies.

Of course, this does not explain why these waves slow down way below 7.83Hz

during sleep and speed up way beyond 7.83 during arousal. Now does it explain

the existence of ultrafast rain rhythms beyond 50Hz. Now does it explain the

quasi-stationary or very slow potentials which attracted much of the

attention of Dr. Becker [sic]. The Stein group are inferring a great deal

from some very old speculations and conveniently are omitting a lot of other

very important information.)

Frequent oscillation allows the signal to stay biologically interactive. This

is important because some systems within the body will acclimate to stimuli

that stay constant for any given period of time. >

Answer to Observation:

Your observations are out of context. Of course there are sunspots and all

sorts of electromagnetic spectrum astrological and geopathic stress that

'spikes' the Schumann Resonance. The Schumann Resonance, as I am sure you

remember, is only an AVERAGE of the frequency readings from a SQUID. The

spikes and all anomalies are taken into the average along with the earths

cavity charge bouncing off the ionosphere, and that average is the Schumann

Resonance of around 7.83 hertz. Since we lived on this planet before the

invention of man made frequencies and fields, it was only these natural

frequency spectrums that our bodies were used to being exposed.. The most

biologically interactive, to the body, are the ELF's..(EXTREMELY LOW

FREQUENCIES is the term.) This was first introduced at an International

Conference on Chrono-biology, in Hanover, Germany in 1973. Dr. Siegot Lang of

Saarbrucken presented a paper entitled " Electric Fields as Circadian

Zeitgeber and Their Influences on the Extra-cellular System of Organism "

which we know today to be the matrix. In this paper, Dr. Lang discusses some

30 years of research in various European countries into the effects of low

frequency electromagnetic fields on living organisms.

Among other things, it was shown that an 8 to 10 Hertz electromagnetic field

acted as a Zeitgeber or biological clock, synchronizing the biorhythms of all

living things. This low frequency field is the natural resonance of the

Earth's ionospheric cavity. Schuman not only measured it first, but

calculated and confirmed it by measuring subtle variations in the Earth's

field. When test animals were isolated from this natural field, or placed in

stronger man made fields of higher or lower frequency, they underwent a

dramatic change in behavior and body hormone balance. When the natural

frequency was reinstated by means of artificial electronic devices, body

balance and normal rhythms returned. This phenomenon was also found to be

true by NASA so that all Astronauts have a built in Earth Resonance Generator

within the space vehicle. Dr. DuBrov of the Soviet Union

demonstrated that the living system can generate Gravitational Waves on the

order of 10-18 watts.

[*** Reference for this statement or better still a quotation of the most

relevant passages from his alleged research? But most important, may we see

proof that gravitational waves actually exist - scientists have been

speculating for many years about such waves, but they have not been actually

measured to exist? Mel Siff]

Although this is a very low level signal, he discovered that the human

nervous system should be capable of receiving with absolute clarity, a signal

on the level of 10-23 power watts. (0.00000000000000000000001 watts!) This

proves that more is definitely NOT better as this small signal is all that is

required to create a biological effect!

[*** Noting that there are many different field in our external and internal

environment, please explain how the body can discern between each of these

different tiny fields, if it indeed does. Mel Siff]

Man made structures and electromagnetic environmental pollution are

overcoming the natural clock required for proper balance of biological

fields. A 3 cycle signal was found to stimulate dizziness, migraines,

anxiety, and other emotional disturbances. Modern living, pollution,

traveling across the Earth's magnetic lines of flux at high speeds in

airplanes, and other factors all contribute to desynchronization of our

natural rhythms. When a low frequency 8 Hz signal is provided by artificial

means, the biological systems " lock on " to the more beneficial signal. For

this reason, a dozen companies in Europe sell various forms of such

biological signal generators for use in cars, homes, factories, etc. With the

Teslar however, you don't have to carry around a little black box, and it

also tells you the time! Instead of an electromagnetic field blasting out the

other frequencies, the scalar potential of the Teslar merely collapses them

so that they do not impinge upon the body's electrical system at all. No blue

light shining on the system, this is the magic blue pill!



Dr Mel C Siff

Denver, USA


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