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The KEY to my losing 100 lbs. and keeping them LOST! :-)

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My name is Mina.

I haven't been here for awhile and thought I'd stop by and

say... " Hi! "

Eight years ago I went from truly...fat to fit. I " lost " just over

100 pounds of fat and have KEPT them lost for over 7 years now!

You can see my before picture enlarged to Life-size (UGH) and me on

the Oprah Show if you Google my name: Mina Hobbi

I have since dedicated my life to helping others who are stuck where

I was, feeling hopeless and helpless in a " prison of Body Fat!

I recently received an email from a client who was feeling

really...discouraged. I thought I would share my reply to her letter

with you.

Also, at the bottom, I've pasted a link to a cartoon that conveys

what I'm trying to say in the letter, but much more concisely.

The letter is unchanged, with the exception of the clients name.

I hope you Enjoy!

__________________________________________________ __

, Hello!

I know Exactly where you're coming from, because I was plagued with

discouraging circumstances also, but this is what I found... " tough

times never last, but tough people do! "

I Lived in a state of discouragement when I transformed my body. Like

you, I also had no money, no car and no hope.

But you know what I did? I just did " it " anyway. " It " being- I worked

out and I ate clean meals.

One day my car broke down. I left it on the side of the road (where

it broke down), and just walked everywhere I had to go for a few


I bought food on a day by day basis, not knowing where the money for

tomorrow's food would come from.

My boyfriend took the bedroom door off its hinges and we placed it on

a stack of boxes and used it as our kitchen table.

Now, please understand, in NO way am I making light of your

situation. This may be the hardest time in your life. What I learned

through my own experience is that life gets better, as I get better

and stronger.

" Life " was used to me caving in and giving up when things got tough.

Maybe for the first time in my life I told myself, I am NOT going to

give up this time! I will not give in to my weak thoughts!

It doesn't matter if the tough times show up on Day one, or Day 100.

They're going to show up, the Real question I want you to ask

yourself right now is, " Tough times have shown up, Now, Am I Going to

Show UP? Or am I going to Give up? "

, I want to see you demonstrate Who You ARE and what you're

made of! Take a Stand, Right Here and Right Now!

Take a Stand! for yourself, and for your children! I say, " Surprise

Yourself! and your family! " I didn't think I could do what I did, but

I did it anyway! You may not think you're capable of eating properly

and exercising daily.... " SO WHAT! DO IT ANYWAY! "

I PROMISE you, You are CAPABLE of Infinitely More than you think you

are today! In a month from now, in six months and a year from now,

you can create a body and a LIFE that you can't even imagine today!

Do what I did, Make a commitment to yourself, " I will NOT Stop! I

will Not give in to my weak thoughts! If Mina can do what she did,

then I can do it also! Mina had No one to support her. I HAVE ME, and

I have MINA!

, Commit to continue, NO MATTER WHAT! The only people who fail

under my coaching, are the ones that STOP! Truly, the Key to my

success was I committed to Eat clean and workout every day. I failed

to eat clean some days, but within 24 hours I was Back on my program!

I never gave up! Never giving up IS THE KEY!

The Door to your Success is not as far away as you think it to be

right now, and Now, you hold the Key that opens that door Everytime!

Never Ever give up!

It took me eight years to put this program together. I don't expect

you to master it in eight days. It will never be a perfect journey.

Plan your meals! do your cardio! keep it simple.

That's it!

I Appreciate you for reaching out to me as you did today! Most of us

are afraid to show Any weakness. Obviously, you want to get healthy!

I promise you, you have the plan that works if you'll Work It!

This " note " got longer than I anticipated, but your letter touched an

old wound inside me. A wound that I know never heals, until we Show

Up and give it our Best every Day. (and it's ok if ideas like " giving

my best " and " EVERYDAY " seem overwhelming right now...DO IT ANYWAY!

ok? Getting better and Getting stronger happen one (good)

decision/action at a time. Given enough time, even The tiniest

babysteps can take us AROUND THE WORLD!

You CAN do this ! I Believe in YOU!

and...I love you,


ps. Go download and PRINT OUT this picture! I love it and i think you

will too! Go to Google Images and search for " Never Give Up " .

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