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star trainers cardio

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An all star cast! I don't think you can go wrong here, ! I think I have to have it too!fitgrl222@... wrote: Anyone heard of this workout? I just saw it at Collage and it looks good, I like all the instructors. I wonder how easy or hard it is.... DESCRIPTION: Five 30-minute workouts, each led by a different "star" instructor - Rob Glick, Gay Gasper, Violet Zaki, Spreen and Kendell

Hogan. The cuing is superb; the variety is super-motivating - from basic kickboxing drills to dancy combos. Rob's "Party" program emphasizes choreographed combinations that range from mambos to step kicks. Gay's "Expresso" features back-to- basics aerobic favorites like grapevines, repeaters, shuffles and jacks. Violet's "Kick Butt" segment is non-stop cardio kickboxing (plus a few aerobic-tempo push-ups and squats). 's "Power Within" alternates lower-impact aerobics with higher-impact power moves. Kendell's "Peak Performance" features athlete-style exercises like jogs and basketball shoots. (1)©2007 ~**~~**~ See AOL's top rated recipes and easy ways to stay in shape for winter.

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Some of these workout segments are available on my " On

Demand " cable service. The other day I previewed

Violet Zaki's workout - it looked good. I'll probably

do it next week as my bonus cardio routine.

I admit I think this one (and the companion strength

workout) are ones I'd like to get!


--- Pink Pussycat


> An all star cast! I don't think you can go wrong

> here, ! I think I have to have it too!


> fitgrl222@... wrote: Anyone heard of

> this workout? I just saw it at Collage and it looks

> good, I like all the instructors. I wonder how easy

> or hard it is....



> DESCRIPTION: Five 30-minute workouts, each led by

> a different " star " instructor - Rob Glick, Gay

> Gasper, Violet Zaki, Spreen and Kendell

> Hogan. The cuing is superb; the variety is

> super-motivating - from basic kickboxing drills to

> dancy combos. Rob's " Party " program emphasizes

> choreographed combinations that range from mambos to

> step kicks. Gay's " Expresso " features back-to-

> basics aerobic favorites like grapevines, repeaters,

> shuffles and jacks. Violet's " Kick Butt " segment is

> non-stop cardio kickboxing (plus a few aerobic-tempo

> push-ups and squats). 's " Power Within "

> alternates lower-impact aerobics with higher-impact

> power moves. Kendell's " Peak Performance " features

> athlete-style exercises like jogs and basketball

> shoots. (1)©2007

> ~**~~**~







> ---------------------------------

> See AOL's top rated recipes and easy ways to stay

> in shape for winter.







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fitgrl222@... wrote:

> hmm my daughter has netflix so I'll have her get it for me so I can try

> it and see if I like it

hi michelle! i hope that netflix has it for you... i rent from a

different, canadian, place.

i doubt that it will be hard enough for you... but it still could be

something fun for you to do on your 'easy' day, or something!


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  • 3 weeks later...

I gulp with embarassment here that I actually ordered

all three DVDs from & Noble during their 3 for

2 sale (I think it is still going on!). I feel silly

about ordering them b/c I do get some of them " On

Demand " but they're going away this month. I think

they are coming up with some new ones.

Anyway, I sort of feel silly for making such an

impulse purchase, but I figure that all three DVDs

rotated together will make a nice, fun and varied

rotation -pick a cardio,a strength and an abs section

from each DVD for a week. I really need to not be so

impulsive with money! LOL!

That said, since I like to add on and make up my own

routines at times, I think I will get good use out of



--- a Frey wrote:

> Rented from Netflix. I meant to do all 5 workouts on

> it before giving

> you my thoughts but I am sick. Ugh! So I can give

> you my opinion of

> three of the workouts. All of them are 30 min.


> Violet Zaki-This is much better that her Trainers

> Edge Video...which I

> will be selling. Challenging for an intermediate.

> Adjustable and

> creative. Time went by fast. It's a Kickboxing

> workout.


> Spreen-Love this girl! I have some of her

> other DVDs. I think

> the best categorization for the workout would be

> sports conditioning.

> Easily modified.


> Gay Gasper-Man...she has had some work done to her

> face. Same moves

> better music and environment than 90s videos. Do you

> remember those?

> They had a intro with super perky annoying

> cheerleaders. Classic moves

> and possibly some of the same routines at first.

> Mixed impact. I

> realized I was getting sick the last 10 min of this

> workout so I

> phoned it in. Would have enjoyed it if I were 100%

> though.


> There are also workouts from Rob Glick (whom is hit

> or miss with me)

> and Kendall whom I have yet to find anything by that

> I like.


> Overall- good rental and not a bad buy for a variety

> of 10 min

> workouts. I will probably do Kim's section the

> most.


> Keep me motivated for when I get well again!

> a





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  • 2 weeks later...

hi !

i did a 70 min walk today = 330 cals. there was no wind

today...yay! but still i was not walking very fast... basically,

the dog was walking me this morning.

this evening i did two workouts from 'star trainers:cardio'.

the first was led by rob glick who is much better at choreography

than i am. the warmup and first combo were ok, but by the time

he got to the last combo in the workout, i was modifying and

skipping some of it. someone who is better at getting the steps

would like this more than i did. 32 mins. kim spreen is one

of the backgrounders.

the second was led by gay gasper and i really did not like the

choreography in this one.... i was completely lost. i made it

through the first 15 mins, then did my own workout on the

rebounder until they finally got to the short stretch at the end.

also 32 mins long. the good news is that i ended up burning

another 333 cals during this 64 mins :)

both of these workouts are thumbs down for me, personally. im

interested in what others think of this dvd. there are 3 other

routines on the disc, so hopefully i like at least one of them.

right now im liking the star trainers strength dvd alot more.

hopefully the rental place will send me the abs dvd to try soon.


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(a week later) Great job on the 70 min walk, about Star Trainers: Cardio, I didn't like what I saw of them at CollageVideo. Hopefully you get (or got ) some good feedback.


On Jan 27, 2008 10:05 PM, Festival City Concrete/ & Carolyn Visser wrote:

hi !i did a 70 min walk today = 330 cals. there was no wind today...yay! but still i was not walking very fast... basically, the dog was walking me this morning.this evening i did two workouts from 'star trainers:cardio'.

the first was led by rob glick who is much better at choreography than i am. the warmup and first combo were ok, but by the time he got to the last combo in the workout, i was modifying and skipping some of it. someone who is better at getting the steps

would like this more than i did. 32 mins. kim spreen is one of the backgrounders.the second was led by gay gasper and i really did not like the choreography in this one.... i was completely lost. i made it

through the first 15 mins, then did my own workout on the rebounder until they finally got to the short stretch at the end. also 32 mins long. the good news is that i ended up burning another 333 cals during this 64 mins :)

both of these workouts are thumbs down for me, personally. im interested in what others think of this dvd. there are 3 other routines on the disc, so hopefully i like at least one of them. right now im liking the star trainers strength dvd alot more.

hopefully the rental place will send me the abs dvd to try soon.:*carolyn. -- Get Fit! Weight loss will follow

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Vennitta wrote:

>about Star Trainers:

> Cardio, I didn't like what I saw of them at CollageVideo. Hopefully you

> get (or got ) some good feedback.

hi vennitta! donna has this dvd too, so she is going to try it

and tell us what she thinks.

i didnt like the first 2 workouts on the dvd, but have the other

3 scheduled for this upcoming week.

i hope that they suit me better.


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Hi Carolyn!

I did Violet's workout off the TV - and I did like it

and got some slight DOMS in my legs from it. I agree

though, not quite what was expected (I too expected a

more traditional kickboxing routine). I tried Rob's

workout this morning - it was eh. I am not 100%

disappointed that I bought this DVD but I'm also not

100% happy that I did either - I should have

restrained myself and rented/borrowed it instead.

But, I did get a good deal from B & N, but now I have to

deal with the return of the defective strength DVD(see

my check in from this morning!) GRR!

Take care,


--- Festival City Concrete/ & Carolyn Visser


> ok, so i did two more segments of star trainers

> cardio this

> evening.


> first was violet's... i was really looking forward

> to some

> kickboxing. yes, this workout had some kicks in it

> (front kicks,

> back kicks and even some crescent kicks at the

> beginning) but

> alot of the workout was bootcamp stuff... lots of

> squats and

> lunges (plus pulses), plies, pushups, mountain

> climbers, jacks,

> bouncing and a bit of jogging. there were no

> punches, but some

> blocks instead, and no roundhouses or side kicks.

> honestly i

> didnt really like the workout that much... it wasnt

> what i was

> expecting. and, like all bootcamp oriented

> workouts, i found it

> to be hard! LOL.


> next was kendall's and it started out like a classic

> aerobics

> routine and was lower in intensity. so, i thought

> that i would

> like it better... and who can resist kendall's

> personality! but

> before i knew it, he too was doing lots of squats

> and lunges with

> added knee-up. normally this wouldnt bother me but

> after all of

> the bootcamp in violet's workout, i was looking more

> for a floor

> aerobics routine. while the choreo of kendall's

> workout wasnt

> hard, i thought that the order of exercises in the

> combos was

> awkward and he 'took it from the top' ALOT! i ran

> out of time

> and actually did only 19 mins of this 32 min

> workout, and i didnt

> mind stopping early...lol.


> with both routines, i still ended up burning 315

> cals in 51 mins,

> so that was good.... add that to the 332 i burned

> in my 60 min

> walk this morning and i ended up with a good cardio

> day! but,

> im still not impressed with the star trainers cardio

> dvd :/ i

> will finish it off this week by doing kim spreen's

> segment, but

> wont buy the dvd. like i said before, this is just

> my opinion

> and someone else might really like the workouts on

> this disc.


> in sticking with this 'tv exercise show' theme i

> have going, i

> will also be doing some of gilad's total body

> sculpting, more of

> star trainers strength and some caribbean workouts

> (kickboxing

> and hi/lo) this week.


> :*carolyn.




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Donna M-P wrote:

>now I have to

> deal with the return of the defective strength DVD(see

> my check in from this morning!) GRR!

i saw that :( what a bummer. can you return it to the B & N

store even though you bought it online?


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