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Re: What a day! OT...

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DDDDDAAAAMMMMMNNNN!!!!!!! is all i can think of when i hear males hurting their...um...area(sorry have a hard time getting the proper word out LOL) i hope he is okay now. poor little man!!!!! kassia

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Thanks Kassia. It was a nightmare truly. I was bawling even. It takes a LOT for me to cry! I'm beat... I get so tired when I have to go through emotional stress....Darcy

DDDDDAAAAMMMMMNNNN!!!!!!! is all i can think of when i hear males hurting their...um...area(sorry have a hard time getting the proper word out LOL) i hope he is okay now. poor little man!!!!! kassia

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Thank you tons Tess. It's just way too hard being a mom and loving your children so much sometimes!!!! LOL...Darcy

Ohhh, poor little guy! And poor you, too, to have to deal with him being in so much pain. Maybe this will be the last trial you both have to go through this year. I'm glad he seems to be ok now, though. I can only imagine what you've been through tosay. Just reading about it made me wince and tear up!

((Hugs)) to you both,Tess

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Oh, poor baby!!!! Poor little guy!!!!!!

Wow, do I have a horrible experience to share with you guys. I was downstairs working out this morning when I hear my 3YO scream in pain.. As I get upstairs I greet him in the hallway screaming pointing at his penis. Well, guess what. He zipped his little penis up in his pajamas! You know how he's been sick.. that's how I ended up ridding his underwear (he had a skid mark..sorry if TMI). Anyway, he zipped himself up, and I couldn't get him unstuck! :( It was horrible. I called ER, and they said I would just have to do it. So I go there knowing I only had one chance and gave it my all for the zipper to go back down. It didn't budge. But, it did bring my son into hysterics and who was now crying harder than before, and who wouldn't let me touch him again.. I ended up calling the clinic that my midwife works at to see if she had any expertise and to see if there were any numbing gel I could get on him. The clinic told me to bring him right in, and they would get everything ready... Well, I had to have two people. I needed a driver because I was going to have to hold him in the car, and I needed someone to watch my other boys. Luckily, after racking my brain and playing phone tag, I got my MIL and stepdaughter there. Oh, and the clinic called me back and said that he needed to go to ER just in case he would bleed when they would get him " unstuck " . Wow. My mom met me in the ER room (she was in town shopping). Bryar freaked when he seen the table, but I think he knew there was no other solution. Luckily, and THANK GOD, the Doctor had it out in less than a minute. Oh my. What a terrible experience. This little man has went through sooooo much this year. I just said when we went to bed last night that it's been a terrible year for him, and then this. UGH... (oh, and the doctor said he had to take the zipper back up and then back down - so my forceful jerk of down..surely didn't help...UGH)

I have to watch it for infection, otherwise he's fine. He was walking like a duck at first, but now acting perfectly normal. Oh, and on the way home he was crying his belly hurt. We got him home just in the nick of time to get back on the toilet.... So lucky he wasn't vomiting and doing the other whIle he was " tied up " .

Anyway, moral of the story, NEVER EVER let your little boy have zipper-jammies on w/out underwear!!!!Darcy

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Darcy Ledman wrote:

> Anyway, moral of the story, NEVER EVER let your little boy have

> zipper-jammies on w/out underwear!!!!

OMG darcy, your poor little man :( how awful.

my 7 year old tried to put on jeans without underwear last

weekend... im glad that i caught him and made him put some on.


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Oh my goodness Darcy!!!!! This is so horrible!!! I was sitting here with my hand over my mouth and my mouth wide open as I read that. I can only imagine how scary that must have been for both of you! Poor little guy, he's been through so much! And poor you, you've been going through it all with him!! Think of the story you'll have for him as he grows up though... oh my!

Many hugs,

What a day! OT...

Wow, do I have a horrible experience to share with you guys. I was downstairs working out this morning when I hear my 3YO scream in pain.. As I get upstairs I greet him in the hallway screaming pointing at his penis. Well, guess what. He zipped his little penis up in his pajamas! You know how he's been sick.. that's how I ended up ridding his underwear (he had a skid mark..sorry if TMI). Anyway, he zipped himself up, and I couldn't get him unstuck! :( It was horrible. I called ER, and they said I would just have to do it. So I go there knowing I only had one chance and gave it my all for the zipper to go back down. It didn't budge. But, it did bring my son into hysterics and who was now crying harder than before, and who wouldn't let me touch him again.. I ended up calling the clinic that my midwife works at to see if she had any expertise and to see if there were any numbing gel I could get on him. The clinic told me to bring him right in, and they would get everything ready... Well, I had to have two people. I needed a driver because I was going to have to hold him in the car, and I needed someone to watch my other boys. Luckily, after racking my brain and playing phone tag, I got my MIL and stepdaughter there. Oh, and the clinic called me back and said that he needed to go to ER just in case he would bleed when they would get him "unstuck". Wow. My mom met me in the ER room (she was in town shopping). Bryar freaked when he seen the table, but I think he knew there was no other solution. Luckily, and THANK GOD, the Doctor had it out in less than a minute. Oh my. What a terrible experience. This little man has went through sooooo much this year. I just said when we went to bed last night that it's been a terrible year for him, and then this. UGH... (oh, and the doctor said he h! ad to ta ke the zipper back up and then back down - so my forceful jerk of down..surely didn't help...UGH)I have to watch it for infection, otherwise he's fine. He was walking like a duck at first, but now acting perfectly normal. Oh, and on the way home he was crying his belly hurt. We got him home just in the nick of time to get back on the toilet.... So lucky he wasn't vomiting and doing the other whIle he was "tied up".Anyway, moral of the story, NEVER EVER let your little boy have zipper-jammies on w/out underwear!!!!Darcy

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Thank you tons .... Yes, it was surely a scare. So glad it's over with and in the past. Thank God!Darcy

Oh my goodness Darcy!!!!! This is so horrible!!! I was sitting here with my hand over my mouth and my mouth wide open as I read that. I can only imagine how scary that must have been for both of you! Poor little guy, he's been through so much! And poor you, you've been going through it all with him!! Think of the story you'll have for him as he grows up though... oh my!

Many hugs,

What a day! OT...

Wow, do I have a horrible experience to share with you guys. I was downstairs working out this morning when I hear my 3YO scream in pain.. As I get upstairs I greet him in the hallway screaming pointing at his penis. Well, guess what. He zipped his little penis up in his pajamas! You know how he's been sick.. that's how I ended up ridding his underwear (he had a skid mark..sorry if TMI). Anyway, he zipped himself up, and I couldn't get him unstuck! :( It was horrible. I called ER, and they said I would just have to do it. So I go there knowing I only had one chance and gave it my all for the zipper to go back down. It didn't budge. But, it did bring my son into hysterics and who was now crying harder than before, and who wouldn't let me touch him again.. I ended up calling the clinic that my midwife works at to see if she had any expertise and to see if there were any numbing gel I could get on him. The clinic told me to bring him right in, and they would get everything ready... Well, I had to have two people. I needed a driver because I was going to have to hold him in the car, and I needed someone to watch my other boys. Luckily, after racking my brain and playing phone tag, I got my MIL and stepdaughter there. Oh, and the clinic called me back and said that he needed to go to ER just in case he would bleed when they would get him " unstuck " . Wow. My mom met me in the ER room (she was in town shopping). Bryar freaked when he seen the table, but I think he knew there was no other solution. Luckily, and THANK GOD, the Doctor had it out in less than a minute. Oh my. What a terrible experience. This little man has went through sooooo much this year. I just said when we went to bed last night that it's been a terrible year for him, and then this. UGH... (oh, and the doctor said he h! ad to ta ke the zipper back up and then back down - so my forceful jerk of down..surely didn't help...UGH)I have to watch it for infection, otherwise he's fine. He was walking like a duck at first, but now acting perfectly normal. Oh, and on the way home he was crying his belly hurt. We got him home just in the nick of time to get back on the toilet.... So lucky he wasn't vomiting and doing the other whIle he was " tied up " .Anyway, moral of the story, NEVER EVER let your little boy have zipper-jammies on w/out underwear!!!!Darcy

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Thank you Sara.... It was the hugest relief when the doctor " freed him " . I think it was compable to giving birth..LOL.. the light at the end of the tunnel finally!! :)Thank God!!Darcy

OMG, Darcy!!

What a terrible ordeal! So glad he's feeling better and may have

already forgotten about the worst of it (I hope, anyway)! I'm hopeing

for a much less eventful rest of December for you.

And way to get your workouts in during/after your chaotic day, too!

Take care!



> Wow, do I have a horrible experience to share with you guys. I was

> downstairs working out this morning when I hear my 3YO scream in


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Darcy I haven't had internet access and am late in replying to this,

but MAN OH MY that is quite the story! OW OW OW OW OW! I won't

complain about my sore feet AGAIN! Poor, poor little guy! :( I hope

his winky is feeling better now!


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Thank you ! Yes, he's feeling better.. He's still got marks on it, but that is to be expected!Darcy

Darcy I haven't had internet access and am late in replying to this,

but MAN OH MY that is quite the story! OW OW OW OW OW! I won't

complain about my sore feet AGAIN! Poor, poor little guy! :( I hope

his winky is feeling better now!


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