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Re: Re: ChaLEAN Extreme

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Vennitta wrote:

> The link worked for me....I'm ordering the deluxe kit next week

> (resistance is futile ), odd, no monthly payment option is available or

> I'd order it right now

congrats on your future purchase vennitta!

and congrats to jen too, on your purchase.

ive considered it... it looks good, but i have a few concerns:

- i wont have heavy enough dumbells and will need to get a pair

of 20's, 25's and 30's (i think)

- instead, i could get the deluxe kit with the bands and use them

whenever i need more than 15's (which i have)

- the deluxe kit is $200 which is alot and im kind of broke right

now. three sets of heavy dumbells would cost more though.

- a woman who was in the chalean test group posts to the ya-ya

forum and she recommends that one use dumbells for these

workouts, and not bands. she said that there is a woman using a

band in every workout, but that they had to stop and wait for her

and chalene to figure out the best positioning for the band,

sometimes coming up with awkward-looking positions. she said

that one would probably have to pause the dvd frequently in order

to get the band in place without missing anything. hence there

is a band tutorial included in the chalean kit... the positioning

might be tricky for a while, dumbells would be easier and more

convenient to use. the poster said that she thought it nice of

chalene to include bands for people who want to take the system

travelling, but that she wouldnt recommend using bands all of the


(i can give you the link to this particular thread, if you like,

just holler)

- i have soooo many workouts (virgin and otherwise) that i will

feel guilty if i spend $200 on more videos and stuff. there is

nothing wrong with any of the workouts in my large collection,

they are all great, and at this time i think that it wont really

matter what i do, as long as i do something every day and eat

properly, then i will get satisfactory results.

- so the problem is not with the workouts i have... the problem

is in my head, with my motivation. so, instead, i decided to

put some money into that area and bought a couple of books on

motivation, a free-form journal and a date book to use for my

workouts and food log. between now and jan 1st, i want to read

these books, start my journal, organize my workout collection and

draw up some rotations for january. im thinking that one or two

week rotations are about the most i can handle right now... how

the heck can i expect to do 4 months of chalean at this point!?!?

i would like to get chalean extreme some time in the future, but

not until i get my head straightened out. i think that it could

make a nice summer rotation (may-aug) since it is not every day

(5 days a week, apparently).


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Sounds like very good reasoning and a really good plan for getting yourself where you want to be Carolyn. I'd really like this set too, obviously I'm not in a position to get it right now but like you, I'd also have to invest in heavier dumbbells than I have now and those really add up too. I actually think I'd like to have this over P90 Masters too (which I'm not getting until who knows when either, which is fine, I'm not really excited about doing it right now, I've got lots of other stuff to keep me busy without getting more right now).

I like your plans to get your head where it needs to be. Mine is really not in a good place these days. I'm up and down emotionally and I'm working so much that I'm hardly keeping up with things around the house and other things I really want to done (like organizing my basement so that I can move some stuff out of my workout room) and that of course, gets me more upset. It is a vicious cycle.

On the positive side though, I have gotten a handle again on the emotional eating I was doing for a couple of weeks (between DH's getting laid off & then the hospitalization I was depressed and eating). I gained 3 pounds during that time and, by journaling better and especially paying more attention to my hunger and trying to eat only when I was really hungry, I lost 2 pounds this week! I'm back where I want to be. 1 or 2 more off would be okay but isn't particularly necessary. My trick for eating only when I'm hungry (it worked this week and does other times when I make myself do it): I recognize that I just ate a filling meal a little while ago. Why am I looking in the cupboard for munchies? Usually it is because I'm anxious or bored or avoiding something I don't want to do. I figure that out and then set a timer for 15 minutes and tell myself that if I'm still munchy in 15 minutes I can have something, but I try to make it something nutritious instead of sweet. Most of the time I'm into something else and not munchy 15 minutes later and I'm wondering why the timer is going off!

Re: Re: ChaLEAN Extreme

Vennitta wrote:> The link worked for me....I'm ordering the deluxe kit next week > (resistance is futile ), odd, no monthly payment option is available or > I'd order it right now congrats on your future purchase vennitta!and congrats to jen too, on your purchase.ive considered it... it looks good, but i have a few concerns:- i wont have heavy enough dumbells and will need to get a pair of 20's, 25's and 30's (i think)- instead, i could get the deluxe kit with the bands and use them whenever i need more than 15's (which i have)- the deluxe kit is $200 which is alot and im kind of broke right now. three sets of heavy dumbells would cost more though.- a woman who was in the chalean test group posts to the ya-ya forum and she recommends that one use dumbells for these workouts, and not bands. she said that there is a woman using a band in every workout, but that they had to stop and wait for her and chalene to figure out the best positioning for the band, sometimes coming up with awkward-looking positions. she said that one would probably have to pause the dvd frequently in order to get the band in place without missing anything. hence there is a band tutorial included in the chalean kit... the positioning might be tricky for a while, dumbells would be easier and more convenient to use. the poster said that she thought it nice of chalene to include bands for people who want to take the system travelling, but that she wouldnt recommend using bands all of the time.(i can give you the link to this particular thread, if you like, just holler)- i have soooo many workouts (virgin and otherwise) that i will feel guilty if i spend $200 on more videos and stuff. there is nothing wrong with any of the workouts in my large collection, they are all great, and at this time i think that it wont really matter what i do, as long as i do something every day and eat properly, then i will get satisfactory results.- so the problem is not with the workouts i have... the problem is in my head, with my motivation. so, instead, i decided to put some money into that area and bought a couple of books on motivation, a free-form journal and a date book to use for my workouts and food log. between now and jan 1st, i want to read these books, start my journal, organize my workout collection and draw up some rotations for january. im thinking that one or two week rotations are about the most i can handle right now... how the heck can i expect to do 4 months of chalean at this point!?!?i would like to get chalean extreme some time in the future, but not until i get my head straightened out. i think that it could make a nice summer rotation (may-aug) since it is not every day (5 days a week, apparently).:*carolyn.

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.....I did send over the three payment option

but I really do understand watching your budget and needing to have your head in the right place. I've been on Nutrisystem since Aug (lost 20 lbs - yay) and it's the reason my head is more receptive to the program. If you haven't read the books you bought by Jan 1st I think a CD of some kind would be best. Your head will get there, it may take longer than you want but, we are here for till you get.



Hi Carolyn, I think that you should join Vennitta and me and buy ChaLEAN Extreme because Chalene has a CD in this program that will work on your head so why buy books that may or may not work?

Also, you could ask Santa (ie husband/family) to buy it for you or to buy the weights...OR you could buy Extreme yourself and by the time you need heavier weights, you will probably be able to afford them. Chalene's program doesn't start out with super heavy weights in the first month.

Twisting arm while enabling!

Aren't I talented??? Jen

> The link worked for me....I'm ordering the deluxe kit next week

> (resistance is futile ), odd, no monthly payment option is available or

> I'd order it right now

congrats on your future purchase vennitta!

and congrats to jen too, on your purchase.

ive considered it... it looks good, but i have a few concerns:

- i wont have heavy enough dumbells and will need to get a pair

of 20's, 25's and 30's (i think)

- instead, i could get the deluxe kit with the bands and use them

whenever i need more than 15's (which i have)

- the deluxe kit is $200 which is alot and im kind of broke right

now. three sets of heavy dumbells would cost more though.

- a woman who was in the chalean test group posts to the ya-ya

forum and she recommends that one use dumbells for these

workouts, and not bands. she said that there is a woman using a

band in every workout, but that they had to stop and wait for her

and chalene to figure out the best positioning for the band,

sometimes coming up with awkward-looking positions. she said

that one would probably have to pause the dvd frequently in order

to get the band in place without missing anything. hence there

is a band tutorial included in the chalean kit... the positioning

might be tricky for a while, dumbells would be easier and more

convenient to use. the poster said that she thought it nice of

chalene to include bands for people who want to take the system

travelling, but that she wouldnt recommend using bands all of the


(i can give you the link to this particular thread, if you like,

just holler)

- i have soooo many workouts (virgin and otherwise) that i will

feel guilty if i spend $200 on more videos and stuff. there is

nothing wrong with any of the workouts in my large collection,

they are all great, and at this time i think that it wont really

matter what i do, as long as i do something every day and eat

properly, then i will get satisfactory results.

- so the problem is not with the workouts i have... the problem

is in my head, with my motivation. so, instead, i decided to

put some money into that area and bought a couple of books on

motivation, a free-form journal and a date book to use for my

workouts and food log. between now and jan 1st, i want to read

these books, start my journal, organize my workout collection and

draw up some rotations for january. im thinking that one or two

week rotations are about the most i can handle right now... how

the heck can i expect to do 4 months of chalean at this point!?!?

i would like to get chalean extreme some time in the future, but

not until i get my head straightened out. i think that it could

make a nice summer rotation (may-aug) since it is not every day

(5 days a week, apparently).


-- Get Fit! Weight loss will follow

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