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Body Pump #42 & Circuit Walk

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Thursday's workout was Body Pump #42. Good stuff! The squat and

lunge tracks were pretty challenging, but the good music helped me

make it through, lol. I liked the energy of the three instructors,

too. The upper body stuff felt pretty good, but I did have trouble

choosing my weights initially. When I would first start the

exercise, the weight would feel too light, but I would want to drop

it by the end. I can barely move my arms today, so I must have

picked the right numbers, lol! I have major DOMS from elbow to elbow

and all through my chest. I can feel my quads as well, but not too

bad. The leg tracks were good, but not Amy or Cathe tough – and the

segments didn't feel overly long. I also liked the stretch between

each track, and there was usually breather in the middle of the set

as well. I have another Body Pump workout to try, but I'm not sure

when I'll fit that one in. I looked up the music for the other one

though, and it looks like I may like that one even more, so I may

still try to squeeze it in sometime in December.

For cardio today, I tried out another Foreman/Petra Kolber

walk – Circuit Walk. I was worried when I started this one that

there would be upper body stuff, lol. I didn't wear my weighted

gloves today, and there wasn't any upper body work at all, so it was

a good fit. The circuits vary between different walking moves and

periods of squats and lunges. Lots of variety, and a good tempo that

kept my HR up during the squats and lunges. The music was really

fun – a good beat, very full, nice volume. I really enjoy these

workouts, as they are nice walking workouts, yet feel very different

from even though the moves are quite similar. This one didn't

have any boxing like my other one, but my arms were glad about that

today. ;) This one was just as fun as the other walking

workout I have. It's short, at 30 minutes, but that was okay today.

I couldn't decide what to add after this workout, and then remembered

that I had some shows on my DVR that I wanted to watch. So I hopped

on the elliptical for 30 minutes, using the reverse program. That

felt pretty good, and I definitely felt loosened up after I was done!

Have a great weekend, all!


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Hi Cheryl!

Sorry to hear you'll be moving away from any Body Pump classes -

bummer! When/where are you moving? Are you staying in MI?

I forgot to mention that I used dumbbells for this workout instead of

barbells. I knew I would have to experiment with weight, so

dumbbells are much faster and easier to switch out! :)

I did like Amy's All Pump workout and it had a similar feeling to

Body Pump, though the music wasn't as good. I imagine you can get it

somewhere for a good price with all of the sales going on. And there

is Jari Love, of course - which you already know. :)

Hopefully you'll find something you like, and we'll be hear ready to

hear about and cheer you on!


> >

> > Thursday's workout was Body Pump #42. Good stuff! The squat and

> > lunge tracks were pretty challenging, but the good music helped


> > make it through, lol. I liked the energy of the three


> > too.

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We'll be moving to OH, it will be less than 3 hours away, but much

more of a rural type setting than I'm used to (live in

northern 'burbs of Detroit). There won't be nearly as much traffic,

but we'll be in the vicinity of Cedar Point, so I'm not sure how much

seasonal traffic we'll get. The area is more of " resort " type place

on Lake Erie.

This fall has been really bad for me this year. Haven't done any

workouts since the september ripped rotation, I've had one sinus

infection after another and then the asthma problems that go along

with it. I'm hoping after the holidays things settle down a bit and

I'll be feeling better to start working out again. I really wanted

to order Chalean but my dh told me to wait until after the new year,

not sure if that means it is a present or that he knows I won't use

it until then. He also gets a yearly reimbursement for

health/exercise each year, and he put the money towards the bowflex

select dumbells this year, so if I wait until next year, we can get

reimbursed for the Chalean workout. He thinks I have enough workouts

though, so we'll see.

> > >

> > > Thursday's workout was Body Pump #42. Good stuff! The squat


> > > lunge tracks were pretty challenging, but the good music helped

> me

> > > make it through, lol. I liked the energy of the three

> instructors,

> > > too.


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Cheryl we used to have BP too and I almost cried when they got rid of

it at 24 Hour Fitness,the best strength class they've had there in my

opinion. OMG yes, the biceps and lunges in BP were impossible to finish!

Jari Love is the closest workout to BP I've found, but it's missing

the fabulous music.



> I love bodypump, used to do it 3x week but they eliminated the class


> I am such a wimp when it comes to the bicep track, I think I was

> using only about 10lbs, and I would still have to take breaks because

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and the outstanding motivating personality LOL. cathe's power hour is close as well. i do like jari's workouts though. ldy_solana's fitness blogldy_solana's domainScouting for All Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don¢t want to impress people they don¢t like.-Will

Jari Love is the closest workout to BP I've found, but it's missing

the fabulous music.


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