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Steady State Step

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I did this workout yesterday. I started off on the bosu, for something different, but then Kaysar woke up about half-way through and wanted to play on it, so I swtiched to the step. I think I got a better workout on the step anyway. It's " do-able " on the bosu, but probbly not the first time. Anyway, I agree the camera angles bite. The cameraman is trying to get fancy and make it cool, and all it does is frustrate ya! Grrr... In thi one, I didn't notice Tracey trying to be sexy? So that didn't bother me.... I didn't think I was working very hard at all during the workout. I had a hard time getting my heart rate up there and stayign up there. I'm sure a lot of it was due to being a bit lost... Anyway, I was surprised to see I burned 609 calories with my averge being 131. I was expecting much less.

I didn't get my workout in until later due to a very bad morning yesterday..GRR.. I was so happy when I was able to complete it. I also got quite a bit done yesterday around the house, so it ended up being a " fine " day. Today, Bryar goes back to the dentist, if he doesn't open his mouth today they will want to refer him to a specialist....GRRR... It is also Sawyer's first x-mas program which I can't wait to go to. Sawyer's been known to outsing everyone at the Sunday School programs, so it might be " interesting " :)

Happy Wednesdays everyone!Darcy

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