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It's also a game on MSN. Give yourself lots of time to learn, especially if


I started two days ago. It's addictive and I tire easily from it. Gotta

set the timer.

Re:Day 3 of Lovenox:



> > Ken/Anybody,

> >

> > What IS " Alchemy " ??? This is the second time I've seen it mentioned,

> and

> > the first time I didn't understand it either!

> >

> > -Theresa

> >

> > >Feb 3rd Laurie score went up to a Master Alchemist playing Alchemy

> > >(http://zone.msn.com/alchemy/ ), so her cognitive functions has

> > >improved further





> This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.


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  • 6 years later...
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AlchemyThe Nature Of CreationEnergyAll things are composed of energy : There is electromagnetic energy, thermal chemical energy, potential gravitational energy, solar photonic energy, sub-atomic nuclear energy, psychic mental energy.... We live in an ocean of energy that permeates every one and every thing (whether we are aware of it or not). we breath energy, smell energy, taste energy, see energy, touch energy, think energy.... It's all energy and it all has a slightly different signature or vibration as we filter it through our senses of perception.MatterPerceived by the human senses, matter is a thing or substance that has shape and form, yet upon electroscopic investigation, it is made up of individual molecules with even smaller sub- atomic particles. Relatively, there is about as much space between the planets and stars as there are between the atoms that make up matter... this is how vacuous and insubstantial the physical universe is.VibrationAt the sub-atomic level, all matter is composed of protons, neutrons and electrons. It is in the nature of the electron to spin - no matter how imperceptible, there is always some movement... always some vibration. However, there are degrees of vibrational activity.... Water in its "etheric" state as steam, is vibrating very quickly. When it condenses into water droplets, the electrons vibrate slower... and as the water is cooled into ice, the electrons are slowed down even more.. taking on the appearance of a very solid substance (but the electrons are still spinning). When energy is applied, the molecule holds the charge like a battery, and the electrons start to activate. When energy is released from matter, the molecule loses its potentiality and power, and the electrons slow down.The "Incarnation" process : when the human spirit transforms from the etheric (steam) body to the physical (ice) body. As the being loses energy, the vibrations are slowed down.. the body becomes more solid and it transitions into a more astral (liquid) body... losing more energy, it slows down even more and becomes "icicle-ized".. appearing to us as the physical body.

The "Ascension" process : as energy is applied to the ice (or any other matter) there is an acceleration in the spinning of electrons around the nucleus (as in a microwave oven, these molecules vibrate, rotate and heat. This heat could also be similar to the heat felt within the kundalini). With enough energy applied, the ice turns into water... then steam. When higher energies are applied to the human being, and as our electrons are activated or "quickened"... the dense physical body (ice) begins to vibrate at a faster and faster rate until the body "transforms", "transitions" or "transmutes" into another state of matter... more astral (liquid)... to more etheric (steam). As ones vibrations are accelerated, light is radiated.LightTaken to another extreme, when the etheric body (or steam) is given even more energy, the vibrations are accelerated to the point where there is a transition into an even higher form... "light". Energy released from this process gives off waves of photons (a characteristic of electrons)... perceived as "the aura". In reverse... as the vibrations of the "Light Body" are slowed down or de-accelerated (as in the incarnation process), the body then transitions into the "etheric" body (steam)... and so on down to the "astral" body (water) and then to the "physical" body (ice). Throughout this whole process - where the bodies transition into various states of matter (either in the "incarnation" or "ascension" process), the immutable "Essence", "Soul" or "Spirit" remains the same... unchanged and free. However, as the personal ego experiences itself in these new forms, the Spirit may begin to "Identify" itself as being these limited states of matter... what the "I" subjectively and "Consciously" perceives of as "That" (see Soul and Ego for more info) .ConsciousnessQuantum physics says that what we think of as solid matter, is predominantly composed of empty space. But is the universe really so vacuous, or is something else residing there ? Another component aspect of creation (besides that of energy... matter... vibration... and light) has to do with "consciousness", "awareness" or "is-ness"... "being" that which inter-penetrates all the sub-atomic spaces and substances... permeating the whole universe (perhaps this is what is considered "The Omnipresent Spirit" or God). If we can go beyond our egos attachments, identifications and self limited consciousness that is enmeshed within the lower material drama and phenomena, we may be able to access the unlimited consciousness existing at this omnipresent level, perhaps even to mastering and controlling all that this consciousness touches upon... namely this physical (and other) universe and dimension, including the laws (of physics) that govern our material existence. This is the premise for the Ascension work.... By functioning at the level of consciousness, one will (eventually) be able to transform the physical... believing that they are all connected and affected by each other. It is hypothesized that "Consciousness" rules (directs or controls) the energy, and the energy affects the physical. If this is so, than a conscious intention may direct the higher energies to act upon the gross and dense vibrations of the physical body, transmuting it from "ice" to "water" to "steam" to "light" (and/or vice versa). This remains to be fully realized by this author (yet). However, it has also been speculated that this is the original process by which we got here in the first place... through a conscious intention and directive to transform our bodies from one dimension to another (perhaps on some level we still do this). As an elaboration of all these themes, there are many levels of vibrations existing in the universe... from ice to water to steam to light (and numerous states in between)... each one exhibiting a separate universe or dimensional reality. Not only can there be a physical body, but there is also a physical universe that holds this body. So to is there an astral body and astral universe, an etheric body and etheric universe, and a light body and light universe. Since there are many many transitional states in between those listed, the number of multi-dimensional bodies and universes (or various states of matter - vibration) may be quite numerous (tends to complicate things a bit).

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