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prayer request

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My prayers are with you and your children. Remember that love can

travel great distances. Part of keeping your children safe is keeping

yourself safe. Complete your counseling. In the end, you and your

family will benefit from what you learn and change. Transcend with

love and light,



> Hi, I'm new to the group and wanted to ask for prayers for my

> children. The story is long. But the condensed version is that I

> lost custody in 2004 of my children because I was in an abusive

> marraige (2nd husband). Currently they live in Idaho with their


> and step-mom. He moved from California to Idaho without my consent

> Aug 2005. I am trying to at least get the monitored visits taken

> away. Ideally I would love to have them back in my custody. Their

> dad is a controller and manipulator and is doing everything


> to keep me away from them (which is one reason he moved out of

> state). I have taken steps to get out of the 2nd marraige, have a

> restraining order, changed work locations, etc. I'm in counseling


> gone to domestic violence group (I still go when time permits). I

> know my kids love me and miss me. I also know they are mad because


> didn't keep them safe. I pray for them every day. I would like to

> ask everyone if they would include my children in their prayers.

> Before I met my 2nd husband I would meditate and surround them in

> white light. I compromised that part of me and am trying to get it

> back. Thanks for listening.

> Blessings! ~A~


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Thank you Deb! I am learning that when I am safe it automatically makes my children safe. When I talked to them last week I was able to tell them I live alone now and they both seemed surprised (like they didn't realize I left). My daughter even said "you must be lonely" I told her no cuz I hav pictures of her and her brother all over my place. Right now my counselor is working with both my childrens counselors. So, it's in the hands of the therapists. Blessings!

Domestic Violence is a Crime! Be silent NO more! Be safe & Blessed! ~A~

----- Original Message ----From: transcendwithlovenlight <skincarecolor@...> Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2007 10:07:16 PMSubject: [] Re: Prayer Request

My prayers are with you and your children. Remember that love can travel great distances. Part of keeping your children safe is keeping yourself safe. Complete your counseling. In the end, you and your family will benefit from what you learn and change. Transcend with love and light, Deb>> Hi, I'm new to the group and wanted to ask for prayers for my > children. The story is long. But the condensed version is that I > lost custody in 2004 of my children because I was in an abusive > marraige (2nd husband). Currently they live in Idaho with their dad > and step-mom. He moved from California to Idaho without my consent > Aug 2005. I am trying to at least get the monitored visits taken > away. Ideally I

would love to have them back in my custody. Their > dad is a controller and manipulator and is doing everything possible > to keep me away from them (which is one reason he moved out of > state). I have taken steps to get out of the 2nd marraige, have a > restraining order, changed work locations, etc. I'm in counseling and > gone to domestic violence group (I still go when time permits). I > know my kids love me and miss me. I also know they are mad because I > didn't keep them safe. I pray for them every day. I would like to > ask everyone if they would include my children in their prayers. > Before I met my 2nd husband I would meditate and surround them in > white light. I compromised that part of me and am trying to get it > back. Thanks for listening.> Blessings! ~A~>

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  • 3 weeks later...
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could i please ask for prayers for mandy & her mum

mandy has been advised by the hospital that her mums

transition is just a matter of time now the family are with her

many blessings


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Helloo dear,

do you know the name of Mandy's mom?

I am making a huge post as of right now and I would like to include her on the candle vigil.


>> could i please ask for prayers for mandy & her mum> mandy has been advised by the hospital that her mums> transition is just a matter of time now the family are with her> many blessings> kate>

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hi liane

thankyou for your quick response

im so sorry i dont know her name and cant

find out now as nearly midnight here

many blessings


and thanks again for your help







> Helloo dear,


> do you know the name of Mandy's mom?


> I am making a huge post as of right now and I would like to


> her on the candle vigil.


> Liane



> --- In , " kbrilly " <hotyoga65@>


> >

> > could i please ask for prayers for mandy & her mum

> > mandy has been advised by the hospital that her mums

> > transition is just a matter of time now the family are with her

> > many blessings

> > kate

> >


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  • 2 weeks later...
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> Hello everyone,


> I have a couple of prayer requests to post here. I would like to ask for

> some prayers to be send to my friend Lois,


> she is a person that needs lot's of support right now, he husband is

> dying of Cancer and she can't get to him. We are trying to get him

> tranfered to The Hospice program, but meanwhile, any contact with him is

> impossible. If you like to send her some comforting words, please feel

> free to do so,She is an elderly lady and pretty much alone.


> Here is her info:


> Lois <imraney@... <mailto:imraney@...> > Husband:

> Her husband : Gerler J-27017 Pleasant Valley State Prison


> and his Wife need prayer too Jeff and My second request in

> the behalf of our friend Laurie, she is in intense pain and have a

> relapse on her pancreatitis.

> I appreciate all your care and love in anticipation,


> Love and respect to all,


> Liane


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Stefanie, thank you. Thank you so much for sharing your comforting and wise words. My mother-in-law IS an amazing person. She is full of love and kindness for everyone she knows. When the time comes for her family to lay her body to rest, I have no doubt there will be so many people attending her funeral. Hundreds of flowers surrounding her. Yes she is loved and she loved so many. Blessings and Love to you, VickiStefanie <diddiejar@...> wrote: Hello Vicki,My heart hurts

for you and your family. I have to say that I agree withwhat Liane wrote to you already. I think your ex mother in law mightalready be out of body. I believe that every person leaves their bodiesat least twice a week while we're sleeping to visit home (the otherside) to recover from the daily stresses of living. It's even more soif the person's body is shutting down on them, like coma patients. Orpeople like your mother in law. They can choose to leave before theirbody is completely gone. To the living it's confusing, and sorrowful towatch the suffering of someone they love so much. But she came to youand showed you her beautiful smile to let you know that she really isn'tsuffering anymore. She's okay, and she loves you.First it is confusing, then it will be bitter-sweet, finally you willjust be happy that she chose to give you a message and put your mind torest about her. She doesn't want any of you to be so hurt

over herdeath. Death is a beautiful transition, she lived to her best (soundslike she was an incredible person that left quite a mark), and now she'sgoing home. She can now be there for you and your family like she wasnever able to before.Still the grief of you losing her is going to happen. So try this,every time you find yourself thinking of her. Whether your upset andcrying, or just have a passing thought. Try to remind yourself to smile.Smile for her and the gift she was to you. When her body fails, smile.Know that she is still with you.Smile for her because she smiled for you.Much love and brilliant light to you Vicki,Stefanie>> Hi Everyone, My former mother-in-law has been very sick for some time> now. In and out of the hospital for one

reason or the other. Last> Thursday morning, she suffered a massive stroke while in the> hospital. By the time she suffered the stroke, she was already so> weak, the doctor's prognosis was a bleak one. The family elected to> take home. Although, I feel they made the right decision, the> decision has become one of tortureous consequences for the family.> My children are suffering so much because they are litally watching> their grandmother die. She is deteriating slowly. The family> doesn't believe she is aware of anything. Oh how I pray she isn't.>> I was very close to my first mother-in-law and continued to be even> after I divorced her son. She was an amazing woman. I don't> remember ever hearing her raise her voice to anyone. She was a very> soft spoken and kind person.>> Sunday, I was washing the dishes and all of sudden her face appeared> to me and she was

smiling at me. Then her image just faded away.> This was a very profound and comforting experience for me. I called> my son but he said she was still alive. I feel she is gone already.> I have never had an experience like this before.>> I'm sharing this with all of you because I need someone guidance (?)> or your thoughts on this situation. My son says he feels the same> way but my daughter seems angry. I know she is hurting badly.>> Can anyone give some insight on this? It is torture knowing her body> is just starving and dehydrating to death. This is horrible for> everyone. I don't know what else to say. Vicki>Prayer isn't a time to give orders but to report for duty!

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