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Tuesday - Prevention and Exhale

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Hi Everyone,

I started off this morning w/ a Prevention workout I borrowed from the library - I think the title is Walk Yourself Fit and it is w/ Freytag. The workout has 3 options for indoor "walking" - accelerated (which is intervalish), body sculpting (uses weights) and cardio (which is a longer routine). I did the accelerated workout today - after a warm-up and her backgrounders do a steady state combo for 3 minutes followed by a 1 minute "interval" of faster paced moves. This isn't indoor walking like leslie - this is a bit more in line w/ mixed impact aerobics - easy to follow - but not necessarily "walking" According to the entire workout - maybe 15 minutes or so - totalled one mile. It was nice for a warm-up.

After that I tried Exhale Core Fusion Pilates Sculpt. I'm 50/50 on this one. I liked the upper and lower body routines but both ab routines on this one disagreed w/ my back (and I'm paying for it now w/ a very sore and tight lower back - ugh - I hope I can loosen it up over the course of the day!) I really should have known better - most of the ab exercises were very Callantics-ish/Lotte Berk-ish so I really should not have even attempted them. But, I'm foolishly stubborn about this for some reason. The upper body section was all body weight - planks, push-ups, tricep dips, and a nice upper body stretch w/ a yoga strap. The lower body was a bit Lotte-ish, but no pelvic tuck so it was okay for me - some of the work was done on all 4's and that was Pilates-ish and agreeable to my back. I wasn't overly thrilled w/ the fact that each segment has the marching in place warm-up- that makes sense if you're only

doing one segment but if you do this a whole workout it is a bit of a drag. That said, since I plan on only doing the lower and upper body segments from this workout (if I decide to keep it - I may just trade it away since I can really only make use of the lower, upper and stretch sections) it may not be as much of an issue. The final stretch at the end was good. So, this one is in my "may get rid of" pile b/c I really should not do the ab sections - ugh! I'm mad at myself for being foolish now. I'm not sure what is up for tomorrow, I think it depends on how loosened up and relatively "normal" feeling I can get my back by tomorrow morning.

I may try to get some Classical Stretch in tonight - I didn't have the motivation last night. I think the heating pad is coming out, too.

Take care,


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