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Monday - Star Trainers/p90X

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Hi Everyone,

I'm really in a mental slump lately - not good! DD is

driving me crazy, I think " terrible two's " should be

replaced with " fearsome fours " ! She really never went

through a terrible two phase, but I guess I'm getting

payback for it now - there is alot of defiance,

manipulation, and just general unpleasantness going

on. It is very frustrating, b/c I hate to yell

at/discipline her, but I know that I have to - it just

takes a lot out of me. I'm used to the sweet loving

times, not the times when I have to take her dinosaurs

away for 3 days b/c she was horrible to me all weekend

(why must she argue with me about hand washing, teeth

brushing, etc., etc.?). I wonder what is going on? I

sure hope it is a passing phase. I'm also generally

annoyed about minor stuff going on in the house - our

washer broken and they can't figure out what is wrong

with it and it is only 6 months old and cost alot of

money, etc. I don't know - I know in the grand scheme

of things it isn't a big deal, but between that and DD

acting up I'm just looking forward to going to work


Anyway, I did get my workout in this morning. I am

getting through P90X one day at a time. I don't think

it is the " X " so much a where my head is lately - post

holiday/winter blues. But, I woke up this morning and

realized I only have 18 more workouts to get through

(only 17, now!) and that is really doable.

So, for this mornings cardio I did Star Trainers

Kickboxing routine with Violet Zaki. I did this one

using the 'on demand' feature of my cable system -

this workout is on the Star Trainers Cardio DVD that

can be purchased now. Anyway, this one was a really

good martial-arts inspired functional fitness lower

body routine. There are some upper body combos, but

most of this workout focuses on lower body moves and

functional strength. It did get my HR up and I worked

up a good sweat in 30 minutes.

I also did an ab routine from Star Trainers - I did

the one with Kendall Hogan. Quite good, although

nothing terribly unusual. He does use light

handweights and incorporates rotational moves and work

for the back as well.

I think if I could find these DVDs at a good price I'd

probably buy all three - cardio, strength and abs. It

would certainly make for a varied routine!

Unfortunately, these won't be available " On Demand "

after this month - I'm so disappointed to be late in

discovering them! BUT, they did indicate new ones

would be coming in 2008 - so I have that to look

forward to. Since I'm feeling so down, I'm tempted to

check borders for these if the 3 for 2 sale is still

going on. But, I must remember that retail therapy is

not the answer! GRR! I think later this week I'm

going to try another one - maybe the Rob Glick one as

that one expires " On Demand " on 1/09.

After that I did P90X Chest, Shoulders & Triceps. It

doesn't ever get any easier. I pretty much stayed the

same with most of my weights - except for a few

exercises where I went up. I still find all the

push-ups and variations to be difficult and haven't

really made any improvement in the number of reps I'm

completing. But, I do feel like I got a good workout.

When I eventually buy my own copy of P90X and do a

rotation with them, I may actually cut out the extra

cardio - I added it in this time b/c I just felt there

wasn't enough for me given that I'm pretty sedentary

(desk job and all) other than my workout time and it

didn't seem like enough to just do cardio twice per

week. But, I think it may be hindering my strength

progress. of course, maybe next time I can add the

extra cardio in at a different time and not wrap it

all into one big session. I dunno. Maybe for the

last two weeks of the " X " I'll skip the extra cardio

and see how it feels.

Anyway, better run. Tomorrow is some sort of interval

cardio - leaning toward Plyo X.

Take care!




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I think if I could find these DVDs at a good price I'dprobably buy all three - cardio, strength and abs. Itwould certainly make for a varied routine!

I just got these from my DD and I'm going to try one out tomorrow.

~**~~**~Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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Donna M-P wrote:

> (why must she argue with me about hand washing, teeth

> brushing, etc., etc.?). I wonder what is going on?

she wants to have a power struggle to see where your boundaries are

.... stick to your guns mom!

>I'm also generally

> annoyed about minor stuff going on in the house

that is stressful ! im having the same type of probs... the other

day one of our kids exclaimed 'everything is breaking!!'... i felt

like crying! LOL

>But, I woke up this morning and

> realized I only have 18 more workouts to get through

> (only 17, now!) and that is really doable.

awesome! thats a good way to looking at it.

also, im glad to hear that you enjoyed the 'star trainers'.

i have no idea how much cardio you should/shouldnt do with p90x...

i try to do alot because i have weight to lose. but yes, perhaps

you personally might want to cut back on the cardio while you are

trying to build muscle. it is a hard call though and probably

experimenting is the only way you will be able to find out what is

right to do.


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