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gilad total body sculpt

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hiya!! sorry i havent posted much this past week. i didnt do

much of anything!! had only 3 workout days all week :( just

feeling tired and lazy. maybe i was fighting off a cold or having

some hormonal thang, or something... i dunno!

so, today i promised myself i would get back in action, so i did 50

mins on the elliptical and then did one of gilad's total body sculpt

workouts (from his new dvds... these are the same 30 min programs

that are on fit-tv, but without the commercials). gilad's quick

TBS workouts are not hard... beginners and intermediates can do

them. intermediates just need to use a bit heavier weights, go

down deeper into lunges and squats, etc. today's workout started

with a cardio warmup, then gilad worked the legs and buns with

unweighted iso contractions, then he did chest and abs with weights,

and pushups. a couple of yoga stretches finished things off.

in the workout i did today, there was a couple of commercial breaks

that werent handled very well... the first one broke away from an

exercise in the middle and gil started doing something else. the

second break was in the middle of a set of laying chest press, so i

was not looking at the tv... suddenly gil was standing and setting

up to do something else. thankfully he talked for a few moments

and i had time to get up and get ready to switch. it was a bit

irritating though. i know that gilad wasnt thinking of dvd

presentation of these workouts when he made them for tv, but

hopefully he will keep that in mind next time and make the

commercial breaks happen at appropriate times. it is not all

gilad's problem though... other tv exercise shows that have been

put on dvd have the same issue (ie: caribbean workout, sharon mann).

luckily i still luv gilad and his backgrounders, and i enjoy his

workouts. they are great to do after having already done a long

walk outdoors or an elliptical ride. if i hadnt already done

cardio, then i would have had to do 2 or 3 of these little workouts

(around 23 mins each) to get a good workout done. for me, they are

keepers... for others, maybe not so much. rent these or watch them

on tv so that you can decide before buying. i wish that he would

also put his hour-long TBS workouts on dvd... those are more


gilad is coming out with another dvd set... 2 discs with short 10

min (or so) workouts on them... it is on pre-order now at amazon

(available feb 19th). of course i preordered it, thinking those

workouts will be good add-ons to my daily cardio. btw, i did the

elliptical today instead of walking the dog because it is -25

celcius (-13 fahrenheit) with the windchill. i just cant hack that

:( chinook is not pleased, and it looks like this cold weather

will be here all week. oh well, i will let him run around in the

yard instead, i guess... that will have to do!


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