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zilch last email about biking for DH !

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Well zilch the last email about the bike! When I was mia I skimmed posts and knew he had some medical issues, can he ride a bike with reduced kidney function? I'm guessing he can but yeah maybe would be better?Isn't it nice having a job like WW where you *can* pick up more shifts? The gym is the same way, people put classes up on the swap board and if you're qualified to teach them you can pick them up. It's a neat system, and a nice way to get a workout in and get extra $ to boot.It's scary not having work and it's one of my biggest fears right now. Our company has had some layoffs/re-orgs too. I think I'm okay, but you never know. I just became a homeowner and a f/t job is now more important to me than ever..Thinking good thoughts for DH,nancydewolf wrote: Very well overall! He just got blood test results showing the critical value we're watching has improved again. He's moved out of the danger zone where they're planning for dialysis or transplant and is just in a monitoring zone. The doc did not expect this to happen so we're incredibly thankful for it. We're hoping he'll keep on improving but if he doesn't, this is a much safer place to be (reduced kidney function but not life-threatening in any way). Still haven't heard any good news about his work except that they're staying where they are (onsite at the company they're doing a contract for) until mid-November, then the company they work for wants them to use up all their vacation time (DH has 3 weeks saved up) and might find them desk space, and hopefully work, in the home office but that isn't for sure at all. After his vacation time runs out, it is anyone's guess... in the meantime, I'm picking up more WW meetings to bring in some extra money. He's at a seminar today for work and hopes to make some new contacts. Overall though, he's doing well and we're just thankful for that. The rest will work out eventually... Thanks so much for asking Darcy! Re: DH rambling.... Awww.. how is your dh doing lately ??Darcy On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 7:43 AM, nancydewolf <nancydewolfsbcglobal (DOT) net> wrote: Too cool Darcy!!!! I hope he enjoys it too!!! My DH was getting into fitness when he got sick and has been, at times, a bit jealous that I'm able to do all I can and he can't. I've felt bad for him about it too. He'd talked about possibly working out with me before but he likes the cardio machines and we don't have any. We can't afford to buy one or join a gym right now though so maybe he'll do some with me if the doc gives him the okay (he likes her, he's watched some of my videos as I've previewed them so he knows Cathe and Tamilee

and others too). ----- Original Message ----- From: D

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