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Rebounder Week

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So, my rebounder week went pretty well! I hit all of my scheduled

workouts, and had fun using the rebounder for some new workouts in a

different style.

On Wednesday, I had quite an adventure and probably otherwise would

have skipped my workout. But I didn't! My afternoon plans were to

do some shopping (locally), and then go home and workout before I

made dinner. I had decided to take the truck to the store, as I was

refilling 5 gallon water bottles for the water cooler, getting

welding gas for DH, etc – so it was easier to haul everything in that

vs. my small car. I got all my shopping done, and started to head

home (~10 miles). I was sitting at a stop sign, and the truck shut

off. Uh, oh. I re-started it and tried to keep going. I made it

maybe a mile, having to re-start it 4-5 times! We have AAA towing

(this isn't the first time we've had to get towed!) so I made it to a

side road a called for a tow. Good thing I had my cell phone and it

was charged, heh. I seldom use it, so if I happened to take it out

of my purse for some reason, I probably wouldn't notice until I

needed it. ;) I figured it wouldn't be long, since I was so close to

town and was only being towed a short distance. Wrong! I had to wait

an hour and half! The sun had gone down by then, and I was getting

cold! Argh. Once I got home and unloaded everything, it was time to

make dinner. I was also starving, as I only had a small snack before

I went shopping, since I was planning to workout when I got back. I

ate a salad (that I was going to have with dinner) and made the rest

of the meal. When DH got home, I told him I was going to workout,

and to put the food into the oven on warm when he was done. I did my

workout, showered, and had my dinner afterwards. So, hooray for me!

DH already fixed the truck, too. There was a bad electrical

connection somewhere in the fuel system, and he repaired it last

night. At least it wasn't something expensive, lol.

So anyway, back to the workouts. On Wed, I did Resistance Bound from

Urban Rebounder Complication #4. That workout was pretty fun! It's

led by a gal named Tracey, not the urban rebounder guy, and she's

very peppy. I liked her. She cued well and is enthusiastic. I

wouldn't really call this a resistance workout, but a good one

anyway. She uses one pound bag weights, so I just used my weighted

gloves. The moves are easy to follow – mostly compound stuff with

lots of variety for the legs. Arm moves included bicep curls, tri

kickbacks, upright rows, chest fly, etc. This workout was shorter at

27 minutes, but I'm finding that about a half hour of straight cardio

is what I prefer on the rebounder right now, anyway. When the

workout is longer, like G Force, I like the circuits of some

rebounding, some weights.

I followed Resistance Bound with 3 segments from the 10 Minute

Solution – Sculpt, Tone, and Reshape. This is the one with Amy Bento

and the figure 8 band. I think Donna reviewed this one a while

back. I chose the lower body, upper body, and abs routines. I

really like Amy Bento, and I liked this workout, too. She used the

band in a lot of creative ways, not just incorporating it into

traditional moves. The workout kit comes with 2 figure 8 bands, and

I think I should have used the heavier one. But, it felt like a nice

little workout in 30 minutes, hitting every muscle – and in a new

way, too!

Thursday was another good session on the treadmill. I was kind of

worried, as I was disappointed with my tmill workout on Tuesday.

But, I did very well on Thurs, and even felt some improvement. There

are 3 jogging segments in the program I've been using. I can jog the

entire session each time yet, but I was definitely able to jog longer

than I usually do. And I think it's time to up my walking speed on

the hill segments, too. On the smaller hill it felt very easy, so

I'll have to up that a bit next time.

Today was a rebounder workout called Circuit Trainer Mini Trampoline

Workout. I bought this one at a rummage sale, without knowing what

it was. All I could learn on the internet is that it appears to be

the workout that came with a cheap rebounder from Walmart. It's from

2007, has the Athletic Works logo on it, and is led by Mia Finnegan.

This was actually a nice workout, so it's a shame that it doesn't

seem to be available for purchase anywhere. The rebounder that Mia

uses has resistance bands attached to the front of it. I tried to

duplicate this with my bands, with some success. The bands I have

were either too short or too long, so I used the long ones and just

held them below the handles for the right tension. I probably should

have just used light dumbbells. There are two workouts on this disc,

about 20-22 minutes each. I did both of them, and enjoyed it. The

set is weird, as the floor and background are pure white, so it's

almost like Mia is floating, lol.

The first workout is a cardio workout, and starts with a few

stretches, and then you ease into the usual cardio moves on the

rebounder. You don't use the resistance bands during this workout.

Mia is friendly, encouraging, and offers beginner modifications

throughout. It ends with some balance workout and a very brief abs

segment. The second workout is a circuit workout. You do a set of

resistance training, then do a very short (5-10 seconds) burst of

jogging on the rebounder between every set. That really made the

time fly! The moves with the bands are fun - a lot of functional

stuff like wood chops, torso twists, and squats with arms. There are

also back rows, biceps curls, shoulder raises, etc. These are all

donw while standing on the rebounder, adding a bit of instability.

The workout ends with balance work similar to the cardio workout, but

you use the bands as well. She also adds some kneeling glute work

with the bands (while on rebounder) and finished with an abs segment

that is a little longer than before. Oh, and a short stretch at the


So, I enjoyed my rebounder week and am feeling almost back on track.

And I'm VERY much looking forward to All Pump and Body Pump next



Sara ;)

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