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Friday - Intervals and Shoulders & Arms, rambling about my back, too.

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Hi Everyone,

Since I had to combine workouts due to taking an extra

rest day this week, today I did:

- Women's Health Train for Your Body Type - cardio, 5

min bonus kickbox routine, abs & core. The cardio on

this workout is very similar to P90X Plyo or P90

Masters Cardio Intervals in that you do a very basic,

but high intensity movement for about 30 seconds, move

on to another, and another, etc. This particular

workout has 4 " rounds " you repeat each round twice.

In each round are about 3 high impact/plyo type

exercises done for 30 seconds each followed by a 30

second " recovery " move (often not really an easy

move-lunges, side squats, just lower impact etc.). I

really like the simplicity and intensity of this

workout. I've said before that these types of

workouts don't stress my joints out the way a long

repetitive step or other routine will, but they do

give great intensity in a short amount of time - I

felt I got a great workout in the 22 minutes that this

session lasted. The kickbox is basic athletic moves.

The core section was pretty good - nothing really

exceptional, but it got the job done.

After Women's Health I did P90X Shoulders & Arms

" halfsie " - which means instead of doing the second

series of each exercise I just moved on to the next

" round " . This one is structured so that you do a

series for shoulders, biceps, triceps, then you repeat

that same series again before a 30 second stretch

break. I just skipped the second set of the series so

I could get it done in less time. I generally stuck

with the same weights I did last time I did this

workout, but I could do more reps - but in some cases

that might have been b/c I skipped the " second round "

of each series.

I then did some stretching on my own - I forgot about

the pool noodle thing I bought awhile ago - I don't

have a pool, I just thought it would be a good tool.

I laid on it - with the noodle under my spine in a

straight line - and did some stretches that way. I

know my hip is really imbalanced and I am just

desparate to get it back to " normal " This helped a

bit since the noodle allowed my hips to open more.

The best way to describe it is that everything is a

jumble in my hip/pelvis on my left side and it feels

that things are either knotted or " catching " on each

other. I so hesitate to get medical attention because

I'm just afraid of how time consuming it will be to go

for appointments all the time. But I'm tired of

feeling like an old lady!! It really impacts my mood,

patience level and my enjoyment of exercising.

Oh, I warmed up with T-Tapp Primary Back Stretch and

did it twice. It seems that in the continuing saga of

my back, T-Tapp helps with the stretching, but the

Petrone Miracle Balls seem to help better with the

knot of tendons inside my hip/pelvis. I think I have

a two-fold problem - the muscles on the left side of

my mid/lower back are extremely tight - probably b/c

I " m a leftie and I tend to carry things on my left

side, and do all my other motions on the left side.

The second part of the problem is whatever it is that

is going on in my hip/pelvis - that is where I think

the " knot " of tendons comes in to play. I wonder what

it means that laying on the ball - as I would with the

sacro wedge thing is painful - but sort of a good way

of being painful as I feel the tension in my hip

joint. Ugh!

Anyway, sorry to ramble on!

Take care,




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