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Re: A Letter To A Mother

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Hi ,

Thanks for posting this, it's certainly one thing that became very important to me some years ago as I realised that none of my family ever said "I love you". I decided to change that so I started teliing mum I love her when I'd say goodbye on the phone or in person as we hugged each other goodbye.

I was very nervous and awkward at first, as the words themselves were foreign in our vocabulary with each other, although I had much practice because I told my son regularly from the time he was born how much I love him and I realised that if she died tomorrow, I wanted her to know how much I truly loved her. So I felt the fear and awkwardness and did it anyway.

She always responded in kind and I felt so good that this feeling we always knew existed between us had the opportunity to be vocally reciprocated. I felt especially glad that I had introduced this ritual to our communication for the last couple of years, because when she died last year, I knew in my heart that she knew how much I loved her even though we didn't get the chance to say a final goodbye.

I then moved on to telling dad how much I love him. It was even more foreign in his vocabulary and the first couple of times he said nothing at all. I persisted, and after a couple more times and more than a little awkwardness on his part, we now finish our phone conversations with "I love you dad" and he says "yes, I love you too". I think I cried the first time I heard him say it and I'm glad I persisted.

I tell my brothers, my stepsister, my son and my friends regularly...........It feels great to share it because it's how I feel!

Love & Light,


----- Original Message ----From: <knightsintention@...> Sent: Thursday, August 9, 2007 10:21:09 PMSubject: [] A Letter To A Mother

It is advisable to tell people who are still in the physical how you feel about them. Often we see people beating themselves up when someone has passed on, regretting not having verbalized their thoughts and feelings, while the other person was "alive" on the physical earth plane.The Channel on GuideSpeak.com, following our guidance, wrote a heartfelt letter to his mother in November 2001. Five years later, his mother passed on, on the 20th December 2006, and this letter was found amongst her valued possessions, with an inscription in her hand-writing on the envelope, which said, "Do not throw away. Keep forever". Never be afraid to express your love for another. In the physical earth plane, tomorrow is promised to no one. My Darling Mother, I spend my days and nights reading books, listening to tapes, going to lectures, having discussions about one topic - to understand the

journey of the Soul, to have clarity of the relationship of the Soul and its relationship to perfection - the image of God. I now know that we are all Souls in human bodies. All of us Souls on earth and all of the Souls in Spirit are all part of one Soul - One Spirit - the perfection we call God. I see a glimpse of this perfection and aim my life at improving my imperfections. I attempt to improve, make some progress, stumble, pick myself up, attempt again and continue the process until I see some progress. Feeling encouraged, I continue attempting, stumbling, and progressing. The reward is in the journey because the destination of perfection will take thousands of lifetimes.In this lifetime, I have been blind for over 49 years. I have had to read, listen and discuss this concept but my eyes have been shut, my ears blocked, my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth. I have prayed, by

asking God, for a glimpse of perfection but I was blind and deaf to it.You, my darling mother, are this glimpse of perfection. You are humility with no need for ego. You are strength without a need for power. You are totally selfless in serving others. You listen without a need to speak. Your guidance is so subtle that hardly a ripple is noticeable. You are at peace with no need for anything. You are wealthy beyond measure because you never needed anything before you got it.You bore 50 years of marriage, as a saint, more than half of which was spent nursing Dad, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with total love and devotion. You had little, if any, pleasures of a physical nature. You were deprived of the time to make and nurture friends, to have a hobby or participate in a sport or go to a concert or play for your needs. However, you never complained, you never expressed frustration. You

just kept on, in love, showering your blessings on Dad and on us all.When you lost your other son, tragically, you bore the loss, burying your hurt so you could help Dad handle the loss he felt. I believe that your Soul knew that your son would not be seen again in the physical world but was with you in the spiritual world, so instinctively you could handle the loss easier than Dad could.There can be very few people in the world who have lived to nearly 80 and who do not have an enemy or even someone who has carried a small grievance of annoyance about them. I cannot think of the one person who could say anything negative about you. You have not harmed anyone either with your words or actions. You have lived the credo you always instilled in us, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."You and Dad always struggled financially, but you were never poor. You always

knew, instinctively, that the Universe will provide for your needs. You never demanded anything, you always placed Dad and your children's needs way above your own. You have chosen a path on this life on earth to be one of selfless love and devotion.You have done a wonderful job of it. You are a wonderful, wonderful human being and a marvelous, glorious spiritual being. Thank you for allowing me to choose you as my mother, to show me a glimpse of perfection, which perfection is God.I love you Mom, you are my heroine forever. Eternally yours.All my love, Your Son --- GuideSpeak --- Submitted by Lind --- South Africa http://www.guidespe ak.com

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Incredible Rhonda...good for you. I too have lived in such

households, growing up, relatives, and even the families of my first

relationships, who, if they, we, had ever experienced love, ever been

told about, how to, and I Love You " ....it was not withing this


I still have my own letter to write to my mother...I just haven't

written it yet. Well, yes I have...dozens of times, but they have

never been sent. Perhaps it's just me finding yet another excuse,

perhaps it's that she " disowned " me years ago and requested in her

own letter that I never speak to her again, that, I was not her son.

I have respected that request since then.

We never did see eye to eye on anything...talk about two hard heads.

There were many reasons along the way, and the final straw, when my

brother died at sea,she blamed me completely. He, if you've seen the

show " Deathliest Catch " , died going down on such a boat in '91. He

had went a few times, to make money to go to school to take music. He

had dreams of a huge family, and teaching music.

It seems, according to " mom " , that, with all of my " adventures " ,

there was not the money or attention there for him...I did this, the

way she has seen it, and that's a mind you don't change easily...I

should know, I have the same one.

I won't go into my " stories " to deeply just now....something keeps

trying to force them to the surface, and I keep ignoring them. Not

because many of them were painful, but because...it's too much

like, " thinking of 'ME'...and there's too many other's I'd rather be

concerned with. Maybe that's another excuse, things change everyday

into things I have never yet imagined...and I imagine a lot of


I will touch on the fact that I have 3, maybe 4, more? children. I

have only really experienced one, . I could not imagine anything

before she came along. I've watched her grow, and become, more than I

know how to describe. Every moment reveals a new piece of her. We

never fail to tell each other how much we love one another. Our hugs

and kisses are untradable, I'd rather do without my arms and legs,

any ability or power, any " thing " , than to not have these moments,

her. She has taught me how to love, better, without need, want or

expectation, without further reason, than to just do so.

I didn't get this chance with my other kids. I didn't get to spend

the time to get to know them, to watch them become...All I can do now

is send them massive amounts of love in meditation and thought.

And I must add, having the love of a woman, whom, I think, knows how

to do little else, than love - completely.

I send love constantly now, yes, even to each of you, to those I see

and have a s " friends " on M/S, to all the connections they have, and

so on. I've sent it, kelp sending it, never do not send it, into

every direction, in every way, ripple after ripple, wave after

wave...and, it does come back, over and over and over again.

So, while I still have my own letter to write, I send love to

the " now " , the " before " , to the whenever's and why's.

Yes, it can be uncomfortable, beyond what we think we are capable

of,yet, I think I've discovered that, it is not being uncomfortable

with expressing love. It's we've been too busy behind our " rusting

armour " to allow our true selves be revealed. Armour rust because of

the tears within trying to get out. And the tears themselves would be

what washed away anything else that would denie love.

Never, ever, fail to " be yourself " ...and express your true state of

being...many await that expression which triggers their own true

selves to respond.

With Love,

....and a tear.



> Hi ,

> Thanks for posting this, it's certainly one thing that became very

important to me some years ago as I realised that none of my family

ever said " I love you " . I decided to change that so I started teliing

mum I love her when I'd say goodbye on the phone or in person as we

hugged each other goodbye.


> I was very nervous and awkward at first, as the words themselves

were foreign in our vocabulary with each other, although I had much

practice because I told my son regularly from the time he was born

how much I love him and I realised that if she died tomorrow, I

wanted her to know how much I truly loved her. So I felt the fear and

awkwardness and did it anyway.


> She always responded in kind and I felt so good that this feeling

we always knew existed between us had the opportunity to be vocally

reciprocated. I felt especially glad that I had introduced this

ritual to our communication for the last couple of years, because

when she died last year, I knew in my heart that she knew how much I

loved her even though we didn't get the chance to say a final goodbye.


> I then moved on to telling dad how much I love him. It was even

more foreign in his vocabulary and the first couple of times he said

nothing at all. I persisted, and after a couple more times and more

than a little awkwardness on his part, we now finish our phone

conversations with " I love you dad " and he says " yes, I love you

too " . I think I cried the first time I heard him say it and I'm glad

I persisted.


> I tell my brothers, my stepsister, my son and my friends

regularly...........It feels great to share it because it's how I



> Love & Light,

> Rhondie




> ----- Original Message ----

> From: <knightsintention@...>


> Sent: Thursday, August 9, 2007 10:21:09 PM

> Subject: [] A Letter To A Mother


> It is advisable to tell people who are still in the physical how


> feel about them. Often we see people beating themselves up when

> someone has passed on, regretting not having verbalized their

> thoughts and feelings, while the other person was " alive " on the

> physical earth plane.


> The Channel on GuideSpeak.com, following our guidance, wrote a

> heartfelt letter to his mother in November 2001. Five years later,

> his mother passed on, on the 20th December 2006, and this letter


> found amongst her valued possessions, with an inscription in her


> writing on the envelope, which said, " Do not throw away. Keep

> forever " .


> Never be afraid to express your love for another. In the physical

> earth plane, tomorrow is promised to no one.


> My Darling Mother,


> I spend my days and nights reading books, listening to tapes, going

> to lectures, having discussions about one topic - to understand the

> journey of the Soul, to have clarity of the relationship of the


> and its relationship to perfection - the image of God. I now know

> that we are all Souls in human bodies. All of us Souls on earth and

> all of the Souls in Spirit are all part of one Soul - One Spirit -

> the perfection we call God.


> I see a glimpse of this perfection and aim my life at improving my

> imperfections. I attempt to improve, make some progress, stumble,

> pick myself up, attempt again and continue the process until I see

> some progress. Feeling encouraged, I continue attempting,


> and progressing. The reward is in the journey because the


> of perfection will take thousands of lifetimes.


> In this lifetime, I have been blind for over 49 years. I have had


> read, listen and discuss this concept but my eyes have been shut,


> ears blocked, my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth. I have


> by asking God, for a glimpse of perfection but I was blind and deaf

> to it.


> You, my darling mother, are this glimpse of perfection. You are

> humility with no need for ego. You are strength without a need for

> power. You are totally selfless in serving others. You listen


> a need to speak. Your guidance is so subtle that hardly a ripple is

> noticeable. You are at peace with no need for anything. You are

> wealthy beyond measure because you never needed anything before you

> got it.


> You bore 50 years of marriage, as a saint, more than half of which

> was spent nursing Dad, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with total


> and devotion. You had little, if any, pleasures of a physical


> You were deprived of the time to make and nurture friends, to have


> hobby or participate in a sport or go to a concert or play for your

> needs. However, you never complained, you never expressed

> frustration. You just kept on, in love, showering your blessings on

> Dad and on us all.


> When you lost your other son, tragically, you bore the loss,


> your hurt so you could help Dad handle the loss he felt. I believe

> that your Soul knew that your son would not be seen again in the

> physical world but was with you in the spiritual world, so

> instinctively you could handle the loss easier than Dad could.


> There can be very few people in the world who have lived to nearly


> and who do not have an enemy or even someone who has carried a


> grievance of annoyance about them. I cannot think of the one person

> who could say anything negative about you. You have not harmed


> either with your words or actions. You have lived the credo you

> always instilled in us, " If you can't say anything nice, don't say

> anything at all. "


> You and Dad always struggled financially, but you were never poor.

> You always knew, instinctively, that the Universe will provide for

> your needs. You never demanded anything, you always placed Dad and

> your children's needs way above your own. You have chosen a path on

> this life on earth to be one of selfless love and devotion.


> You have done a wonderful job of it. You are a wonderful, wonderful

> human being and a marvelous, glorious spiritual being. Thank you


> allowing me to choose you as my mother, to show me a glimpse of

> perfection, which perfection is God.


> I love you Mom, you are my heroine forever.


> Eternally yours.

> All my love,

> Your Son


> --- GuideSpeak --- Submitted by Lind --- South Africa

> http://www.guidespe ak.com










> oneSearch: Finally, mobile search

> that gives answers, not web links.

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This really touched me and I'm proud of you for making such a change

in your family. It won't stop there, believe me. Love ripples

outward and this expression of love will touch lives you may never

even encounter.

I was raised in a family full of love and we hugged and kissed and

told each other that we loved them a lot! I am grateful for that.

I have no qualms or inhibitions about showing love or telling

someone how I feel about them. I get reprimanded at work for

hugging everybody. LOL - its just not very professional! While I

don't think I'll ever get fired for it, they sure don't like it.

But I hug on anyway. One day one of the VP's of the company asked

me why I hugged everybody and was always telling people that I loved

them. I told him that you never know when that might be the last

time you get to see that person. AND I really do love everybody.

He laughed.

Well...not long after that, one of our drivers (I work for a

charter/tour bus company)- Sam - just didn't wake up one Monday

morning. He had been out dancing the night before, had not

complained about anything...just didn't wake up. I had just seen

him the week before and I remember seeing him walk down the hallway

with his big ten gallon cowboy hat on. I said to the VP after I

found out about Sam's death " Ya see...I told you that you just never

know when its gonna be the last time you see someone. None of us

knew that last Tuesday would be the last time we'd ever see Sam

alive again " . He said " well...did you hug him and tell him you

loved him? " I said " no I didn't...and I regret it now. "

And its so wonderful when this love starts at home. And whats even

more wonderful is when its verbalized! I LOVE to hear the words " I

love you " and I LOVE to say them!!! I never get tired of hearing


We're not the perfect family but we sure do love a lot!!! I better

hush...I'm getting kind of long winded here.

Bless you for telling your story and sharing your heart. I was so

blessed by it.

Much love to you,







" Breathe deep, walk slow, hold tight to those you love, for the sun

is setting and it will be over so fast. "

-- Ken Pierpont


> Hi ,

> Thanks for posting this, it's certainly one thing that became very

important to me some years ago as I realised that none of my family

ever said " I love you " . I decided to change that so I started

teliing mum I love her when I'd say goodbye on the phone or in

person as we hugged each other goodbye.


> I was very nervous and awkward at first, as the words themselves

were foreign in our vocabulary with each other, although I had much

practice because I told my son regularly from the time he was born

how much I love him and I realised that if she died tomorrow, I

wanted her to know how much I truly loved her. So I felt the fear

and awkwardness and did it anyway.


> She always responded in kind and I felt so good that this feeling

we always knew existed between us had the opportunity to be vocally

reciprocated. I felt especially glad that I had introduced this

ritual to our communication for the last couple of years, because

when she died last year, I knew in my heart that she knew how much I

loved her even though we didn't get the chance to say a final



> I then moved on to telling dad how much I love him. It was even

more foreign in his vocabulary and the first couple of times he said

nothing at all. I persisted, and after a couple more times and more

than a little awkwardness on his part, we now finish our phone

conversations with " I love you dad " and he says " yes, I love you

too " . I think I cried the first time I heard him say it and I'm glad

I persisted.


> I tell my brothers, my stepsister, my son and my friends

regularly...........It feels great to share it because it's how I



> Love & Light,

> Rhondie




> ----- Original Message ----

> From: <knightsintention@...>


> Sent: Thursday, August 9, 2007 10:21:09 PM

> Subject: [] A Letter To A Mother


> It is advisable to tell people who are still in the physical how


> feel about them. Often we see people beating themselves up when

> someone has passed on, regretting not having verbalized their

> thoughts and feelings, while the other person was " alive " on the

> physical earth plane.


> The Channel on GuideSpeak.com, following our guidance, wrote a

> heartfelt letter to his mother in November 2001. Five years later,

> his mother passed on, on the 20th December 2006, and this letter


> found amongst her valued possessions, with an inscription in her


> writing on the envelope, which said, " Do not throw away. Keep

> forever " .


> Never be afraid to express your love for another. In the physical

> earth plane, tomorrow is promised to no one.


> My Darling Mother,


> I spend my days and nights reading books, listening to tapes,


> to lectures, having discussions about one topic - to understand


> journey of the Soul, to have clarity of the relationship of the


> and its relationship to perfection - the image of God. I now know

> that we are all Souls in human bodies. All of us Souls on earth


> all of the Souls in Spirit are all part of one Soul - One Spirit -

> the perfection we call God.


> I see a glimpse of this perfection and aim my life at improving my

> imperfections. I attempt to improve, make some progress, stumble,

> pick myself up, attempt again and continue the process until I see

> some progress. Feeling encouraged, I continue attempting,


> and progressing. The reward is in the journey because the


> of perfection will take thousands of lifetimes.


> In this lifetime, I have been blind for over 49 years. I have had


> read, listen and discuss this concept but my eyes have been shut,


> ears blocked, my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth. I have


> by asking God, for a glimpse of perfection but I was blind and


> to it.


> You, my darling mother, are this glimpse of perfection. You are

> humility with no need for ego. You are strength without a need for

> power. You are totally selfless in serving others. You listen


> a need to speak. Your guidance is so subtle that hardly a ripple


> noticeable. You are at peace with no need for anything. You are

> wealthy beyond measure because you never needed anything before


> got it.


> You bore 50 years of marriage, as a saint, more than half of which

> was spent nursing Dad, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with total


> and devotion. You had little, if any, pleasures of a physical


> You were deprived of the time to make and nurture friends, to have


> hobby or participate in a sport or go to a concert or play for


> needs. However, you never complained, you never expressed

> frustration. You just kept on, in love, showering your blessings


> Dad and on us all.


> When you lost your other son, tragically, you bore the loss,


> your hurt so you could help Dad handle the loss he felt. I believe

> that your Soul knew that your son would not be seen again in the

> physical world but was with you in the spiritual world, so

> instinctively you could handle the loss easier than Dad could.


> There can be very few people in the world who have lived to nearly


> and who do not have an enemy or even someone who has carried a


> grievance of annoyance about them. I cannot think of the one


> who could say anything negative about you. You have not harmed


> either with your words or actions. You have lived the credo you

> always instilled in us, " If you can't say anything nice, don't say

> anything at all. "


> You and Dad always struggled financially, but you were never poor.

> You always knew, instinctively, that the Universe will provide for

> your needs. You never demanded anything, you always placed Dad and

> your children's needs way above your own. You have chosen a path


> this life on earth to be one of selfless love and devotion.


> You have done a wonderful job of it. You are a wonderful,


> human being and a marvelous, glorious spiritual being. Thank you


> allowing me to choose you as my mother, to show me a glimpse of

> perfection, which perfection is God.


> I love you Mom, you are my heroine forever.


> Eternally yours.

> All my love,

> Your Son


> --- GuideSpeak --- Submitted by Lind --- South Africa

> http://www.guidespe ak.com










> oneSearch: Finally, mobile search

> that gives answers, not web links.

> http://mobile./mobileweb/onesearch?refer=1ONXIC


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& ,

You guys are amazing and I must say both your responses are very touching. Thank YOU both for sharing! It is so important isn't it? And such a wonderful thing to feel the freedom to naturally express.

Hi to everyone in the group, members new and old! I will try and find you all through myspace when I have more time. It could take a while, but please feel free to drop by my page anytime at www.myspace.com/rhondiel

and Laurie, I'm sending you both lots of love and light. I pray your visit with your kids goes really well, I'm both excited and nervous for you, and for you too Laurie with your move, and I pray all goes well there for you.

To all the angels in the group (you know who you are) thank you for your love and light and thank you for being Humanity Healing.

I must study now, so can't reply to all your posts individually, but know that my thoughts are with all of you.



----- Original Message ----From: <ASundayInJune@...> Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2007 8:14:29 AMSubject: [] Re: A Letter To A Mother

Rhondie,This really touched me and I'm proud of you for making such a change in your family. It won't stop there, believe me. Love ripples outward and this expression of love will touch lives you may never even encounter.I was raised in a family full of love and we hugged and kissed and told each other that we loved them a lot! I am grateful for that. I have no qualms or inhibitions about showing love or telling someone how I feel about them. I get reprimanded at work for hugging everybody. LOL - its just not very professional! While I don't think I'll ever get fired for it, they sure don't like it. But I hug on anyway. One day one of the VP's of the company asked me why I hugged everybody and was always telling people that I loved them. I told him that you never know when that might be the last time you get to see that person. AND I really do love everybody. He

laughed.Well...not long after that, one of our drivers (I work for a charter/tour bus company)- Sam - just didn't wake up one Monday morning. He had been out dancing the night before, had not complained about anything...just didn't wake up. I had just seen him the week before and I remember seeing him walk down the hallway with his big ten gallon cowboy hat on. I said to the VP after I found out about Sam's death "Ya see...I told you that you just never know when its gonna be the last time you see someone. None of us knew that last Tuesday would be the last time we'd ever see Sam alive again". He said "well...did you hug him and tell him you loved him?" I said "no I didn't...and I regret it now."And its so wonderful when this love starts at home. And whats even more wonderful is when its verbalized! I LOVE to hear the words "I love you" and I LOVE to say them!!! I never get tired of hearing

it!!We're not the perfect family but we sure do love a lot!!! I better hush...I'm getting kind of long winded here.Bless you for telling your story and sharing your heart. I was so blessed by it.Much love to you, http://www.myspace. com/rarebreeze http://www.myspace. com/asundayinjun e http://www.myspace. com/dnjazz http://www.intentio nalone.com http://intentionalo ne.com/yabb/ YaBB.pl *~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~ "Breathe deep, walk slow, hold tight to those you love, for the sun is setting and

it will be over so fast." -- Ken Pierpont >> Hi ,> Thanks for posting this, it's certainly one thing that became very important to me some years ago as I realised that none of my family ever said "I love you". I decided to change that so I started teliing mum I love her when I'd say goodbye on the phone or in person as we hugged each other goodbye. > > I was very nervous and awkward at first, as the words themselves were foreign in our vocabulary with each other, although I had much practice because I told my son regularly from the time he was born how much I love him and I realised that if she died tomorrow, I wanted her to know how much I truly loved her. So I felt the fear and awkwardness and

did it anyway. > > She always responded in kind and I felt so good that this feeling we always knew existed between us had the opportunity to be vocally reciprocated. I felt especially glad that I had introduced this ritual to our communication for the last couple of years, because when she died last year, I knew in my heart that she knew how much I loved her even though we didn't get the chance to say a final goodbye.> > I then moved on to telling dad how much I love him. It was even more foreign in his vocabulary and the first couple of times he said nothing at all. I persisted, and after a couple more times and more than a little awkwardness on his part, we now finish our phone conversations with "I love you dad" and he says "yes, I love you too". I think I cried the first time I heard him say it and I'm glad I persisted. > > I tell my brothers, my stepsister,

my son and my friends regularly... ........It feels great to share it because it's how I feel!> > Love & Light,> Rhondie> > > > ----- Original Message ----> From: <knightsintention@ ...>> > Sent: Thursday, August 9, 2007 10:21:09 PM> Subject: [] A Letter To A Mother> > It is advisable to tell people who are still in the physical how you > feel about them. Often we see people beating themselves up when > someone has passed on, regretting not having verbalized their > thoughts and feelings, while the other person was "alive" on the > physical earth plane.> > The Channel on GuideSpeak.com, following our guidance, wrote a > heartfelt letter to his mother in

November 2001. Five years later, > his mother passed on, on the 20th December 2006, and this letter was > found amongst her valued possessions, with an inscription in her hand-> writing on the envelope, which said, "Do not throw away. Keep > forever". > > Never be afraid to express your love for another. In the physical > earth plane, tomorrow is promised to no one. > > My Darling Mother, > > I spend my days and nights reading books, listening to tapes, going > to lectures, having discussions about one topic - to understand the > journey of the Soul, to have clarity of the relationship of the Soul > and its relationship to perfection - the image of God. I now know > that we are all Souls in human bodies. All of us Souls on earth and > all of the Souls in Spirit are all part of one Soul - One Spirit - > the

perfection we call God. > > I see a glimpse of this perfection and aim my life at improving my > imperfections. I attempt to improve, make some progress, stumble, > pick myself up, attempt again and continue the process until I see > some progress. Feeling encouraged, I continue attempting, stumbling, > and progressing. The reward is in the journey because the destination > of perfection will take thousands of lifetimes.> > In this lifetime, I have been blind for over 49 years. I have had to > read, listen and discuss this concept but my eyes have been shut, my > ears blocked, my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth. I have prayed, > by asking God, for a glimpse of perfection but I was blind and deaf > to it.> > You, my darling mother, are this glimpse of perfection. You are > humility with no need for ego. You are

strength without a need for > power. You are totally selfless in serving others. You listen without > a need to speak. Your guidance is so subtle that hardly a ripple is > noticeable. You are at peace with no need for anything. You are > wealthy beyond measure because you never needed anything before you > got it.> > You bore 50 years of marriage, as a saint, more than half of which > was spent nursing Dad, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with total love > and devotion. You had little, if any, pleasures of a physical nature. > You were deprived of the time to make and nurture friends, to have a > hobby or participate in a sport or go to a concert or play for your > needs. However, you never complained, you never expressed > frustration. You just kept on, in love, showering your blessings on > Dad and on us all.>

> When you lost your other son, tragically, you bore the loss, burying > your hurt so you could help Dad handle the loss he felt. I believe > that your Soul knew that your son would not be seen again in the > physical world but was with you in the spiritual world, so > instinctively you could handle the loss easier than Dad could.> > There can be very few people in the world who have lived to nearly 80 > and who do not have an enemy or even someone who has carried a small > grievance of annoyance about them. I cannot think of the one person > who could say anything negative about you. You have not harmed anyone > either with your words or actions. You have lived the credo you > always instilled in us, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say > anything at all."> > You and Dad always struggled financially, but you were never

poor. > You always knew, instinctively, that the Universe will provide for > your needs. You never demanded anything, you always placed Dad and > your children's needs way above your own. You have chosen a path on > this life on earth to be one of selfless love and devotion.> > You have done a wonderful job of it. You are a wonderful, wonderful > human being and a marvelous, glorious spiritual being. Thank you for > allowing me to choose you as my mother, to show me a glimpse of > perfection, which perfection is God.> > I love you Mom, you are my heroine forever. > > Eternally yours.> All my love, > Your Son > > --- GuideSpeak --- Submitted by Lind --- South Africa > http://www.guidespe ak.com> > > > > >

> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _____________ ___> oneSearch: Finally, mobile search > that gives answers, not web links. > http://mobile. / mobileweb/ onesearch? refer=1ONXIC>

Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Games.

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Rhondie, and . My deepest respect to you both. Stefanie> >> > Hi ,> > Thanks for posting this, it's certainly one thing that became very > important to me some years ago as I realised that none of my family > ever said "I love you". I decided to change that so I started teliing > mum I love her when I'd say goodbye on the phone or in person as we > hugged each other goodbye. > > > > I was very nervous and awkward at first, as the words themselves > were foreign in our vocabulary with each other, although I had much > practice because I told my son regularly from the time he was born > how much I love him and I realised that if she died tomorrow, I > wanted her to know how much I truly loved her. So I felt the fear and > awkwardness and did it anyway. > > > > She always responded in kind and I felt so good that this feeling > we always knew existed between us had the opportunity to be vocally > reciprocated. I felt especially glad that I had introduced this > ritual to our communication for the last couple of years, because > when she died last year, I knew in my heart that she knew how much I > loved her even though we didn't get the chance to say a final goodbye.> > > > I then moved on to telling dad how much I love him. It was even > more foreign in his vocabulary and the first couple of times he said > nothing at all. I persisted, and after a couple more times and more > than a little awkwardness on his part, we now finish our phone > conversations with "I love you dad" and he says "yes, I love you > too". I think I cried the first time I heard him say it and I'm glad > I persisted. > > > > I tell my brothers, my stepsister, my son and my friends > regularly...........It feels great to share it because it's how I > feel!> > > > Love & Light,> > Rhondie> > > > > > > > ----- Original Message ----> > From: knightsintention@> > > > Sent: Thursday, August 9, 2007 10:21:09 PM> > Subject: [] A Letter To A Mother> > > > It is advisable to tell people who are still in the physical how > you > > feel about them. Often we see people beating themselves up when > > someone has passed on, regretting not having verbalized their > > thoughts and feelings, while the other person was "alive" on the > > physical earth plane.> > > > The Channel on GuideSpeak.com, following our guidance, wrote a > > heartfelt letter to his mother in November 2001. Five years later, > > his mother passed on, on the 20th December 2006, and this letter > was > > found amongst her valued possessions, with an inscription in her > hand-> > writing on the envelope, which said, "Do not throw away. Keep > > forever". > > > > Never be afraid to express your love for another. In the physical > > earth plane, tomorrow is promised to no one. > > > > My Darling Mother, > > > > I spend my days and nights reading books, listening to tapes, going > > to lectures, having discussions about one topic - to understand the > > journey of the Soul, to have clarity of the relationship of the > Soul > > and its relationship to perfection - the image of God. I now know > > that we are all Souls in human bodies. All of us Souls on earth and > > all of the Souls in Spirit are all part of one Soul - One Spirit - > > the perfection we call God. > > > > I see a glimpse of this perfection and aim my life at improving my > > imperfections. I attempt to improve, make some progress, stumble, > > pick myself up, attempt again and continue the process until I see > > some progress. Feeling encouraged, I continue attempting, > stumbling, > > and progressing. The reward is in the journey because the > destination > > of perfection will take thousands of lifetimes.> > > > In this lifetime, I have been blind for over 49 years. I have had > to > > read, listen and discuss this concept but my eyes have been shut, > my > > ears blocked, my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth. I have > prayed, > > by asking God, for a glimpse of perfection but I was blind and deaf > > to it.> > > > You, my darling mother, are this glimpse of perfection. You are > > humility with no need for ego. You are strength without a need for > > power. You are totally selfless in serving others. You listen > without > > a need to speak. Your guidance is so subtle that hardly a ripple is > > noticeable. You are at peace with no need for anything. You are > > wealthy beyond measure because you never needed anything before you > > got it.> > > > You bore 50 years of marriage, as a saint, more than half of which > > was spent nursing Dad, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with total > love > > and devotion. You had little, if any, pleasures of a physical > nature. > > You were deprived of the time to make and nurture friends, to have > a > > hobby or participate in a sport or go to a concert or play for your > > needs. However, you never complained, you never expressed > > frustration. You just kept on, in love, showering your blessings on > > Dad and on us all.> > > > When you lost your other son, tragically, you bore the loss, > burying > > your hurt so you could help Dad handle the loss he felt. I believe > > that your Soul knew that your son would not be seen again in the > > physical world but was with you in the spiritual world, so > > instinctively you could handle the loss easier than Dad could.> > > > There can be very few people in the world who have lived to nearly > 80 > > and who do not have an enemy or even someone who has carried a > small > > grievance of annoyance about them. I cannot think of the one person > > who could say anything negative about you. You have not harmed > anyone > > either with your words or actions. You have lived the credo you > > always instilled in us, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say > > anything at all."> > > > You and Dad always struggled financially, but you were never poor. > > You always knew, instinctively, that the Universe will provide for > > your needs. You never demanded anything, you always placed Dad and > > your children's needs way above your own. You have chosen a path on > > this life on earth to be one of selfless love and devotion.> > > > You have done a wonderful job of it. You are a wonderful, wonderful > > human being and a marvelous, glorious spiritual being. Thank you > for > > allowing me to choose you as my mother, to show me a glimpse of > > perfection, which perfection is God.> > > > I love you Mom, you are my heroine forever. > > > > Eternally yours.> > All my love, > > Your Son > > > > --- GuideSpeak --- Submitted by Lind --- South Africa > > http://www.guidespe ak.com> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ______________________________________________________________________> ______________> > oneSearch: Finally, mobile search > > that gives answers, not web links. > > http://mobile./mobileweb/onesearch?refer=1ONXIC> >>

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