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Thursday workout

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Wow !! This sounds like a killer workout, 35 lbs on plie squats, eeek! Great job though!

Thursday workout


This morning I did Super Sets Lower Body Blast + Gym Style calves. I also added on the tib pulls right after the calves and I did 2 sets of these.

Here's the breakdown of the premix of SS.

Super Sets Lower Body Blast:

barbell squats- 35 lb barbell deadlifts- 35 lb

Plie squats- 35 lb

one leg squat- 15 lb

Repeat all the above for 3 rounds total.

This is probably the quickest leg workout that really gets the job done. I was fried by the last round of the one leg squats.

Have a great day!


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> * This morning I did Super Sets Lower Body Blast + Gym Style calves.

> I also added on the tib pulls right after the calves and I did 2 sets of

> these. *

::high five:: michelle!!! good goin' !!


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  • 3 weeks later...
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fitgrl222@... wrote:

> *I had some nice energy this morning so the workout felt great. I

> burned 471 calories. *

wow, thats great michelle! please send some of your energy this

way! LOL

good workout!

> *We have yet ANOTHER snow storm coming our way tomorrow (6-10 inches)

oh no! really? that means that it will be here this weekend

then :(

yep, i just checked and a snow storm is due to hit here on

saturday.... argh!!!

this is so stupid... we are supposed to change our clocks ahead

this weekend, and easter is in a few weeks?!?!! meanwhile, we

are still getting blizzards. something is wrong with this picture!


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They moved the clock change ahead a few weeks and Easter is early this year but none of that helps. I'm so tired of winter. I'll take some global warming with that snow storm please.

off to work in a few minutes. feeling a litttle better than yesterday but no workout, went grocery shopping then into the snowy woods with first graders to see how maple syrup is made then got home in time for a quick snack. My feet are still frozen too.

Re: Thursday workout

fitgrl222aol wrote:> *I had some nice energy this morning so the workout felt great. I > burned 471 calories. *wow, thats great michelle! please send some of your energy this way! LOLgood workout!> *We have yet ANOTHER snow storm coming our way tomorrow (6-10 inches) oh no! really? that means that it will be here this weekend then :(yep, i just checked and a snow storm is due to hit here on saturday.... argh!!!this is so stupid... we are supposed to change our clocks ahead this weekend, and easter is in a few weeks?!?!! meanwhile, we are still getting blizzards. something is wrong with this picture!:*carolyn.

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  • 5 months later...
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Great job . I think I have an Imax down for tomorrow or Saturday..hmmm.... not so much looking forward to it either..LOL..Darcy


Well, I finally got my workout done. I hate so much having to wait until the end of the day practically to get a tough workout in, but I did it.

I did Imax 3, the entire thing. Boy, I'm sure not use to doing these tough interval workouts, at least not the entire thing. I was spent by the time blast 4 was over so I knew I was doomed from that point on lol

I burned 539 calories so that should be enough to keep the fires burning all the rest of the evening lol

I do think I need to do these kinds of workouts more often then what I do. Maybe they wouldn't feel like torture.

Have a nice evening.


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  • 2 weeks later...

That is great! I wish I could match you in weights, but I'm lucky if

I can do half the weights in most those exercises. For some reason,

my biceps are really weak, but I think part of it is muscle fatigue

by the time I get to them (Jari's slim and lean). When I was doing

bodypump regularly, I could 30-35lbs dead rows, dead lifts, and clean

n press, usually one of the highest weights in the class, but by the

time biceps came around, I could only do a 10lb barbell, and had to

take breaks, and was the wimpiest one in the bicep track. I even

talked to the instructors to see if I was doing anything wrong, and

they pretty much told me that my form was fine, but because my biceps

were cramping up, to take breaks when needed and to aim for making it

thru the bicep track w/ no aims. Just can't do it, it is so weird.


> Hi,

> This morning I did Slow & Heavy Triceps & Biceps. Does anyone

think the

> biceps go on and on and on and on? The triceps seemed like they

went really

> quick, even felt like I could've done more, but the biceps...wow,

they were just

> wasted by the end.


> 3 sets of 12 reps



> Seated French Press DB 25/25/25

> Lying Triceps Extensions DB 12/10/10

> Triceps Kickbacks DB 10/10/10 (sets 2 & 3 singles)

> Dips



> Curls DB 15/15/15

> Hammer curls DB 15/12/12

> Barbell Curls 30/25/25

> Barbell Wrist Curl 20

> Reverse Wrist Curl DB 5


> Abs


> I've got to try to get the last workout of this series in legs &

shoulders so

> hopefully I'll get that done tomorrow.


> Have a great day!


> ~**~




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  • 3 weeks later...


This morning I worked biceps and man did I work them. Every time I work this area I'm always reminded how weak I am. Biceps has always been a weak area for me, not sure why.

Anyway, this is how it went.

Pyramid Upper Body- (up only)

warm up- 30 straight leg push ups

Hammer Curls DB 8/10/12Curls DB 8/10/12

Slow & Heavy- 2 sets

Curls DB 15/15 12 repsHammer Curls DB 15/12 12 repsBar Curls BB 30/25 12 reps

Gym Style

Biceps Curls BB 25 (1 set- 10 reps) 2 Count Crazy Eights DB 10Concentration Curls DB 12 Wrist Curls (palms up) 8 (1 set- 16 reps)

Slow & Heavy

Barbell Wrist Curl BB 20 (1 set-10 reps)Reverse Wrist Curl DB 5 ( 1 set-16 reps)

This workout was almost 45 minutes so a long time to work a body part. I'm glad its done!!!!

This evening I'm giving In The Ring a try, but just a portion of it. I don't want to jump into it thinking I can do it.

Have a great day!!!

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