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Spiritual Homeopathy: Healing the Subtle Bodies of the Human Energy

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Spiritual Homeopathy: Healing the Subtle Bodies of the Human EnergySystem by Amibka WautersSpiritual homeopathy combines the healing power of homeopathicmedicine with a penetrating understanding of the subtle energy bodiesin the Human Energy System. These bodies contain our life force,desires and aversions and the soul forces that determine our karma anddestiny. They form the context in which we live our lives, either bybeing balanced and open to life or by being closed and contracted.The etheric body is the subtle body which contains the regenerativelife principles that stimulate physical and emotional development; theastral body holds our spirit's longings and desires and our mentalitywhile the Egoic field showcases our individuality and sense of freedomwhich allows our soul to flourish.These subtle bodies, described by Dr. Rudolf Steiner in hisAnthroposophical writings, can be considered pathways to healing andconsciousness. When these bodies fail to thrive or grow appropriatelypathology and imbalance harden into a crucible of limitation andrestriction. By addressing healing from this deep level we balance toour genetic pre-disposition, known as miasms, and emotional blockages.This allows a gentle transformation to occur, which will eventuallybring about balance and harmony so the system can be dynamic and vitalagain. It will need to be released of stress and toxins in the processof re-establishing balance. The best medium for this change ishomeopathy.Homeopathy, developed by Dr. Hahnemann in Germany in 1800,offers the most conscious and effective way of shifting both ourgenetic pre-dispositions and emotional blockages in a permanent andproductive way. Homeopathy helps us move on in our lives because itcan penetrate deep into the core of dysfunction and what ails us.Homeopathy is the treatment of symptoms using the ancient principle of"like cures like" so that natural substances, which have a specificimprint on the physical, emotional and mental aspects of our being,can be used to help us decongest what is blocked and stagnant.These substances are made up into solutions of miniscule dilutions.They do not over-power the system but gently stimulates it to generateits own vitality and to strive for balance and health on all levels. It is through the direct application of these miniscule remedies thatwe redress what is disturbed in our physical, etheric, astral andegoic bodies.In recent years the healing properties of sound and color, transformedinto homeopathic remedies, have been used to distress and unblock thehuman energy system. They have proved to be gentle, safe and effectivein healing a variety of pathology, as well as emotional and mentalproblems.Each one of the subtle bodies resonates with and is especially attunedto personal archetypes of empowerment, responsibility and vitality aswell as to life issues and challenges. They resonate with thechakras, or energy centers, of the human energy system. Color andsound, as it happens, have a particular affinity to these centers. All chakras also have a "right of being" that corresponds to it. TheRoot chakra, located at the base of the spine, has a right to the lifewe say we want. It helps us become anchored in the earth forces thatcontrol cycles and rhythms and helps us move from a place of belongingand connection. It helps us to receive what is rightfully ours toexperience in a way that allows us to assimilate what is nutritiousand eliminate what is harmful. This occurs on all levels of being. When we do not possess a sense of this right to our own life then welose our grounding, both psychologically and energetically, and lackconfidence and authority about who we are and where we belong.The right of the Sacral Chakra, which is located below the navel inthe area of the pelvis, is our right to pleasure and abundance. Whenwe deny ourselves ease and pleasure, abundance and prosperity weoperate in a paradyne of lack and limitation. Whether we experienceguilt or a sense of unworthiness we are not claiming our right to thatwhich matches the abundance and creativity of the universe. The right of the Solar Plexus Chakra, located below the sternum, inthe area of the stomach, is the right to our own power. This meansthat we know we are worthy of what we say we want, and we havesufficient self esteem to generate confidence and personal power. The right of the Heart Chakra is the right to give and receive love.Many people only experience love as a giving out without cultivatingthe capacity to receive. When we allow love to enter into our lives wecalm the heart and stabilize our emotions.The right of the Throat Chakra is our right to self _expression. Whenwe express our truth, both our personal truth and the higher truth ofGod we open a channel for healing to happen in our life. Suppressingself _expression creates tension and pathology.The right of the Brow Chakra is our right to our own thoughts. Freedomto think intuitively is essential for a strong spirit. Discernment,knowledge, intuition and imagination foster wisdom from which we makesense of the pain, loss, separation and traumas of our life.The right of the Crown Chakra is the right to our indelible connectionwith the Creator. Without a sense of this eternal connection we giveover our spiritual will to others to define what and who we are as spirit.By giving the right homeopathic color or sound remedy we can help thechakras stabilize. For the Root Chakra we use red for a person whodoes not experience the right to their own life. It has been usedsuccessfully after divorce, illness, separation and loss. Each chakraresonates with a color that brings these rights into focus and clarity.Sound remedies bring balance to the astral forces where our desiresand longings can take sway over our lives and cause us to avoidfulfilling our destiny in life.

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Thank you Lianeqrz_legey :) Many Blessings Maurice Gibb (2001): "Everybody has two training thoughts. It's either fear or love. Nothing in between. It's always the one or the other. I love to live in love today. "

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Dear Liane,

*Jumping up in my seat, hehe* I saw the title to this ost and

just thought, OOOOooooooo, spiritual homeopathy and healing..How

wonderful! I am going to read this over and over, lol...I think I

speak for lots of us when I say, WOW, do I need a nap, nice warm bath

to relax, a respite from all of the goings on, well, not too

long,lol...I also want to be part of this amazing and exciting shift

and change in consciousness....I AM SOOOOO EXCITED RIGHT NOW! I love

this family and I have got to send everyone HUGE HUGS! You are all

so precious, loving and brilliant! ((HUGS)) LUNA



> Spiritual Homeopathy: Healing the Subtle Bodies of the Human Energy

> System


> by Amibka Wauters


> Spiritual homeopathy combines the healing power of homeopathic

> medicine with a penetrating understanding of the subtle energy


> in the Human Energy System. These bodies contain our life force,

> desires and aversions and the soul forces that determine our karma


> destiny. They form the context in which we live our lives, either by

> being balanced and open to life or by being closed and contracted.


> The etheric body is the subtle body which contains the regenerative

> life principles that stimulate physical and emotional development;


> astral body holds our spirit's longings and desires and our


> while the Egoic field showcases our individuality and sense of


> which allows our soul to flourish.


> These subtle bodies, described by Dr. Rudolf Steiner in his

> Anthroposophical writings, can be considered pathways to healing and

> consciousness. When these bodies fail to thrive or grow


> pathology and imbalance harden into a crucible of limitation and

> restriction. By addressing healing from this deep level we balance


> our genetic pre-disposition, known as miasms, and emotional


> This allows a gentle transformation to occur, which will eventually

> bring about balance and harmony so the system can be dynamic and


> again. It will need to be released of stress and toxins in the


> of re-establishing balance. The best medium for this change is

> homeopathy.


> Homeopathy, developed by Dr. Hahnemann in Germany in 1800,

> offers the most conscious and effective way of shifting both our

> genetic pre-dispositions and emotional blockages in a permanent and

> productive way. Homeopathy helps us move on in our lives because it

> can penetrate deep into the core of dysfunction and what ails us.


> Homeopathy is the treatment of symptoms using the ancient principle


> " like cures like " so that natural substances, which have a specific

> imprint on the physical, emotional and mental aspects of our being,

> can be used to help us decongest what is blocked and stagnant.


> These substances are made up into solutions of miniscule dilutions.

> They do not over-power the system but gently stimulates it to


> its own vitality and to strive for balance and health on all levels.

> It is through the direct application of these miniscule remedies


> we redress what is disturbed in our physical, etheric, astral and

> egoic bodies.


> In recent years the healing properties of sound and color,


> into homeopathic remedies, have been used to distress and unblock


> human energy system. They have proved to be gentle, safe and


> in healing a variety of pathology, as well as emotional and mental

> problems.


> Each one of the subtle bodies resonates with and is especially


> to personal archetypes of empowerment, responsibility and vitality


> well as to life issues and challenges. They resonate with the

> chakras, or energy centers, of the human energy system. Color and

> sound, as it happens, have a particular affinity to these centers.


> All chakras also have a " right of being " that corresponds to it. The

> Root chakra, located at the base of the spine, has a right to the


> we say we want. It helps us become anchored in the earth forces that

> control cycles and rhythms and helps us move from a place of


> and connection. It helps us to receive what is rightfully ours to

> experience in a way that allows us to assimilate what is nutritious

> and eliminate what is harmful. This occurs on all levels of being.

> When we do not possess a sense of this right to our own life then we

> lose our grounding, both psychologically and energetically, and lack

> confidence and authority about who we are and where we belong.


> The right of the Sacral Chakra, which is located below the navel in

> the area of the pelvis, is our right to pleasure and abundance. When

> we deny ourselves ease and pleasure, abundance and prosperity we

> operate in a paradyne of lack and limitation. Whether we experience

> guilt or a sense of unworthiness we are not claiming our right to


> which matches the abundance and creativity of the universe.


> The right of the Solar Plexus Chakra, located below the sternum, in

> the area of the stomach, is the right to our own power. This means

> that we know we are worthy of what we say we want, and we have

> sufficient self esteem to generate confidence and personal power.


> The right of the Heart Chakra is the right to give and receive love.

> Many people only experience love as a giving out without cultivating

> the capacity to receive. When we allow love to enter into our lives


> calm the heart and stabilize our emotions.


> The right of the Throat Chakra is our right to self _expression.


> we express our truth, both our personal truth and the higher truth


> God we open a channel for healing to happen in our life. Suppressing

> self _expression creates tension and pathology.


> The right of the Brow Chakra is our right to our own thoughts.


> to think intuitively is essential for a strong spirit. Discernment,

> knowledge, intuition and imagination foster wisdom from which we


> sense of the pain, loss, separation and traumas of our life.


> The right of the Crown Chakra is the right to our indelible


> with the Creator. Without a sense of this eternal connection we give

> over our spiritual will to others to define what and who we are as

> spirit.


> By giving the right homeopathic color or sound remedy we can help


> chakras stabilize. For the Root Chakra we use red for a person who

> does not experience the right to their own life. It has been used

> successfully after divorce, illness, separation and loss. Each


> resonates with a color that brings these rights into focus and



> Sound remedies bring balance to the astral forces where our desires

> and longings can take sway over our lives and cause us to avoid

> fulfilling our destiny in life.


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