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Re: Channeling

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Hello dear friend , what a beautiful message,

Bless you for allowing us to share this today,



>> I AM come this day, and I speak through the heart of one who has made > himself ready that I may enter into his heart and anchor my flame > alongside his heart flame.> > I AM Jesus Christ and many of you have called me your Lord and > Savior. Yet I tell you that many of you should call me brother, > because I truly am your brother of Light. I come to help you > understand that we are much closer than you think. So many of you > have come to see me, and other Ascended Masters, as being above and > beyond you, as being separated from you. It is now time for you to > overcome this illusion and begin to accept who you truly are as one > with us.> > How can you be one with us? You can be one with us by recognizing > that behind all outer appearances your true identity is a particular > God flame. Every ascended being, every God and Goddess sprang from a > particular God flame. Every soul of light sprang from a particular > God flame.> > We have ascended because we discovered our God flame. We chose to > merge with that God flame and thereby ascend to the spiritual realm. > You too are of a particular God flame and you have the ability to > discover your personal God flame. You also have the ability to make > the free-will choice to merge with that God flame. When you merge > with your God flame, while you are still in physical embodiment, you > become that God flame in action. Thereby, you become one with every > ascended being who is of the same God flame as yourself.> > Therefore, the Ascended Masters who are of the same God flame have > the option of anchoring their individual flames in your heart—if you > allow them to do so. This then allows us to be "as Above so below." > This then allows us to span the octaves and thereby provide a mighty > action for the raising of the consciousness of humankind and for the > raising of the vibration of the entire material universe.> > > A higher level of service> Do you understand the potential of this action? Many of you have > studied various spiritual teachings for many years. You have > practiced various techniques for accelerating your spiritual growth, > and thereby you have anchored much light in the material world. Yet I > must tell you that there is a higher level of service, and many of > you are ready to step up to that higher level. You can do this almost > instantaneously, if you will only recognize your God flame and allow > yourself to merge with that God flame.> > What will it take for you to merge with your God flame? It will take > a change in consciousness, a change in your sense of identity, a > change in the way you see yourself. It is a simple fact of life that > in the material world you are what you think you are. You are who you > think you are. You are who you see yourself as being. You cannot > express your God flame if you see yourself as a mortal human being > who is separated from God.> > > The decision to BE> Following a spiritual teaching and practicing a spiritual technique > can help you grow on the spiritual path. Yet no outer practice or > teaching can help you come to the inner resolution of being who you > truly are. Being who you truly are is a decision to Be instead of the > decision not to Be that you have been programmed to make ever since > you came into embodiment.> > Everything in this world is permeated by the consciousness that has > chosen not to Be. Many of you are still affected by that > consciousness, and therefore you think that your ascension will > happen sometime in the future, sometime after you have left > embodiment. You think that you can become the Christ, but that it > will happen sometime in the future. Yet I tell you, the future never > comes. The only acceptable time is now. You will not be who you are > until you come to the inner realization, the inner resolution, of > deciding that you are willing to be who you are NOW.> > It is true that in order to arrive at the point where you are able to > make that decision, you have to follow a gradual path. You have to > resolve the blocks in your psychology that prevent you from making > that decision. You have to overcome your false sense of identity, > your false self image and you have to remove the negative energy in > your force field that pulls you downward.> > > How many times can we tell you> Yet I am here to tell you that many earnest spiritual seekers, from > many different religions or New Age teachings, have followed this > path successfully. You have arrived at the point where you are ready > to make the decision to Be. The only thing that stands in your way is > that you somehow cannot consciously accept that you are at that > point. You cannot accept that you are worthy and ready to be the > Christ in action, to be the God flame in action, to Be God in > embodiment, to Be an Ascended Master in embodiment on Earth. How many > times can we tell you to be before you become so used to hearing us > say this that you no longer hear it? Yet we must continue to tell you > this until you do hear us.> > For many of you, there is only one final obstacle that stands in your > way, one final element in your consciousness that you have not yet > seen through. Therefore, I encourage you to use the means available > in modern psychology and holistic healing to uncover and resolve > these blocks in your psychology.> > Many of you are part of a God flame. When you come to the full > recognition of that God flame, every Ascended Master who is part of > that same God flame can anchor his or her flame, his or her personal > flame, in your heart. I can assure you that the potential for > bringing positive change to the earth by anchoring the flame of an > Ascended Master in the heart of an unascended master is greater than > anything you have ever seen before. It is greater than anything most > of you can currently imagine with your outer minds.> > > God desires to be himself in action> Yet I must tell you that this potential is real. God desires to be > himself in action in this universe, but God can Be in action only > through his sons and daughters and then only when a son or daughter > becomes consciously aware of his or her God flame.> > We, your ascended brothers and sisters, have put much effort into > many spiritual movements. We have given you many teachings and we > have given you much energy. We have truly planted the good seed, and > I think we are entitled to a fair harvest. So many of you are ready > for the harvest, yet you have not consciously recognized and accepted > your inner attainment.> > I am here to call you to step up higher and recognize who you are. > Recognize your God flame. Accept your true identity as a flame of God > in action on Earth. Let go of everything that stands in the way of > your being who you truly are as a God flame. Be who you are and give > us our harvest. Then, we will make you the instruments for harvesting > millions of your brothers and sisters who are yet trapped at lower > levels of the path.> ~Channeled by anonymous July 13, 2003 (www.askrealjesus.com)>

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many thanks and blessings for sharing

its wonderful

love & light

kate xx> >> > I AM come this day, and I speak through the heart of one who has made> > himself ready that I may enter into his heart and anchor my flame> > alongside his heart flame.> >> > I AM Jesus Christ and many of you have called me your Lord and> > Savior. Yet I tell you that many of you should call me brother,> > because I truly am your brother of Light. I come to help you> > understand that we are much closer than you think. So many of you> > have come to see me, and other Ascended Masters, as being above and> > beyond you, as being separated from you. It is now time for you to> > overcome this illusion and begin to accept who you truly are as one> > with us.> >> > How can you be one with us? You can be one with us by recognizing> > that behind all outer appearances your true identity is a particular> > God flame. Every ascended being, every God and Goddess sprang from a> > particular God flame. Every soul of light sprang from a particular> > God flame.> >> > We have ascended because we discovered our God flame. We chose to> > merge with that God flame and thereby ascend to the spiritual realm.> > You too are of a particular God flame and you have the ability to> > discover your personal God flame. You also have the ability to make> > the free-will choice to merge with that God flame. When you merge> > with your God flame, while you are still in physical embodiment, you> > become that God flame in action. Thereby, you become one with every> > ascended being who is of the same God flame as yourself.> >> > Therefore, the Ascended Masters who are of the same God flame have> > the option of anchoring their individual flames in your heart—if> you> > allow them to do so. This then allows us to be "as Above so below."> > This then allows us to span the octaves and thereby provide a mighty> > action for the raising of the consciousness of humankind and for the> > raising of the vibration of the entire material universe.> >> >> > A higher level of service> > Do you understand the potential of this action? Many of you have> > studied various spiritual teachings for many years. You have> > practiced various techniques for accelerating your spiritual growth,> > and thereby you have anchored much light in the material world. Yet I> > must tell you that there is a higher level of service, and many of> > you are ready to step up to that higher level. You can do this almost> > instantaneously, if you will only recognize your God flame and allow> > yourself to merge with that God flame.> >> > What will it take for you to merge with your God flame? It will take> > a change in consciousness, a change in your sense of identity, a> > change in the way you see yourself. It is a simple fact of life that> > in the material world you are what you think you are. You are who you> > think you are. You are who you see yourself as being. You cannot> > express your God flame if you see yourself as a mortal human being> > who is separated from God.> >> >> > The decision to BE> > Following a spiritual teaching and practicing a spiritual technique> > can help you grow on the spiritual path. Yet no outer practice or> > teaching can help you come to the inner resolution of being who you> > truly are. Being who you truly are is a decision to Be instead of the> > decision not to Be that you have been programmed to make ever since> > you came into embodiment.> >> > Everything in this world is permeated by the consciousness that has> > chosen not to Be. Many of you are still affected by that> > consciousness, and therefore you think that your ascension will> > happen sometime in the future, sometime after you have left> > embodiment. You think that you can become the Christ, but that it> > will happen sometime in the future. Yet I tell you, the future never> > comes. The only acceptable time is now. You will not be who you are> > until you come to the inner realization, the inner resolution, of> > deciding that you are willing to be who you are NOW.> >> > It is true that in order to arrive at the point where you are able to> > make that decision, you have to follow a gradual path. You have to> > resolve the blocks in your psychology that prevent you from making> > that decision. You have to overcome your false sense of identity,> > your false self image and you have to remove the negative energy in> > your force field that pulls you downward.> >> >> > How many times can we tell you> > Yet I am here to tell you that many earnest spiritual seekers, from> > many different religions or New Age teachings, have followed this> > path successfully. You have arrived at the point where you are ready> > to make the decision to Be. The only thing that stands in your way is> > that you somehow cannot consciously accept that you are at that> > point. You cannot accept that you are worthy and ready to be the> > Christ in action, to be the God flame in action, to Be God in> > embodiment, to Be an Ascended Master in embodiment on Earth. How many> > times can we tell you to be before you become so used to hearing us> > say this that you no longer hear it? Yet we must continue to tell you> > this until you do hear us.> >> > For many of you, there is only one final obstacle that stands in your> > way, one final element in your consciousness that you have not yet> > seen through. Therefore, I encourage you to use the means available> > in modern psychology and holistic healing to uncover and resolve> > these blocks in your psychology.> >> > Many of you are part of a God flame. When you come to the full> > recognition of that God flame, every Ascended Master who is part of> > that same God flame can anchor his or her flame, his or her personal> > flame, in your heart. I can assure you that the potential for> > bringing positive change to the earth by anchoring the flame of an> > Ascended Master in the heart of an unascended master is greater than> > anything you have ever seen before. It is greater than anything most> > of you can currently imagine with your outer minds.> >> >> > God desires to be himself in action> > Yet I must tell you that this potential is real. God desires to be> > himself in action in this universe, but God can Be in action only> > through his sons and daughters and then only when a son or daughter> > becomes consciously aware of his or her God flame.> >> > We, your ascended brothers and sisters, have put much effort into> > many spiritual movements. We have given you many teachings and we> > have given you much energy. We have truly planted the good seed, and> > I think we are entitled to a fair harvest. So many of you are ready> > for the harvest, yet you have not consciously recognized and accepted> > your inner attainment.> >> > I am here to call you to step up higher and recognize who you are.> > Recognize your God flame. Accept your true identity as a flame of God> > in action on Earth. Let go of everything that stands in the way of> > your being who you truly are as a God flame. Be who you are and give> > us our harvest. Then, we will make you the instruments for harvesting> > millions of your brothers and sisters who are yet trapped at lower> > levels of the path.> > ~Channeled by anonymous July 13, 2003 (www.askrealjesus.com)> >>

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