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Thursday workout

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This morning I did Slow & Heavy Triceps & Biceps. Does anyone think the biceps go on and on and on and on? The triceps seemed like they went really quick, even felt like I could've done more, but the biceps...wow, they were just wasted by the end.

3 sets of 12 reps

TRICEPS Seated French Press DB 25/25/25 Lying Triceps Extensions DB 12/10/10Triceps Kickbacks DB 10/10/10 (sets 2 & 3 singles)Dips

BICEPS Curls DB 15/15/15Hammer curls DB 15/12/12 Barbell Curls 30/25/25Barbell Wrist Curl 20 Reverse Wrist Curl DB 5


I've got to try to get the last workout of this series in legs & shoulders so hopefully I'll get that done tomorrow.

Have a great day!

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