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Carolyn - ChaLEAN Extreme

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Hi Carolyn,

I'm in sort of in the same "boat" as you. I would like to get this at some point, but the timing just isn't right for me now. For one thing, I'd like to get my back into an even better state before I try anything like this. And, while progress has been made w/ my back (it is sooo much better than in September when I first started seeing the chiro) it is still not at a place where I think I'm ready to commit to such a rigorous weight lifting rotation (I also often have "relapses" w/ my back - the cause of which I'm not even sure of - although I think a big culprit is my desk job!). Since you mentioned the drawbacks of the bands, I also think I want to wait more to hear about that since I had considered doing the band options since that seems to be a bit easier on my back and wouldn't require me to go out and buy more weights (I have up to 20's at home). Also, the price - w/ the holidays and the economy I'm just not

ready to spend that kind of $$, especially on something I wouldn't be using right away (i'm thinking it is probably at least a year down the road - I would want to build up a certain "base" of strength before I did these workouts). I also can put $200 towards an elliptical, which I think would be a good purchase for me so I can do more intense cardio w/ less impact (of course, I need the room for that, too!!)

Anyway, just wanted to let you know I'm with you on this - it is a "someday" purchase for me. And, I do admit to still wanting to get some of the p90X workouts and the p90 Masters as well. P90X didn't seem that it would be awkward to do w/ bands, so that may be an even better option for me - although now there are some workouts in the "system" that i probably wouldn't do for fear of throwing my back out. For instance - core synergistics - I loved it when I did the rotation last year - but I think I'd be afraid of that one now......

Take care!


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