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OK, everybody...all these layoffs have me in a thrifty mood, I guess. Anyone

have any fantastic recipes for CHEAP meals? I'm gonna try V's bean soup,

but would love other recipes, especially meals that can be put on in the

crockpot in the morning (everyone at my house is now working, so it's 6-7 pm

before we get home) or that can be prepared on the weekends and refrigerated or

frozen for use during the week. CHEAP and FAST...


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I say post them on the site and if someone is not interested they can delete

them. That way those that want them will be able to get them. I always

like recipes.


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Here is one of my favorite for a large family and can be reheated as often as


Beef Stew Casserole


2 cups stew beef chopped smaller than the store usually chops it.

2 cups onion Chopped

2cups potatoes cut into small pieces Larger than potatoe salad

2 cups carrots Do not use baby carrots. but chop them fairly small

2 cups celery Optional and chop these small also

1 can mushrooms if family like mushrooms

Mix in large bowl the following

2 cups V-8 juice

5 tablespoons Tapioca

1 Tablespoon salt

1 Tablespoon pepper

Pour V-8 mixture over beef and vegetables

You can cook all day in your crockpot or in the oven at 200 degrees in a

covered casserole for at least 5 hours.

I play around with the amounts but this is the correct portions.

Most of the time I use at least 3 cups beef and potatoes and less of the

carrots and sometimes do not even add the celery.

Makes a lot and goes a long way for a large group. Do not stir this after

you have it in layers. Only stir the V_8 mixture.


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girlfriend, I am the queen of cheap and fast (sounds like my first marriage)

I have a doctor appointment shortly, but I have lots of recepies already

typed which I can either post here or send to you personally, I don't want

to irritate anyone on here with my recepies, unless they are interested.

Re: For Everyone

OK, everybody...all these layoffs have me in a thrifty mood, I guess.

Anyone have any fantastic recipes for CHEAP meals? I'm gonna try V's

bean soup, but would love other recipes, especially meals that can be put on

in the crockpot in the morning (everyone at my house is now working, so it's

6-7 pm before we get home) or that can be prepared on the weekends and

refrigerated or frozen for use during the week. CHEAP and FAST...


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I am interested in your recipies...


Re: For Everyone

OK, everybody...all these layoffs have me in a thrifty mood, I guess.

Anyone have any fantastic recipes for CHEAP meals? I'm gonna try V's

bean soup, but would love other recipes, especially meals that can be put on

in the crockpot in the morning (everyone at my house is now working, so it's

6-7 pm before we get home) or that can be prepared on the weekends and

refrigerated or frozen for use during the week. CHEAP and FAST...


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I would love to have a copy of the recipes if you

wouldn't mind emailing them to me.


Sue Siefferman



--- Vellucci <LINDA.VELLUCCI@...>


> girlfriend, I am the queen of cheap and fast (sounds

> like my first marriage)

> I have a doctor appointment shortly, but I have lots

> of recepies already

> typed which I can either post here or send to you

> personally, I don't want

> to irritate anyone on here with my recepies, unless

> they are interested.


> Re: For Everyone



> OK, everybody...all these layoffs have me in a

> thrifty mood, I guess.

> Anyone have any fantastic recipes for CHEAP meals?

> I'm gonna try V's

> bean soup, but would love other recipes, especially

> meals that can be put on

> in the crockpot in the morning (everyone at my house

> is now working, so it's

> 6-7 pm before we get home) or that can be prepared

> on the weekends and

> refrigerated or frozen for use during the week.

> CHEAP and FAST...


> Thanks!



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: I use the small curd it mixes and disolves better. Once I was out

of tapioca and used corn starch. It worked too but not as well. I am not

italian but do like garlic and that would be good. I think you could use

maybe some bay leaves and other herbs. Play with it and see what you like.


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Dear Skinny, what a wonderful recipe!!!!!!! And tapioca, I have never heard

of that, do you use any special size pearls???????? Of course, I would have

to include some garlic, being an Italian!!!!!!

Re: For Everyone

Here is one of my favorite for a large family and can be reheated as often



Beef Stew Casserole


2 cups stew beef chopped smaller than the store usually chops it.

2 cups onion Chopped

2cups potatoes cut into small pieces Larger than potatoe salad

2 cups carrots Do not use baby carrots. but chop them fairly small

2 cups celery Optional and chop these small also

1 can mushrooms if family like mushrooms

Mix in large bowl the following

2 cups V-8 juice

5 tablespoons Tapioca

1 Tablespoon salt

1 Tablespoon pepper

Pour V-8 mixture over beef and vegetables

You can cook all day in your crockpot or in the oven at 200 degrees in a

covered casserole for at least 5 hours.

I play around with the amounts but this is the correct portions.

Most of the time I use at least 3 cups beef and potatoes and less of the

carrots and sometimes do not even add the celery.

Makes a lot and goes a long way for a large group. Do not stir this after

you have it in layers. Only stir the V_8 mixture.


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Send them on, girl! I'm tired of spending 1/3 of my paycheck on gas and 1/2 on

food. Can't do anything about the gas, but I'm gonna learn to cook cheap!

My private email is kathibrandes @ aol.com.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi everybody!! Got back from my trip on Thursday night from NJ and got a

10 ten housesitting job so I haven't had time to write in. Before I left

for NJ I deleted most of the e-mail because I was really far behind and

put quite a few of them in folders to keep. When I got back there were a

little over 100. Computer had a little problem and deleted everything

including what was in the folders! Don't know what happened. I sent out a

bunch of personal e-mails a couple weeks ago and don't know if they

actually went! I will never understand computers. NJ was great. Seems

like a long time ago now. Went to the amish area for a day and also got

to see the boardwalk in Atlantic City. Boy, that place has changed. No

more Mr. Planter peanuts!! Torn down for the casinos. Steel Pier is

totally different and no more pork Roll place to eat!!!!!Not that

I should eat stuff like that but I would of tried! Went to a couple of

antique consignment places.(my favorite thing to do) and I bought this

little old piggy bank. I collect banks. This one was half full with

money. No hole on bottom to get money out and it had a really narrow

slot. Woman at the shop said they couldn't get the money out. When I got

home I worked on it until I got it out. I used a thin art paint brush and

went in through the feet. Took me two days to get all the coins out. I

got two buffalo nickels, 3 silver dimes, silver quarter alot of old

pennies and the last coin out was a 1906 Indian head penny! I was so

excited. (None of it will make me rich though.) I was happy that I didn't

crack the bank while getting the money out. It's really cute. Hit a few

of the Italian bakeries too for the bread and sweets. That's always a

must when going to NJ. Was really tired alot but a great trip. Saw

family. Weather was good too. Went by much to fast!! Amy, I'm sorry

you have been feeling bad. Is the fluid in your right lung caused by

some sort of infection? Jan, that's really ashame about your

friend's husband. Very sorry to hear. Having to deal with cancer is hard

enough. Hope your friend has alot of family/friend support. Did your

client love your painting as much as I did? I did send a e-mail telling

you how beautiful I thought it was. You are very talented! Did you use

colored pens on some of it? , 10 inches of rain is quite a bit!

They say 1 " of rain is equal to either a 1/2 or 1 foot of snow!. Good

thing it's not snow you will be getting. Does your sister live further

inland? I think I would rather have the trees around me then be out in

the open. Trees will at least cut down on the wind factor. Being out in

the open will have more wind to deal with. My Dad lives in Winchester,

VA. He's inland but I'm sure will get plenty of the wind and rain. He

bought a bunch of water yesterday and batteries for flashlights, etc,

etc. Getting ready for it. We will just get rain out of it. ( I'm sure I

will have to work!) Maybe your sister should stay with you. Do you have

a garage to park your car in? Good to read your numbers on down. Why

will they tape your abdomen? You take care and stay put. Running across

a open field could be dangerous too! Marcy, Welcome Back!! I did

mail you a letter a couple of weeks ago. Did you recieve it? Gaynel,

Glad to read you and Cliff are doing good. I'm still hoping we can meet

in October at the mall! Debbie, You sound like you are exercising

quite a bit. Your energy level must be pretty good. What is a elliptical

machine? I wouldn't mind lifting a little bit of weight to tighten up my

arms but when I finish work, I'm tired. You would think I would have

great arms with cleaning houses all day!! And legs! I climb stairs alot

too. But then again what would my arms and legs be like if I didn't

clean. Tony, I hope you are doing well. I'm glad Patty is hanging in

there. Joan, what part of NJ did you vacation in? I think Jerry

mentioned that's where you were in summer. Carole, Had saved one of

your post in a folder. Can't remember what it said now though! Hope you

doing well. Has anybody ever heard from Sherry? She hasn't written in

a long time. Hope your doing well too, . Stay safe in the storm!

Anita, I'll write once in a while snail mail if you want?! I sure I have

forgotten people things I wanted to say! Took off this afternoon. Went

and cut a bunch of Hydranas to dry before the weather ruins them. Have

to get up to the place where I'm housesitting now. Everybody Take Care!

-NH Is this long or what!!

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Welcome back ! What a find with that old bank! An

Indian Head! COOL! An elliptical machine is like a stair stepper

and a Nordic Trac machine that got together. Sort of like a gliding

machine. I don’t know…I just like it.

Indeed, going to the gym has given me lots more energy. It has been

great to do this! I went again today, but was just not up to working out

too much. I could only muster up 5 minutes on the machine, so changed and went

to the treadmill after doing the weights. Oh well….3 days in a row

is way too much for me I guess! But I won’t go back now until

Saturday because I am way too busy for the next few days!

Welcome home!


Re: [ ] For


Hi everybody!! Got back from my trip on

Thursday night from NJ and got a

10 ten housesitting job so I haven't had time to

write in. Before I left

for NJ I deleted most of the e-mail because I was

really far behind and

put quite a few of them in folders to keep. When I

got back there were a

little over 100. Computer had a little problem and

deleted everything

including what was in the folders! Don't know what

happened. I sent out a

bunch of personal e-mails a couple weeks ago and

don't know if they

actually went! I will never understand computers.

NJ was great. Seems

like a long time ago now. Went to the amish area

for a day and also got

to see the boardwalk in Atlantic City. Boy, that

place has changed. No

more Mr. Planter peanuts!! Torn down for the

casinos. Steel Pier is

totally different and no more pork Roll

place to eat!!!!!Not that

I should eat stuff like that but I would of

tried! Went to a couple of

antique consignment places.(my favorite thing to

do) and I bought this

little old piggy bank. I collect banks. This one

was half full with

money. No hole on bottom to get money out and it

had a really narrow

slot. Woman at the shop said they couldn't get the

money out. When I got

home I worked on it until I got it out. I used a

thin art paint brush and

went in through the feet. Took me two days to get

all the coins out. I

got two buffalo nickels, 3 silver dimes, silver

quarter alot of old

pennies and the last coin out was a 1906 Indian

head penny! I was so

excited. (None of it will make me rich though.) I

was happy that I didn't

crack the bank while getting the money out.

It's really cute. Hit a few

of the Italian bakeries too for the bread and

sweets. That's always a

must when going to NJ. Was really tired alot but a

great trip. Saw

family. Weather was good too. Went by much to

fast!! Amy, I'm sorry

you have been feeling bad. Is the fluid in

your right lung caused by

some sort of infection?

Jan, that's really ashame about your

friend's husband. Very sorry to hear. Having to

deal with cancer is hard

enough. Hope your friend has alot of

family/friend support. Did your

client love your painting as much as I did?

I did send a e-mail telling

you how beautiful I thought it was. You are

very talented! Did you use

colored pens on some of it?

, 10 inches of rain is quite a bit!

They say 1 " of rain is equal to either a 1/2

or 1 foot of snow!. Good

thing it's not snow you will be getting.

Does your sister live further

inland? I think I would rather have the

trees around me then be out in

the open. Trees will at least cut down on the wind

factor. Being out in

the open will have more wind to deal with. My Dad

lives in Winchester,

VA. He's inland but I'm sure will get plenty of

the wind and rain. He

bought a bunch of water yesterday and batteries

for flashlights, etc,

etc. Getting ready for it. We will just get

rain out of it. ( I'm sure I

will have to work!) Maybe your sister should

stay with you. Do you have

a garage to park your car in? Good to read

your numbers on down. Why

will they tape your abdomen? You take care

and stay put. Running across

a open field could be dangerous

too! Marcy, Welcome Back!! I did

mail you a letter a couple of weeks ago. Did you

recieve it? Gaynel,

Glad to read you and Cliff are doing good.

I'm still hoping we can meet

in October at the mall! Debbie,

You sound like you are exercising

quite a bit. Your energy level must be pretty

good. What is a elliptical

machine? I wouldn't mind lifting a little

bit of weight to tighten up my

arms but when I finish work, I'm tired. You would

think I would have

great arms with cleaning houses all day!! And

legs! I climb stairs alot

too. But then again what would my arms and legs be

like if I didn't

clean. Tony, I hope you are

doing well. I'm glad Patty is hanging in

there. Joan, what part of NJ did you

vacation in? I think Jerry

mentioned that's where you were in summer.

Carole, Had saved one of

your post in a folder. Can't remember what it said

now though! Hope you

doing well. Has anybody ever heard

from Sherry? She hasn't written in

a long time. Hope your doing well too,

. Stay safe in the storm!

Anita, I'll write once in a while snail mail if

you want?! I sure I have

forgotten people things I wanted to say!

Took off this afternoon. Went

and cut a bunch of Hydranas to dry before the

weather ruins them. Have

to get up to the place where I'm housesitting now.

Everybody Take Care!

-NH Is this long

or what!!

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  • 1 year later...

Thank you and everyone, I never expected so many of you to respond to my

message. You all made me feel ok about this.

I am not sure which test I was positive, it was year 99 and 2000, I don't know

the bands either.

Too late for the psych drugs, been on them for 2 years, tapered off one very

addictive one and ended up hospitalized.

Am on my road to recovery that way but the head brain movement jelly legs thing

is wacky.

One day during treatment back then my brain completely dropped from my head and

everything went black. I was conscious and screaming with my little kid at that

time in her carseat. Thank god my sight came right back in a second and we were


I do think those little shitty buggers are in my brain yet, how could I go from

being happy go lucky all the time to this depressive, gloomy, agoraphobic,

unemployed wacko...

Anyway I just have to say thank you to everyone for responding it made me feel

very welcome here and just very welcome to know there is life out there.



eric_s11050 <eric_s11050@...> wrote:

i had the same symptoms, dont do the psycho drugs, find a lyme

literate doctor asap. my belief is that you never got rid of lyme. did

you test postitive by western blot? what were your bands? were they 34

or 23 or 66? my last message did not go thru so im telling you again,

i had a problem that every time a went on an elevator I felt like i

kept on going even after the elevator stopped. when driving around

after we stopped i felt like i was still moving forward.after jogging

i would stop and still feel like the trees were moving towards me.

watching television credits i would feel like i was sinking into the

floor after the telvison credits ended.pain behind the eyes and severe

anxiety. above any normal anxiety, sound sensitivity and tinitis and

tingling everywhere. that is just some of the problems.


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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

Hi Nico, Well, everybody is different as to what they can or cannot eat after surgery. I've never tried p-butter, but I can drink alcohol...de-fizzed. Rum runners work well ;-). "Most", but not all have problems with bread or meat or eggs. I can eat a little of all of these things, but yogurt...is a no go.

I don't know if any other Dr.s have web sites or not. Dr. Aceves's web site is www.mexicolapband.com You can find all his credentials, testimones from patients, pictures of the hospital... Good luck in your journey! Let us know if you choose Dr. A. Lots of support on this site so feel free to ask anything..before & after your surgery.




-------------- Original message -------------- From: "nico31303" <nico31303@...>

Hey everyone i just had a few questions. first one was, after surgery what restrictions of food do you have for the rest of your life. i heard you can't eat peanut butter or drink alcohol. another question is, i have been researching doctors in mexico and found a couple other doctors and i'm so confused on who could be the best. i was wondring if anyone knows any web sites that let you see if the doctors have anything against them or things on there record as far as medical malpractice suites.

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Nico...you don't really have actual restrictions...it depends on what

your body and your band can tolerate...for example, some days it is

really hard for bread to go down, other times, I have no problems.

There is eally nothing for me that I would say is totally off

limits...Most of the time I just know what will work well with my

band, usually something heavy with starch like pizza or hamburger is

not it...however, I can sometimes have it...I just don't crave them

anymore. I have peanut butter all the time...I have no problem with

it. Alcohol i don't see why you wouldn't have...I'm not a big drinker

so I really don't have any, but I will have a drink on a social

occassion with absolutely no problems. As far as other doctors...I

think you have come to a site where we are all biased because we were

all banded by Dr. A and he is fabulous. I understand there are other

good doctors in Mexico as well...but couldn't give you any more

information except that my surgery with Dr. A was nothing but a great

expereince and I would do it all over again if I had to. Good luck to




> Hey everyone i just had a few questions. first one was, after

> surgery what restrictions of food do you have for the rest of your

> life. i heard you can't eat peanut butter or drink alcohol. another

> question is, i have been researching doctors in mexico and found a

> couple other doctors and i'm so confused on who could be the best. i

> was wondring if anyone knows any web sites that let you see if the

> doctors have anything against them or things on there record as far


> medical malpractice suites.


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Welcome to our board. You know, the band is a funny thing. Almost

everyone has some sort of restriction but not everyone has the same restriction.

I can eat peanut butter and I can drink alcohol. I can't drink much alcohol,

mind you, but that is because my food intake is very little. I cannot drink

beer, though, because of the carbonation and carbonation, according to Dr.

Aceves, is something I should avoid. Some people don't do this and seem to do

ok but I have just chosen to not drink it and it hasn't been a problem for me.

There are many things I cannot eat since having my band. I can't eat

meat...or, rather, I choose not to eat it simply because it is difficult for me

to eat. I don't eat bread which means I don't eat pizza, cakes, pastries, and

the like. Since I don't eat meat or bread that means I don't eat hamburgers,

hot dogs, or sandwiches. I don't eat many potato products such as french fries

but I can eat a few potato chips. There are some fruits that I have difficulty

with so I choose not to eat those such as pineapple, peaches, strawberries.

It looks like alot. But, look back at my list of what I cannot eat.

Other than the fruit, what of those foods are healthy??? NOTHING! So, there

are still plenty of healthy things I can eat (and a few unhealthy things I can

have if I so desire!) I eat tons of veggies. I have learned to enjoy things I

would have NEVER even tried before. Case in point, I ate some collard greens

(is this stricktly a southern thing????) the other night for the first time in

my almost 44 year existence and I absolutely loved them. Oh my! I don't know

when I have had something so good in my life! My body craves vegetables! I

have difficulty with the veggies I used to love so well such as lima beans,

butter beans, creamed corn, black eye peas....but, again, those aren't

necessarily the healthiest choices of veggies anyway....they are so full of

starch! I eat lots of fruits. Odd as it may sound, grapes work the best for

me. Raisins work and so does some melon. I can eat salad

whereas many banded people cannot.

Then there is the ice cream...and the chocolate....with these, there

seems to be no limit. If I am having a day when NOTHING else will work, these

will work just fine. No, they aren't healthy, but, as obese people, we all know

that we cannot live our lives without being able to indulge at times....just not

all the time. I have had times when I know I have eaten too much. I have had

times when I know I have gained an extra 3 pounds from these indulgences.

Before banding I would have just said, " Oh, the hell with it! " and kept on

indulging with the mind set that I would never be able to stay on a diet! With

the band I say, " Ok, Jenni, it's time to lay off the chocolate and/or the ice

cream for a week! " And I always manage to lose whatever I gained the week

before. Now I don't know about you but isn't that what normal people do????? I

am finding that I eat like a normal person...a NORMAL person!!! I

overindulge...I gain a few pounds. I cut back...I lose

those few pounds. It is all within my control.

Sorry I got so long winded. Sometimes I get started and can't seem to

stop. I haven't traveled this journey with perfection. I haven't always

" stuck " to the rules. I have probably eaten, like Dana said, more ice cream in

the last 18 months than I have in my lifetime but, you know what? I have

learned to work with my band and I have been very successful. I have reached

the point where I am completely satisfied with where I am. I have one more

pound before I can announce I'm at my goal. I have been half a pound away. I

have gone back to being 6 pounds away (one of those overindulgent times!) but I

am one pound away. I have gotten here in 15 months. I have lost 101 pounds in

15 months. I wouldn't trade my band or my journey to this place for anything in

the world.

Dr. Aceves is awesome. I had the privilege of meeting many of the

Mexican doctors whom you have undoubtedly run across in your research last

February at a conference. Some of these men were very, very nice and have great

credentials. A few others were not doctors I would have selected but that

doesnt' mean they aren't good doctors. I think one of the things I realized at

that time was how much of a gentleman Dr. Aceves is. He is the kindest, most

compassionate physician with whom I have ever had contact. I cannot say enough

positive about him. He has given me a new life. He gave me the tool I needed

to become the new, healthier me. He has given my husband a better wife and he

has given my sons a better mother. In all honestly, Dr. Aceves has saved my


Please keep asking questions. That is our purpose...to answer questions and

to provide support for one another.

Jenni Currie

DOB 2/23/06


4 fills

2 unfills

of food do you have for the rest of your life. i heard you can't eat peanut

butter or drink alcohol. i was wondring if anyone knows any web sites that let

you see if the doctors have anything against them or things on there record as

far as medical malpractice suites.

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Jenni I just have to tell you, you always seem to say the right

things at the right time. You are such an inspiration and an example

to me. I have been doing rather well. i am 5 months post opt and have

lost 67 lbs! It's not about the pounds anymore, it is about the

clothes. You can loose and not show it on the scale. But I try on

clothes and a couple weeks later it fits! Please keep posting I look

forward to hearing from you everyday. Hopefully I will get to see you

all soon. I have to tell you I had a NSV, for the first time in 15

years I put my husbands flannel PJ bottoms on and his T shirt! There

is something sexy about wearing your hubbies clothes. I am happy,

excited and healthy, I too owe it to my angel Dr. Aceves. Without him

I wouldn't see my kids grow up! Love and luck to all!

del Bosque


DOB 12/28/2006

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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest guest

I wanted to share with you all

as you are such Angels.

Theres an Angel in my garden

who watches over me

shes always there to protect me

wherever i may be

she brings light to my garden

the flowers love her so

her love is so intense

she makes them grow & grow

i love my garden Angel

without her i would cry

i hope she stays forever

until the day i die.

i actually wrote it ,im still in shock lol see how much

you all inspire me.

love & light

kate xxxx

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