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Re: Help??

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Hi Kristi

Your 3 1/2 year old sounds alot like mine. had 3 words in Jan. when we

started speech with Early Intervention. Although is shy by nature & rather

quiet he now has about 25 - 30 words. He just started putting 2 words together

in the last few weeks. We go to st 2x a week for 30 minutes at All Children's

Hospital. He was getting it 3x right before his 3rd birthday. We too are

playing the insurance game even though has been diagnosed severly apraxia

by his slp. We are going to try to get in with a Develepmental Ped soon. From

what everyone here says their diagnosis carries more weight. Our school system

has nothing really for the apraxic child, just the ordinary speech for the other

speech problems that modeling usually will take care of. No one on one that our

children need!

also drools a little bit & has had feeding problems as a baby. No one has

said too much about that but from what I hear is all related to apraxia.

Although alot of the kids don't have the problem. just doesn't know how to

use his mouth?? It seems like he is not aware of those muscles yet. The slp

does exercises to wake up those muscles & it seems to help. Good luck with

everything & keep us up to date....

Tammy mom to 3 apraxia, 5, 16 stuttered as young child,

20 still just laundry impaired!

>I am new to this group and I'm searching for answers. I am the mother to

>five children ages 9 to 8 months. My first three are " normal " , but my

>fourth age 3 1/2 is speech delayed. Here is my story.

>A friend of mine who has deaf girls gave me the number to early intervention

>about the time turned two because he was saying words, except NO and

>uh-oh. He had said dog but wouldn't say it anymore. Therapy started in my

>home about every other week for the first two months and then they stopped

>coming. 's therapist had quit and they were shorthanded. Then a few

>months later a therapist started coming again. She was filling in for them,

>but basically worked for someone else doing speech therapy. She turned out

>to be wonderful. She has worked with apraxic children and the more she got

>to know she insisted he had apraxia. He would grope for sounds when

>she tried to get him to imitate her.

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Hi! Our 2.6 year old boy was recently diagnosed with apraxia although he

has been having private therapy 1x per week since January. I have not

noticed the dramatic jump that you have seen and I was wondering if there

is consistency with this improvement. Our son seems to lose whatever gains

he makes as soon as the therapist leaves. I work with him throughout the

day but it is such a slow go.



> Hi Kristi


> Your 3 1/2 year old sounds alot like mine. had 3 words in Jan. when

we started speech with Early Intervention. Although is shy by nature

& rather quiet he now has about 25 - 30 words. He just started putting 2

words together in the last few weeks. We go to st 2x a week for 30 minutes

at All Children's Hospital. He was getting it 3x right before his 3rd

birthday. We too are playing the insurance game even though has been

diagnosed severly apraxia by his slp. We are going to try to get in with a

Develepmental Ped soon. From what everyone here says their diagnosis

carries more weight. Our school system has nothing really for the apraxic

child, just the ordinary speech for the other speech problems that modeling

usually will take care of. No one on one that our children need!



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We saw a lot of improvement in the beginning of 's therapy but we seem to

hit points where nothing really happens for a while. I think alot has to do

with 's age, he was 3 in April & that was when he really began to improve.

Don't get me wrong we do a lot of vowel sounds for words like his brothers' name

is & he calls he awn. Sometimes he puts the n on the end & sometimes not.

We also hear him say words once & not again like I see others here say. We have

had rain here in FL for days, yesterday my daughter was singing rain, rain go

away & said it minus the constanants as clear as day. But would he do it

again for his dad later, no! There are days I am really excited thinking he is

doing so good & then the other day I listened to some kids on the talking page &

got overly depressed. Some of those kids were talking in sentences. We just

keep plugging along with each little milestone of our own!

Tammy I.

>Hi! Our 2.6 year old boy was recently diagnosed with apraxia although he

>has been having private therapy 1x per week since January. I have not

>noticed the dramatic jump that you have seen and I was wondering if there

>is consistency with this improvement. Our son seems to lose whatever gains

>he makes as soon as the therapist leaves. I work with him throughout the

>day but it is such a slow go.

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Hi ,

When my son was that age, we also had a ST come to our house once a week for

an hour. These sessions did next to nothing for him, and I, too, worked

with him thru out the week.

My son is now 5 and finally progressing at a good speed. We now have a

therapist come to our house every day for 3 hours. And yes, sometimes they

will make a big leap, only to slow down again. It's frustrating!

When he turns 3 will you be sending him to a special preschool? We did that

with for a year, but I was very disappointed. is the kind of

kid that is easy to ignore. He's quiet and likes to wander around. That

was fine with his teachers. He did not learn much, but the socialization

was good for him.

I'm very happy with the therapy we have for him now, but he did need a dx of

PDD and mental retardation to get it. I don't care what they call him, as

long as it continues. Labels can be removed later and schools don't ever

have to know anything.

Good luck!


> Hi! Our 2.6 year old boy was recently diagnosed with apraxia although he

> has been having private therapy 1x per week since January. I have not

> noticed the dramatic jump that you have seen and I was wondering if there

> is consistency with this improvement. Our son seems to lose whatever gains

> he makes as soon as the therapist leaves. I work with him throughout the

> day but it is such a slow go.


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  • 5 years later...
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Oh gosh, !

This is a really tough one.

I'm so sorry that you have had to go thru all of this. But, I feel

horrible for what your children have had to go thru.

I have attended a seminar here in California that is run by a

wonderful lady...it's called Parent's Turn (parentsturn.org).

Basically, it's a seminar that teaches divorced parents to change

their views about the divorce issues and focus on the kids. Let's

face it...both you and your ex LOVE your children. Just because you

are divorced doesn't mean that you stop raising children together.

It's very important to get understand that point. I wish someone

would have told me that when I went thru a divorce w/ kids. All I was

thinking was, " get this dude away from me! " . Well, you can't do that

when kids are involved.

...get in touch w/ these people. If you are unable to go to a

seminar...ask them to send the info for you to read. It will really

help you.

As far as the forgiveness...IT STARTS WITH YOU FORGIVING YOURSELF!

You can not change the past, my dear friend. You can only live for

the future & your children. If you do not accept YOUR part in what

happened to create a divorce situation...there's no sense trying to

forgive the other party.

So...acknowledge one thing a week that you could have done better or

maybe not been so _________ (fill in the blank)...acknowledge every

instance you can think of where that particular feeling came up...now

that you have acknowledged it, give it away (write it down & burn it,

bury it, put the energy of that feeling back into the earth. Say a

prayer of THANKS for the lesson that you have learned from it. Then

make a promise to yourself not to go back to that feeling. It is done

and gone and been replaced with a positive life lesson. The next week

do the next issue.

You will feel better...trust me.

You are " doing something " to move forward from those feelings.

Also, tell yourself that it doesn't matter what place you are in

life...this is where you are meant to be. YOU are going to move

forward & make yourself be the best mom/person you can be. You are

worth happiness. You are worth all the blessings that come to you.

OK...that was a small book...LOL

I will add you to my personal prayer/healing list. Also, you may add

me to your IM if you wish.

I hope this helps you. Please keep in touch to let me know how it is

going and if you need any further " books " written for your help. LOL

Blessings my friend.


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You and the kids are in my prayers as well honey. Kiofthewind is a very wise person W/her help you will find comfort.

Many Blessings of love and Light , Debbie>> Oh gosh, !> This is a really tough one.> I'm so sorry that you have had to go thru all of this. But, I feel > horrible for what your children have had to go thru.> I have attended a seminar here in California that is run by a > wonderful lady...it's called Parent's Turn (parentsturn.org). > Basically, it's a seminar that teaches divorced parents to change > their views about the divorce issues and focus on the kids. Let's > face it...both you and your ex LOVE your children. Just because you > are divorced doesn't mean that you stop raising children together. > It's very important to get understand that point. I wish someone > would have told me that when I went thru a divorce w/ kids. All I was > thinking was, "get this dude away from me!". Well, you can't do that > when kids are involved.> ...get in touch w/ these people. If you are unable to go to a > seminar...ask them to send the info for you to read. It will really > help you.> As far as the forgiveness...IT STARTS WITH YOU FORGIVING YOURSELF! > You can not change the past, my dear friend. You can only live for > the future & your children. If you do not accept YOUR part in what > happened to create a divorce situation...there's no sense trying to > forgive the other party.> So...acknowledge one thing a week that you could have done better or > maybe not been so _________ (fill in the blank)...acknowledge every > instance you can think of where that particular feeling came up...now > that you have acknowledged it, give it away (write it down & burn it, > bury it, put the energy of that feeling back into the earth. Say a > prayer of THANKS for the lesson that you have learned from it. Then > make a promise to yourself not to go back to that feeling. It is done > and gone and been replaced with a positive life lesson. The next week > do the next issue.> You will feel better...trust me.> You are "doing something" to move forward from those feelings.> Also, tell yourself that it doesn't matter what place you are in > life...this is where you are meant to be. YOU are going to move > forward & make yourself be the best mom/person you can be. You are > worth happiness. You are worth all the blessings that come to you.> > OK...that was a small book...LOL> I will add you to my personal prayer/healing list. Also, you may add > me to your IM if you wish.> I hope this helps you. Please keep in touch to let me know how it is > going and if you need any further "books" written for your help. LOL> Blessings my friend.> Ki>

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Thank you for your response. I have accepted responsibility for the breakdown of the marraige. I will look into the group you suggested. It's hard to be an active parent in my children's lives because their father is doing everything in his power to prevent it. It is completely frusterating. I have appologized to him. He seemts to think it's necessary to tell the children about the case in court and that I've lied to them. He told them that I wasn't really going to counseling when I was and said I had lied to him about it, the reason he said that is because I wouldn't sent a letter from my counselor as proof of attendance. The court order states that I am to provide proof to the courts not him. He thinks and tells everyone including the school that I gave up my parental rights. If I had then it would not specify that I had monitored phone calls

or supervised visits, it also wouldn't state that I was entitled to medical records and school report cards. I do realize my children have been through a lot and that I am partly to blame. I have wanted to tell my children I am sorry for a long time but he told me that I wasn't allowed to talk about the things that happened. So, if he tells me not to talk about it inculding an appology then how are they supposed to heal and move past it? He says he's protecting them and "wants to put these broken children back together" (his words) it seems if that were true he would want the applogy and to talk about what happend so they can move forward. Every week when I call there is some excuse or time limit. I found it quite interesting that Thurs he was at work and my daughter spoke to me and my son told me he was mad at me cuz his dad told him I lied about being in counseling and that I was trying to take them from him

(so he put a lot of fear into them) and never bothered to tell them that I had left their step-father (who abused them and me). So, no wonder they wouldn't talk to me, they probably thought I was still with the one who hurt them. So, the children had a false sense of what was really happening. In addition to that I don't believe he was right in telling them I was trying to take them away, all he had to say is that the judge wanted to talk to mommy and daddy about grown up stuff. The children have been through way to much for their short lives, they have had their innocence stolen from them, been made to grow up faster than they should have. I am partly to blame and have taken my repsonsibilty for it. I have prayed and asked for forgiveness. I will continue to pray over the situation. Thanks for your suggestion I will definately look into it.



Domestic Violence is a Crime! Be silent NO more! Be safe & Blessed! ~A~

----- Original Message ----From: kiofthewind <lofa@...> Sent: Saturday, July 7, 2007 4:20:16 PMSubject: [] Re: Help??

Oh gosh, !This is a really tough one.I'm so sorry that you have had to go thru all of this. But, I feel horrible for what your children have had to go thru.I have attended a seminar here in California that is run by a wonderful lady...it's called Parent's Turn (parentsturn. org). Basically, it's a seminar that teaches divorced parents to change their views about the divorce issues and focus on the kids. Let's face it...both you and your ex LOVE your children. Just because you are divorced doesn't mean that you stop raising children together. It's very important to get understand that point. I wish someone would have told me that when I went thru a divorce w/ kids. All I was thinking was, "get this dude away from me!". Well, you can't do that when kids are involved....get in touch w/ these people. If you are unable to go to a seminar...ask them to send the info for you to read. It will really help

you.As far as the forgiveness. ..IT STARTS WITH YOU FORGIVING YOURSELF! You can not change the past, my dear friend. You can only live for the future & your children. If you do not accept YOUR part in what happened to create a divorce situation... there's no sense trying to forgive the other party.So...acknowledge one thing a week that you could have done better or maybe not been so _________ (fill in the blank)...acknowledg e every instance you can think of where that particular feeling came up...now that you have acknowledged it, give it away (write it down & burn it, bury it, put the energy of that feeling back into the earth. Say a prayer of THANKS for the lesson that you have learned from it. Then make a promise to yourself not to go back to that feeling. It is done and gone and been replaced with a positive life lesson. The next week do the next issue.You will feel better...trust me.You are

"doing something" to move forward from those feelings.Also, tell yourself that it doesn't matter what place you are in life...this is where you are meant to be. YOU are going to move forward & make yourself be the best mom/person you can be. You are worth happiness. You are worth all the blessings that come to you.OK...that was a small book...LOLI will add you to my personal prayer/healing list. Also, you may add me to your IM if you wish.I hope this helps you. Please keep in touch to let me know how it is going and if you need any further "books" written for your help. LOLBlessings my friend.Ki

oneSearch: Finally, mobile search that gives answers, not web links.

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Thank you Debbie!

It's much appreciated


Domestic Violence is a Crime! Be silent NO more! Be safe & Blessed! ~A~

----- Original Message ----From: booangelxoxo2 <BOOANGELXOXO@...> Sent: Saturday, July 7, 2007 4:44:54 PMSubject: [] Re: Help??


You and the kids are in my prayers as well honey. Kiofthewind is a very wise person W/her help you will find comfort.

Many Blessings of love and Light , Debbie>> Oh gosh, !> This is a really tough one.> I'm so sorry that you have had to go thru all of this. But, I feel > horrible for what your children have had to go thru.> I have attended a seminar here in California that is run by a > wonderful lady...it's called Parent's Turn (parentsturn. org). > Basically, it's a seminar that teaches divorced parents to change > their views about the divorce issues and focus on the kids. Let's > face it...both you and your ex LOVE your children. Just because you > are divorced doesn't mean that you stop raising children together. > It's very important to get understand that point. I wish someone > would have

told me that when I went thru a divorce w/ kids. All I was > thinking was, "get this dude away from me!". Well, you can't do that > when kids are involved.> ...get in touch w/ these people. If you are unable to go to a > seminar...ask them to send the info for you to read. It will really > help you.> As far as the forgiveness. ..IT STARTS WITH YOU FORGIVING YOURSELF! > You can not change the past, my dear friend. You can only live for > the future & your children. If you do not accept YOUR part in what > happened to create a divorce situation... there's no sense trying to > forgive the other party.> So...acknowledge one thing a week that you could have done better or > maybe not been so _________ (fill in the blank)...acknowledg e every > instance you can think of where that particular feeling came up...now > that you have acknowledged it, give it away (write it down

& burn it, > bury it, put the energy of that feeling back into the earth. Say a > prayer of THANKS for the lesson that you have learned from it. Then > make a promise to yourself not to go back to that feeling. It is done > and gone and been replaced with a positive life lesson. The next week > do the next issue.> You will feel better...trust me.> You are "doing something" to move forward from those feelings.> Also, tell yourself that it doesn't matter what place you are in > life...this is where you are meant to be. YOU are going to move > forward & make yourself be the best mom/person you can be. You are > worth happiness. You are worth all the blessings that come to you.> > OK...that was a small book...LOL> I will add you to my personal prayer/healing list. Also, you may add > me to your IM if you wish.> I hope this helps you. Please keep in touch to

let me know how it is > going and if you need any further "books" written for your help. LOL> Blessings my friend.> Ki>

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, you have been through some very difficult times, and I can

understand your anger and frustration. And I know that some of your

feelings stem from the fact that your children have suffered from

this conflict with your ex-husband.

The plain truth is that the people that are the hardest to forgive

are the ones we need most to forgive. Not for them. For ourselves.

The person who suffers most from your anger is you. I haven't lived

through your experience, but I have had conflict with people several

different times in my life where I felt extreme anger towards

someone. As difficult or as strange as it may sound, I found that it

helped me a great deal to pray for that person. I prayed for their

health, well-being, happiness and that they be blessed, and their

family also, much as you would pray for someone you love. At first it

may feel very false to you, but keep doing it and it will become more

natural. I found that as I did this, my anger toward that person

gradually lessened. It was if something within me was melting.

Doing this isn't going to make the problems go away, but it will help

you to feel more centered, calmer, and maybe better able to deal with

the situation. And I don't have to tell you how hard it is for your

children to feel like they are in the middle between you and your ex.

If you change, it can't help but change the dynamics to some extent.

Maybe it will just be as slight or simple as your children sensing

that you feel calmer when you talk to them, so they feel better when

talking to you.

I know this isn't going to solve everything for you, but I hope it

helps at least a bit.

Brightest blessings,


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Ki, that was some wonderful advice on moving past a divorce when children are involved. It might also be useful when there aren't any children in a divorce situation, but it's vital to keep parenting with their ex and to be civil (better yet, cordial) for the well-being of the children.I was the stepmother in a divorce situation, and I think we did a pretty good job of supporting each other as parents, getting along for my daughter's benefit, and so on. Even in a good situation like that, kids of divorce will have some issues about the divorce, new siblings, a new step-parent, etc. You just have to give them all the love you can, and do the best job you can as a parent. And listen to them. Really listen to them.Love and light,TammyOn Jul 7, 2007, at 6:20 PM, kiofthewind wrote:Oh gosh, !This is a really tough one.I'm so sorry that you have had to go thru all of this. But, I feel horrible for what your children have had to go thru.I have attended a seminar here in California that is run by a wonderful lady...it's called Parent's Turn (parentsturn.org). Basically, it's a seminar that teaches divorced parents to change their views about the divorce issues and focus on the kids. Let's face it...both you and your ex LOVE your children. Just because you are divorced doesn't mean that you stop raising children together. It's very important to get understand that point. I wish someone would have told me that when I went thru a divorce w/ kids. All I was thinking was, "get this dude away from me!". Well, you can't do that when kids are involved....get in touch w/ these people. If you are unable to go to a seminar...ask them to send the info for you to read. It will really help you.As far as the forgiveness...IT STARTS WITH YOU FORGIVING YOURSELF! You can not change the past, my dear friend. You can only live for the future & your children. If you do not accept YOUR part in what happened to create a divorce situation...there's no sense trying to forgive the other party.So...acknowledge one thing a week that you could have done better or maybe not been so _________ (fill in the blank)...acknowledge every instance you can think of where that particular feeling came up...now that you have acknowledged it, give it away (write it down & burn it, bury it, put the energy of that feeling back into the earth. Say a prayer of THANKS for the lesson that you have learned from it. Then make a promise to yourself not to go back to that feeling. It is done and gone and been replaced with a positive life lesson. The next week do the next issue.You will feel better...trust me.You are "doing something" to move forward from those feelings.Also, tell yourself that it doesn't matter what place you are in life...this is where you are meant to be. YOU are going to move forward & make yourself be the best mom/person you can be. You are worth happiness. You are worth all the blessings that come to you.OK...that was a small book...LOLI will add you to my personal prayer/healing list. Also, you may add me to your IM if you wish.I hope this helps you. Please keep in touch to let me know how it is going and if you need any further "books" written for your help. LOLBlessings my friend.Ki

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I would suggest that you do try to use the law of attraction to attract good

events my

friend, you can focus on the things that you do want really and this kind of


will truly add to how hard you will try on applying these skills ... Attract

positive events

and the proper attitude you deserve

I hope the following link will gives an idea .. or be a supporting tool


my friend, please meditate any time you feel you are not aligned and not on the

track of

life you wanted ... once we meditate enough we will first relax .. and be guided

with our

blessing internal voice that can tell us amazing thoughts or suggestion ...

trust that voice

and act upon your feelings accordingly ..

Attraction is a powerful way to manifest the changes we would love to have ..

and its a

wonderful way to shift our energies ... I'm sure if done properly it will not

only make you

attract the events and situations you would like to have, but truly assist in

the matter of

forgiving your ex too .. the shift of emotion is necessary for you I believe ..

as we say in

arabic culture : " People who have their hands in the water , are not like who

have their

hands in fire " by this saying .. we mean .. people whose hands in the water

might talk

from a relaxed manner because simply their hands are not feeling the heat of the

fire like

the other ones... this some how true ... your hands are caught in the fire here

, and no

matter what we tried to do to assist ... at the end our hands are still in the

water .. not

feeling what you are feeling .. we however, feel some how concerned about whats


on, on your end .. thus, from the deepest bottom of my heart I will through a

life ring for

you to hang onto, make sure its only a life ring for emergency you still have to

do some on

your end too .. this life ring, called positive energy ... I will send you a

supporting and

helping positive thoughts to your direction, but remember that you need to relax

and be

opened up to get it ... once you feel the cosmic energetic support flowing

toward you,

hold on to it .. and kick harder with your feet while still holding that life

ring buoy .. keep

afloat and do some paddling with your feet to change the spot you are on .. this

change of

place will allow other things you wanted to attract to be drawn and attracted to

you ..

take some time .. to reflect on this please ... and remember that you have

friends who care

for your well being .. and best of all .. so you are not alone, you need to keep

this on your

mind when you kick the water with your feet .. hoping that this will make you

kick harder

... the shift of thinking from current situation to a quantic way of thinking is

helpful and

surely will cool down that heat which surrounds you hands now ..

May you have cosmic support to show you the way , and help you through .. even

if you

only heard us talking about this .. our hearts with you and this I hope can be


support you shall feel to help you through out...



--- In , " lesliesangeleyes "





> Hello everyone! I need some help forgiving

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Thank you Tammy. It is comforting. And yes I do pray for him, his wife and her son; my children as well. I pray for their peace and happiness and safety. I hads calmed me down a bit. I do believe that's one reason my kids talk freely to me when their dad isn't around. I suppose I will keep on praying.


Domestic Violence is a Crime! Be silent NO more! Be safe & Blessed! ~A~

----- Original Message ----From: Tammy Wolfgram <tammy@...> Sent: Saturday, July 7, 2007 9:13:18 PMSubject: Re: [] Help??

, you have been through some very difficult times, and I can understand your anger and frustration. And I know that some of your feelings stem from the fact that your children have suffered from this conflict with your ex-husband.The plain truth is that the people that are the hardest to forgive are the ones we need most to forgive. Not for them. For ourselves. The person who suffers most from your anger is you. I haven't lived through your experience, but I have had conflict with people several different times in my life where I felt extreme anger towards someone. As difficult or as strange as it may sound, I found that it helped me a great deal to pray for that person. I prayed for their health, well-being, happiness and that they be blessed, and their family also, much as you would pray for someone you love. At first it may feel very false to you, but keep doing it and it will become more natural. I

found that as I did this, my anger toward that person gradually lessened. It was if something within me was melting.Doing this isn't going to make the problems go away, but it will help you to feel more centered, calmer, and maybe better able to deal with the situation. And I don't have to tell you how hard it is for your children to feel like they are in the middle between you and your ex. If you change, it can't help but change the dynamics to some extent. Maybe it will just be as slight or simple as your children sensing that you feel calmer when you talk to them, so they feel better when talking to you.I know this isn't going to solve everything for you, but I hope it helps at least a bit.Brightest blessings,Tammy

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It's been about 4 years since I've meditated. Do you know of any good guided meditations? I have been trying to find some but haven't had any luck. I am familiar with abraham-hicks work. Again, it's been about 4 years since I've read or listened. I also was in the middle of studying A Course in Miracles. I have tried to get back into it but I find that I lack motivation. I was teaching my children the meditation techniques as well. When we got home from work/daycare we would meditate (they loved it and they were only 5 & 6 1/2) My daugther was very grounded. My son was pretty grounded as well, he took a little more focus. One of my friends is an energy healer and I was blessed to have her in the delivery room while my daughter was born (which is why she is so grounded, I believe). At frist I had the hardest time connecting with her because

ALL of my energy was devoted to my son and his difficulties in school and daycare because his dad stopped visiting. When their dad came back into their lives my son was ready but my daughter wasn't so he would spend every other weekend with his dad and step-mom. It was that time that my daughter got close and cherished every moment with her. My daughter was devistated when she was taken from me. Enough rambling. Thanks for listening

Blessings! ~A~

Domestic Violence is a Crime! Be silent NO more! Be safe & Blessed! ~A~

----- Original Message ----From: Sami Mugrubi <mugrubi@...> Sent: Saturday, July 7, 2007 10:20:55 PMSubject: [] Re: Help??

OMG ! well, I would suggest that you do try to use the law of attraction to attract good events my friend, you can focus on the things that you do want really and this kind of seriousness will truly add to how hard you will try on applying these skills ... Attract positive events and the proper attitude you deserve I hope the following link will gives an idea .. or be a supporting tool http://www.abraham- hicks.com/ teachings_ brief.phpmy friend, please meditate any time you feel you are not aligned and not on the track of life you wanted ... once we meditate enough we will first relax .. and be guided with our blessing internal voice that can tell us amazing thoughts or suggestion ... trust that voice and act upon your feelings accordingly .. Attraction is a powerful way to manifest the changes we would love to have .. and

its a wonderful way to shift our energies ... I'm sure if done properly it will not only make you attract the events and situations you would like to have, but truly assist in the matter of forgiving your ex too .. the shift of emotion is necessary for you I believe .. as we say in arabic culture : "People who have their hands in the water , are not like who have their hands in fire" by this saying .. we mean .. people whose hands in the water might talk from a relaxed manner because simply their hands are not feeling the heat of the fire like the other ones... this some how true ... your hands are caught in the fire here , and no matter what we tried to do to assist ... at the end our hands are still in the water .. not feeling what you are feeling .. we however, feel some how concerned about whats going on, on your end .. thus, from the deepest bottom of my heart I will through a life ring for you to hang onto, make sure its

only a life ring for emergency you still have to do some on your end too .. this life ring, called positive energy ... I will send you a supporting and helping positive thoughts to your direction, but remember that you need to relax and be opened up to get it ... once you feel the cosmic energetic support flowing toward you, hold on to it .. and kick harder with your feet while still holding that life ring buoy .. keep afloat and do some paddling with your feet to change the spot you are on .. this change of place will allow other things you wanted to attract to be drawn and attracted to you .. take some time .. to reflect on this please ... and remember that you have friends who care for your well being .. and best of all .. so you are not alone, you need to keep this on your mind when you kick the water with your feet .. hoping that this will make you kick harder .. the shift of thinking from current situation to a quantic way

of thinking is helpful and surely will cool down that heat which surrounds you hands now .. May you have cosmic support to show you the way , and help you through .. even if you only heard us talking about this .. our hearts with you and this I hope can be another support you shall feel to help you through out... Blessings Sami >> > Hello everyone! I need some help forgiving

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omg what a terrible time you and your kids are

going through this must be a very tough thing

to carry everyday,you are in my prayers daily

love,light & strength being sent your way




> Thank you for your response. I have accepted responsibility for

the breakdown of the marraige. I will look into the group you

suggested. It's hard to be an active parent in my children's lives

because their father is doing everything in his power to prevent

it. It is completely frusterating. I have appologized to him. He

seemts to think it's necessary to tell the children about the case

in court and that I've lied to them. He told them that I wasn't

really going to counseling when I was and said I had lied to him

about it, the reason he said that is because I wouldn't sent a

letter from my counselor as proof of attendance. The court order

states that I am to provide proof to the courts not him. He thinks

and tells everyone including the school that I gave up my parental

rights. If I had then it would not specify that I had monitored

phone calls or supervised visits, it also wouldn't state that I was

entitled to medical records and school report cards. I do

> realize my children have been through a lot and that I am partly

to blame. I have wanted to tell my children I am sorry for a long

time but he told me that I wasn't allowed to talk about the things

that happened. So, if he tells me not to talk about it inculding an

appology then how are they supposed to heal and move past it? He

says he's protecting them and " wants to put these broken children

back together " (his words) it seems if that were true he would want

the applogy and to talk about what happend so they can move

forward. Every week when I call there is some excuse or time

limit. I found it quite interesting that Thurs he was at work and

my daughter spoke to me and my son told me he was mad at me cuz his

dad told him I lied about being in counseling and that I was trying

to take them from him (so he put a lot of fear into them) and never

bothered to tell them that I had left their step-father (who abused

them and me). So, no wonder they wouldn't talk to me,

> they probably thought I was still with the one who hurt them.

So, the children had a false sense of what was really happening. In

addition to that I don't believe he was right in telling them I was

trying to take them away, all he had to say is that the judge wanted

to talk to mommy and daddy about grown up stuff. The children have

been through way to much for their short lives, they have had their

innocence stolen from them, been made to grow up faster than they

should have. I am partly to blame and have taken my repsonsibilty

for it. I have prayed and asked for forgiveness. I will continue

to pray over the situation. Thanks for your suggestion I will

definately look into it.

> Blessings!

> ~A~


> Domestic Violence is a Crime! Be silent NO more! Be safe &

Blessed! ~A~












> ----- Original Message ----

> From: kiofthewind <lofa@...>


> Sent: Saturday, July 7, 2007 4:20:16 PM

> Subject: [] Re: Help??


> Oh gosh, !

> This is a really tough one.

> I'm so sorry that you have had to go thru all of this. But, I feel

> horrible for what your children have had to go thru.

> I have attended a seminar here in California that is run by a

> wonderful lady...it's called Parent's Turn (parentsturn. org).

> Basically, it's a seminar that teaches divorced parents to change

> their views about the divorce issues and focus on the kids. Let's

> face it...both you and your ex LOVE your children. Just because


> are divorced doesn't mean that you stop raising children together.

> It's very important to get understand that point. I wish someone

> would have told me that when I went thru a divorce w/ kids. All I


> thinking was, " get this dude away from me! " . Well, you can't do


> when kids are involved.

> ...get in touch w/ these people. If you are unable to go to


> seminar...ask them to send the info for you to read. It will


> help you.

> As far as the forgiveness. ..IT STARTS WITH YOU FORGIVING


> You can not change the past, my dear friend. You can only live for

> the future & your children. If you do not accept YOUR part in what

> happened to create a divorce situation... there's no sense trying


> forgive the other party.

> So...acknowledge one thing a week that you could have done better


> maybe not been so _________ (fill in the blank)...acknowledg e


> instance you can think of where that particular feeling came


> that you have acknowledged it, give it away (write it down & burn


> bury it, put the energy of that feeling back into the earth. Say a

> prayer of THANKS for the lesson that you have learned from it.


> make a promise to yourself not to go back to that feeling. It is


> and gone and been replaced with a positive life lesson. The next


> do the next issue.

> You will feel better...trust me.

> You are " doing something " to move forward from those feelings.

> Also, tell yourself that it doesn't matter what place you are in

> life...this is where you are meant to be. YOU are going to move

> forward & make yourself be the best mom/person you can be. You are

> worth happiness. You are worth all the blessings that come to you.


> OK...that was a small book...LOL

> I will add you to my personal prayer/healing list. Also, you may


> me to your IM if you wish.

> I hope this helps you. Please keep in touch to let me know how it


> going and if you need any further " books " written for your help.


> Blessings my friend.

> Ki










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  • 6 months later...

--- In , " cori_escontrias " <cori_escontrias@...>



> I had my appointment today and I was told that my results showed no

> detection of the BCR/ABL translocation. Does this mean that I have

> reached the second stage of remission??? I mean- is this correct!!!

> Thanks a bunch!

> corina


Depends on what test was used and where the sample came from.

Did they test some of your bone marrow or was it from a vein?

The term BCR/ABL seems to typically used to describe the results of

either a FISH test or a PCR test on the peripheral blood. The

Philadelphia chromosome is the term used to describe the translocation

as seen in bone marrow cells using a Cytogenetic analysis.

The FISH and Cytogenetic tests are pretty equivalent in terms of

measuring level of disease. Cytogenetics are the preferred method of

analysis but its requirement for a marrow aspirate (i.e needle in hip)

leads to the FISH test still being widely used.

It would seem you have reached the second level or remission so

everything is going good.

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Number 1142 in the Zero Club


This means that you have reached CCR. From this point on you will need to do

PCR testing. Make sure that you get a copy of all your results. It is very

easy to compare two results to see what direction you are going in. BRAVO.


Zavie (age 69)

67 Shoreham Avenue

Ottawa, Canada, K2G 3X3

dxd AUG/99

INF OCT/99 to FEB/00, CHF

No meds FEB/00 to JAN/01

Gleevec since MAR/27/01 (400 mg)

CCR SEP/01. #102 in Zero Club

2.8 log reduction Sep/05

3.0 log reduction Jan/06

2.9 log reduction Feb/07

3.2 log reduction Jun/07

3.6 log reduction Sep/07

e-mail: zmiller@...

Tel: 613-726-1117

Fax: 309-296-0807

Cell: 613-202-0204

ID: zaviem


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of


Sent: January 15, 2008 11:08 PM

Subject: [ ] help??

I had my appointment today and I was told that my results showed no

detection of the BCR/ABL translocation. Does this mean that I have

reached the second stage of remission??? I mean- is this correct!!!

Thanks a bunch!


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