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Why don't ppl talk or at least answer postings? It would be nice to get to know

ppl here as we need friends. Anyway I guess I am just down yesterday I had to

put my pup Whimpy she was 12yrs old down she had a stroke the night before. I

sat up that night with her and watched her as I couldn't afford a vet so I had

to call the SPCA and yesterday morning they came and picked her up and I will

pay them at the end of the month it will be 150$ but they are taking care of

everything. When I put her in the cage she was fighting to get out of it but she

couldn't stand up or turn her head she looked so afraid but I know it was the

best thing for her, my other dog is looking for her and won't leave my side. I

am not a cryer but I cannot seem to stop and I am very touchy right now I went

to a community meal that we go to every week last night and I wanted to tell an

old person that all she can do is complain and make things up about everyone

including my husband and me. She was saying my husband was fooling around and

was only with me cause he feels sorry for me and I don't need my electric chair

I am faking my illnesses, and she drives a scooter and tried to hit my brother

while he was on the side walk and told him to get off of it as he according to

her has no rights on it, she thinks she is always right and everyone should feel

sorry for her cause she is suppose to have cancer for the past 30yrs, don't get

me wrong I do feel a little sorry for her cause she has no friends cause she is

always calling the cops and they don't even come anymore cause they are tired of

her complaining, she says she is going to tell a pastor we know. I told her to

go ahead cause the pastor cannot do anything to us all she will do is listen to

her and tell her that is ok and tell her to stop the fake tears as I never swore

at her I just told her to shut up but boy did I want to say more. Anyway I am

sorry to vent. She is just getting on my nerves cause she is at the meals we go

to and we have to go to them as right now it is really tight on food so anything

we get helps. Sorry again later if anyone wants to comment I don't mind and if

anyone has any idea how to keep ignoring the old 'b' I would like some ideas

cause it is getting tough, even my husband last night blew and told her to lie

down and die then he walked away before he did anything else. Later k

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