Guest guest Posted January 25, 2008 Report Share Posted January 25, 2008 The Cause of Autism So, the long and short of it, autism is caused by a combination of a two factors: 1) a T2 dominant immune system and vaccines. Its that simple. Well, its that simple if you understand what a T2 dominant immune system is and how it can be a problem. So let me boil it down very simply, if you let your doctor induce labor with pitocin and then give your children vaccines, you and your child are very likely screwed. Simple. The Theory Now let me explain the intricacies of this theory. The theory is based on a simple but disastrous combination of factors, all of which have to come into play in one way or another for the autism to manifest. If all of the factors fall into place, you will have a child who is autistic. If some of them come into play, you are likely to have a child somewhere else on the spectrum. The factors to be considered are the health of the mother's (or father's), and subsequently the child's, immune system, pitocin, and vaccinations. (For those who don't know, pitocin is what they give mothers to induce labor. Nowadays it is given freely to just about any mother to help speed up delivery, even though it has never been FDA approved for this use.) A Healthy Birth It all starts with the immune system. You see the immune system is made up of two different pathways†" one that is responsible for protecting you from pathogens like viruses and bacteria and one that is responsible for protecting you from allergens. The part of the immune system that manages pathogens is called T1 and the part that manages allergens is called T2. In a healthy immune system, the body will have about 75% T1 activity and 25% T2 activity. That way your immune system will effectively stop most things that are harmful from getting into your body and kill it off pretty quickly if it does happen to get in. When a healthy woman becomes pregnant, her immune system will naturally shift from a T1 dominant immune system to a T2 dominant immune system so that the body doesn't kill off the baby as if it were a pathogen. If the immune system does not shift to a T2 dominance, the baby will likely abort. You know that a woman has shifted to a T2 dominant state because she gets symptoms related to morning sickness. These symptoms include a hypersensitivity to smell, nausea, and vomiting. This is all a natural and healthy part of the process. While the mother is pregnant, she will remain in the T2 dominant state. The baby will also be T2 dominant. When the baby is ready to be born, it will send the mother a signal (presumably through the cerebrospinal fluid) that signals the mother to secrete a hormone called oxytocin. This secretion of oxytocin, which is sometimes referred to as the " love hormone " , is what signals the mom to go into labor. This influx of oxytocin is also responsible for that magical, mystical love that mother's are known to feel for their children and vice versa. It is the bonding hormone. Somehow, this oxytocin also signals the immune system to switch back to its original T1 state. In so doing, the immune system becomes a participant in birthing the baby. Once the signal is received by the mother, her immune system shifts back to T1 and now reacts to the baby as if it is an invader and goes to work to kick it out (i.e. labor). When the mother switches back to a T1 dominant state, the baby, who is still directly connected to the mother through the placenta, does the same. In this way, the baby is born with a healthy immune system, able to handle whatever life throws its way. If all of this works according to plan, you now have a healthy, happy baby. And even if they give the baby a vaccine within the first few hours of its birth, it can survive it (although barely) without major developmental problems because its immune system is T1 and can identify the pathogens in the vaccine and kill them off. When Everything Goes Wrong So where does it all go wrong? The first factor, of course, is the health of the mother's immune system before birth. (The father's immune system may also play a role. This is still under review). If the mother has an autoimmune disease (including allergies) at the time of conception, the mother's immune system is already compromised. Many of these women feel like a million bucks during the pregnancy. The part of her immune system that was attacking simply takes some time off and many of her aches and pains go away. She may not even experience much in the way of morning sickness because the immune system is already T2. So while the woman is pregnant, both she and the baby are T2 and all is well. The problem comes in when it comes time to give birth. Oftentimes, when the woman is immune compromised, she will not easily switch back to T1 when the baby sends the signal that its time to be born. In that case, labor will be long and difficult. She may even go in and out of labor. In a situation like this, the medical establishment will reach for pitocin, which is a substitute oxytocin. The pitocin will then stimulate labor and the baby will be born. The problem though is that the pitocin doesn't switch the immune system back from a T2 dominant state to a T1 dominant state, which means that the baby doesn't get the signal either. In that scenario, the baby is born T2 dominant and is not sufficiently able to handle its environment, especially anything pathogenic. It is, essentially, one of those babies who is highly allergic. If in that moment, the baby is given a vaccination (like the Hepatitis shots they often give at birth), that baby will become autistic or ADD/ADHD (depending, presumably, on the degree of the T2 dominance). If, however, the baby does not get a vaccine at that time, there is still hope. If the mother's immune system was healthy before birth, even if she received pitocin to induce or assist labor, her immune system may very naturally switch back to T1. If that happens and she breast feeds the baby, the baby will get the new immune system information from the mother and switch to T1. At that time, the baby may very well be able to survive vaccination without getting autism. The danger here is that while the baby is T2, it may not take to the breast very easily (as it is deficient in oxytocin and may not bond well) AND/OR it may appear to be allergic to the mother's milk and become colicky. In response, some mothers will give up on breast feeding or the doctor may suggest using formula. If you do that, the baby will not switch back to T1 and you are at risk once again. This child will very likely become autistic when vaccinated, depending on the age and ferocity of the vaccines (how many at one time, how much thimerisol, etc.) And, if the mother was originally immune compromised and her immune system does NOT switch back to T1 naturally, breast feeding will do little to solve the problem. While it is unknown at this time exactly what happens to the baby when vaccines are administered, we do know that the state of the immune system is a critical factor as to whether or not the baby survives it without long-term harm. If the baby's immune system is strong enough to fight off the pathogens, it will be okay. If the body is essentially in a heightened allergic state (T2) (largely because of the use of pitocin), it will not be able to fight off the pathogens in the vaccine and the baby will come out somewhere on the autism spectrum. In that case, the pathogens essentially destroy something inside the baby. While we do not know exactly what happens, we do know that something happens to the Metallothionein proteins in the gut, which means that the baby is not able to manage heavy metals. Those heavy metals will collect most readily in the area between the two brains, making it virtually impossible for information to flow appropriately between the two sides of the brain. The child may be very good at math and other logical skills, but unable to process the creative and emotional aspects of life, as is common with autistic children. We also know that the baby will likely be deficient in oxytocin for the rest of its life, and thereby unable to appropriately bond with people socially. While we don't know why this affects the gut area so deeply, we know that children who have a T2 dominant immune system are highly allergic (as that is the job of the T2 immune system). As a result, these children are unable to process many ordinary foods like milk (casein), wheat, gluten, and so forth. They also don't fight off fungus very well and have extraordinarily high levels of fungus (yeast) in the gut. We also know that the mother (if she doesn't switch back to a T1 dominant state naturally) is likely to have difficulty bonding with the baby and may feel excessively burdened or get the " baby blues " . If the mother's immune system was borderline before she gave birth and pitocin was administered, she might not switch back to a T1 dominant state herself. Many mothers report that they are never the same after giving birth, now being highly allergic to things that never bothered them before. These mothers are now T2 dominant and have an even higher risk of giving birth to a second child who falls somewhere on the autism spectrum. What about Regressive Autism? Unfortunately, this isn't the end of the story. Many, many children go through this process and appear to be quite healthy until about the age of 2. At this time, many children are subjected to government- sanctioned vaccines. At that time, literally thousands upon thousands of children have experienced similar symptoms: many children experience an extremely high fever (doctors will tell you its normal), they will cry and become discontent, and they may sleep for an inordinate amount of time. Upon awakening the day after the vaccine (particularly the MMR vaccine), you may notice that you child is somehow different. The child may no longer want to be held, it will no longer maintain eye contact, and within days or weeks, the child's speech will diminish. You may even find the child flapping its arms or banging its head against the ground. These are indications of what are called regressive autism. (And yet everyone around you will deny that it was the vaccines that caused it. Even NPR did a one-sided story on it saying that there is absolutely no evidence that vaccines cause autism so they didn't even have to present the other viewpoint. Its amazing. The drug companies and/or government must have a LOT at stake if they could buy off NPR.) So, you ask, why do some children get the shots and come out okay while others are so completely devastated by the vaccines? The answer, once again, lies in the health of the babies immune system. If: The mother (and father?) had healthy immune systems prior to the birth, and The baby was born naturally (no pitocin), and The child was breast fed you will very likely have a healthy child who can handle the vaccines. Its also good if the child has had an opportunity to be around other sick children so it can pick up basic childhood diseases and subsequently teach the immune system appropriate responses. If, however: the mother (or father) were immune compromised before the birth (including something as innocuous as a cold) pitocin was used in the delivery or the baby was delivered cesarean the baby was not breast feed OR if the mother is one of those people who never gets sick but is always suffering from allergies (T2) the baby is high risk. Other characteristics to watch for: The baby never seems to get sick, not even a common cold Or if the baby does get sick, it stays sick for an inordinate amount of time The baby hasn't had an opportunity to be around other kids to pick up standard childhood diseases The baby has chronic stuffy nose (indicating a T2 dominant immune system) The baby has chronic dark circles under its eyes (indicating a T2 dominant immune system) The baby has chronic earaches (T2) Or the baby has chronic diarrhea (T2) If you have any of these (especially if you have a combination of these), you really want to think hard before subjecting your child to vaccines, especially the MMR. The MMR is particularly disastrous because it subjects your child to THREE major pathogens all at one time. A baby with a semi-developed immune system (and they all have some immune system or they'd be living in a bubble), can often handle the preliminary vaccines because they are given one disease at a time (and yes, people, they are giving your children diseases when they give them vaccines. The intention is to give a low dose of the disease so that the body builds up antibodies to it and purportedly becomes immune to it.) That all changes, however, when they give the MMR. In this case, they are giving your children THREE major diseases all at the same time. Even a healthy immune system in a full-grown adult will only get sick with one thing at a time. If your child's immune system is even moderately weak, it will have difficulty surviving the onslaught of viruses and will fight very hard (i.e. the high fever) to kill it off. If it loses, however, the viruses will then do their deed and your child will never be the same. Another consideration is whether or not the child is healthy at the time vaccines are administered. For example, a child's immune system is compromised when it has a cold. So even if you have a child with a very healthy immune system, the child will be at an increased risk if you give it a vaccine when it has a cold or any other illness at the time. The immune system will already be occupied and unable to fight off the onslaught of new viruses. (Giving your child a vaccine while they have a cold can also lead to asthma.) Summary In short, if a child has a compromised immune system (either from the use of pitocin or a parent whose immune system was compromised before birth or they are sick at the time they are given a vaccine) and that child is administered vaccines, it will likely become autistic. So What Can You Do? Pay attention during the pregnancy. If you are having an " easy pregnancy " you are at high risk OR, if you are having a very difficult pregnancy where you are sick all of the time and you are stuck in bed for months at a time, you may be allergic to the baby which puts you at a high risk. If your husband has an autoimmune disease, you may also be at a high risk. There seems to be evidence to support this. If your doctor wants to induce labor, SAY NO! IF YOU CAN AVOID CESEARAN Section, do so. Only allow them to use pitocin if it is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY! AND IF THEY DO USE PITOCIN, DON'T VACCINATE YOUR KIDS UNTIL THEY ARE AT LEAST TEENAGERS! Make sure that you tell both your pediatrician and the nurses on duty and the person delivering your baby that you want a PITOCIN-FREE BIRTH. NO PITOCIN ALLOWED! Make sure that they know NOT to give your baby the Hepatitis shot at birth. Trust me, your baby does not need a hepatitis vaccine at 1 minute old. Make sure that you breast feed. Avoid vaccines completely if you can. OR wait at least 12 months longer than they want you to do vaccinate your children or if at all possible use homeopathic vaccines instead. (available from Bonnie at Mother Earths in sburg). Never allow them to administer more than one vaccine at a time. This includes the MMR (mumps, measles, and rubella) which is the most dangerous of all. Only let them do mumps one day, measles another and Rubella on the other (at least 60 days a part). If they won't do that, they are not the right doctor for you. Find someone who is more knowledgeable about what they are doing and who will listen to you. You can't afford to give in to them on this. Always give your children Tylenol before a vaccine to help them fight off the fever. If they get a fever afterwards, give them more Tylenol. If they still get a fever, God I wish I knew what to tell you. If the fever lasts more than a few days, it is probably too late and you now have a child on the spectrum. Never allow them to vaccinate your children when they are even a little bit sick, especially with a cold or anything that has a fever associated with it. Chances are very slim that your child will survive that unscathed. Learn muscle testing and test your child beforehand to make sure that they can handle the vaccine on that day. If not, walk away. Finally: What To Do Now So now you know. And now you can make an informed decision about whether or not your child will be vaccinated. And now you are just as responsible (perhaps moreso) than your doctor if you choose to vaccinate. Most doctors are uninformed. They are just doing what they are told to do and they are turning a blind eye to all of the children they are damaging. You are now empowered with this information. You can take it to your doctor or not (they will, however deny it. To accept it would mean that they had to take responsibility for all of the lives the damaged and their minds simply will not allow them to do that.) You can throw it away and pretend that you never read it. Or you can pass it on to everyone you know who has children or will have children. The responsibility of knowledge is now in your hands. Do with it as you will. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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