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This week with

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This week was a light week for me, in anticipation of my Amy/

rotation in October, plus recovery from roof bootcamp! With that in

mind, I decided to go with Austin for strength this week. I

was planning for 2-3 strength sessions with , but I haven't

decided what I'm going to today yet so I may go with cardio instead.

So I may end the week with just one , but that's okay for my

rest week. I only have a few workouts, and have only done one

cardio segment from her Personal Trainer video previously. I've seen

her show on ESPN classic several times, as I always get a kick out of

her outfits, and some of her cardio workouts on there seem pretty

wacky, too. So at least I knew what I in for. ;)

On Monday I did Austin: Hit The Spot – 10 Five Minute Target

Toners. What a mouthful! I bought this workout because it's

programmable, and I like when you can mix and match workouts. Of

course, I ended up doing the whole workout at once, so I didn't even

use the programmable feature, lol. As the long title indicates,

there are 10 segments that each target a different area – abs,

thighs, chest, back, arms, shoulders, hips, inner thighs, waist

(obliques), and buns.

I have mixed feelings about this one, but overall it was a nice

workout that I will probably keep for light days. That being said,

there were a few exercises that I couldn't actually do! There was

one exercise that was really tough for me -for inner thighs, I think

it was. You lay on your side like for leg lifts, but you lift up the

leg on top (non-working leg) to about 45 degrees. Then you are

supposed to do a leg lift with the bottom leg while holding up the

top leg. I kept tipping forward, so I just did regular leg lifts with

the non-working leg bent in front. Also, some of the exercises

during the abs and waistline sections looked pretty advanced, so I

substituted with another basic abs move if I saw something I thought

might cause injury, heh. But, she did offer some interesting combos

of exercises, and twists on traditional moves that made them more

functional, so that was a nice change. There was combo where you are

on one knee, and do a concentration curl with one arm and tri

kickback with the other. That one was almost fun, lol!

So overall, this wasn't a bad workout at all but I don't think I'm a

huge fan of . Though Kassia is making those cardios

sound okay…lol! She didn't cue well at all, but it was pretty easy

to catch on once you saw what she was doing. And her rambling was

really something! What got me was how she would talk and talk with

no form pointers or direction at all. Just goofy stuff like " no more

flabby knees " and " you'll have a sexy (fill in body part) " , etc. She

seemed to have good form, but didn't offer any advice on how to have

it yourself.

On Wednesday I did 45 min of cross training on the tmill, with varied

hills and speeds. Again, not sure what's up for today, yet. I should

go out and start raking around the house to clean up the small roof

pieces, but I really don't like raking, lol.

But, I had a good active rest week and am feeling recharged and ready

to take on Amy Bento next week!

There are more posts I want to reply to, so maybe I'll get a chance

later tonight. Otherwise, I'll check back on Sun or Mon.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!


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