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Fwd: Update on Prayer Request

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Tant <tantsy1@...> wrote: Dear Friends: I first want to thank everyone for the prayers, and I want you to know that they have produced amazing results already. Canyon has an antibiotic-resistant streph infection which started with streph throat and spread throughout his body. The most serious problems right now are with his left hand and hip. They performed surgery on his hand yesterday, to clean out some of the infection, but they think that the hip will heal without surgery. Today his blood work is so good that they think he may be able to go home on Monday, if he continues to improve, but will have to have intensive care from his mom and dad, along

with IV antibiotics for 6 to 8 weeks, as I mentioned yesterday. In addition, a nurse will visit them 3 times a week after he goes home. A team will be visiting them tomorrow to teach his mom and dad how to care for him at home. The good news is that his infection is finally responding to the antibiotics, and they're pretty confident that he will eventually make a full recovery. The sad news is that according to my mom, there are 4 other children in Birmingham Children's Hospital who also have the same systemic streph infection, and two of them are not responding to the antibiotics at all. I don't know their names, genders or anything else, but I hope everyone will join me in offering up prayers that they will also begin to respond to treatment and make it safely back home to their families. My grandson, Malachi went to court yesterday, and the judge was wonderful. The prosecutor asked for

a $10,000 bail bond, but the judge said that since my husband and I were there to support him and willing to have him come back home, he released him on his own personal recognizance. Among the conditions of his release is that he attend AA meetings, and bring proof of his attendance with he returns to court. YEA!! He sure needs it, and I hope it works for him. I think I will join Al-Anon when he begins AA. That will not only be my way of supporting him, but will probably help me, too. I was raised by alcoholics and my husband is an alcoholic. I don't drink at all, and have NO PATIENCE with alcohol nor those who drink it to excess, and that has only made my life with alcoholics harder. Maybe Al-Anon can teach me how to cope with it better. Can't hurt, anyway. But the most amazing thing of all is what happened with my husband, Dick around 2:00 this afternoon. More than 20 years

ago he had a serious accident at work which left his right leg partially disabled. He couldn't bend it beyond a certain point. For more than 2 years now he has been in agony from a combination of a pinched nerve in his neck and worn out rotator cuffs in both shoulders. He has no medical insurance, so he has just had to endure the constant pain. He has been unable to sleep two out of every three nights because every time he fell asleep and moved wrong, the pain would wake him up. Every third night he is finally so overcome with exhaustion that he just passes out for a few hours. It has been a nightmare. It has literally been sapping his will to live. Today he came home and showed me that he can fully bend both legs and furthermore, the pain in his neck and arms is GONE - he showed me how he can even do push-ups. He said that around 2:00 be bent down for

something and realized that it felt different - then he realized that his leg was bending. When he showed his boss, he asked, "how's your neck and arms?" Then he realized the pain was gone, and did push-ups at work to test himself. All night, I kept asking him, "is the pain still gone?" The pain is still gone. All I know for sure is that wonderful people all over the world have been answering my request for prayers for the past 24 hours, because I've had messages telling me people were praying for us from almost every continent. And apparently, not only are those prayers being answered, but we got a miracle we didn't even specifically ask for. And you'd have to know how bad Dick's pain has been to realize what a true miracle his sudden loss of that pain and restoration of his bad leg is. I am truly humbled by the wonders of this day. Thank you all so very much, from

the bottom of my heart. You all are and will always remain in my prayers! Peace and Blessings,

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