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Philip Stein Teslar Watches

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Randy Huntington wrote:

<Has anyone tried one of these watches? www.philipstein.com. We are just

beginning to test them (three weeks now) out for the potential of enhanced

restoration and quite frankly the recovery results and the way the athletes

are feeling is a bit remarkable. Anyone else have any experience utilizing

this technology for recovery?

From what I can gather DR Becker developed this chip with some other

scientists in the energy field and Stein worked with him to put it into the

watches. There is no doubt this is out there, but Becker is no fool although

he is a bit controversial and they might be on to something here.

The two chip watch is working better than the one chip from what we can tell

thus far. (we have been doing biomeridian testing and HRV to check changes in

system status and recovery) I can't wrestle them away from my athletes at

this point. If this is a placebo it is a darn strong one. ...>

*** My evaluation is based entirely upon the information provided on that

website, as I have not had the opportunity to test those watches out.


How does the Chip work?

The Teslar Chip technology works with the following components:

- The electric field, generated by the battery of the watch

- The magnetic field, created by the coil that makes the second hand rotate

- The Teslar chip which cancels out, or collapses these two fields

The collapsed fields trap the frequencies, creating a " 0 " point longitudinal

wave or Scalar, also known as the " Teslar Free Standing Wave " . This longitude

waveform sends a 7 to 9 hertz frequency.

[Mel Siff " *** Here we go again - yet another group borrowing impressive

sounding scientific jargon to impress the gullible public! What do they mean

" collapses these fields " ? Are they seriously suggesting that a small

vibrating watch is going to produce some sort of disruption of the space-time

continuum to produce a singularity into which electric and magnetic fields

magically disappear. It would help a great deal if they would cite some

references to validate their impressive claims. ]

When a PHILIP STEIN TESLAR watch is worn on the left wrist, the frequency

goes into the triple warmer meridian of the left arm and then travels

throughout the body, canceling out harmful static caused by electromagnetic

fields along the way.

[Mel Siff: *** Static caused by electromagnetic fields?? Since when is

static electricity produced by some anonymous EM fields associated with the

body? The mentioning of the triple warmer actually gives one a clue as to how

this watch may produce some genuine physiological effects. A long time a go

a little vibrating wrist band (as well as bracelet with a large bead) was

sold to be worn in a similar region of the wrist to combat travel sickness

and research indeed showed that pressure or vibration in this region helped

in this regard. So, if this watch does produce some short-term effects, then

it has nothing to do with collapsing EM fields, with special quantum effects

or anything as abstruse as that. The watch is simply being used to stimulate

some acupuncture points and I am sure that some of our list members would be

able to offer more information in this regard.]

This is demonstrated and proven by EAV testing and fast EEG. As Energy enters

the body on the left, we suggest wearing the watch on the left hand for best


[Mel Siff: *** Proven by whom? It would be interesting to see the research

studies. " Fast EEG " ? What do they mean? This term can mean anything. Are

they referring to the very rarely measured and unusual very high frequency

(100kHz) brain rhythms that were reported many years ago (by Nudel in 1965)

or are they simply referring to the beta waves (13-30Hz) of the aroused

mental state? This appears to be yet another example to use guruesque

language to impress the masses. Once again, let's see the studies.

So, energy enters the body on the left? What sort of energy? This is

classic Eastern mumbo-jumbo and does not concur with the findings of Dr RO

Becker who studied the polarity of the DC potentials and whom the Philip

Stein group quote. Haven't they read his research properly to appreciate

that they are citing the work of a man whose findings contradict or disprove

some of their central claims?]

The PHILIP STEIN TESLAR watch is an active device, which oscillates between 7

to 9 hertz, averaging about 8 hertz. 7.83 hertz is the magnetic field the

earth emits, also known as the Schumann Resonance. This is the resonance to

which the human body was accustomed to before electricity.

[Mel Siff: *** Really? This presumes that there was a time when there were

no EM fields in the universe. If that is the case, then humans presumably

must have been around before the alleged " big bang. " The similarity of the

Schumann resonant frequencies to the mean alpha rhythm of adult humans

(7-9Hz) has been noted for many years. Books such as Gaquelin's " Cosmic

Clocks " and Hill & Playfair's " The Cycles of Heaven " (1978) discussed the

possibility that the ELF (Extra Low Frequencies) noted by Schumann in 1952 in

the space between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere may entrain the

brain rhythms to about the same frequencies.

Of course, this does not explain why these waves slow down way below 7.83Hz

during sleep and speed up way beyond 7.83Hz during arousal. Nor does it

explain the existence of ultrafast brain rhythms beyond 50Hz. Nor does it

explain the quasi-stationary or very slow potentials which attracted much of

the attention of Dr Becker. The Stein group are inferring a great deal from

some very old speculations and conveniently are omitting a lot of other very

important information. ]

Frequent oscillation allows the signal to stay biologically interactive. This

is important because some systems within the body will acclimate to stimuli

that stay constant for any given period of time.


Teslar Development

In 1976, the highly respected physicist Dr. Beck, studied electronic

equipment causing " psychoactive " effects in users. He found that extremely

low frequencies were emitted from the equipment, and along with research from

Dr. Becker, confirmed the harmful aspect of electromagnetic field (ELF)


For the next 20 years, Dr. Beck, Dr. Becker, Dr. Marino, Dr. Eldon Byrd, Dr.

Puharich, Dr. Victor Adamenko, and many other scientists conducted additional

research into this phenomena and confirmed its potential as a health hazard.

By 1984, having recognized the endemic nature of this problem, efforts were

put toward developing a unique instrument to protect an individual from

harmful ELF frequencies. In late 1985, ELF International solved technical

problems and developed a " shielding chip. " This chip was tested and shown to

shield a human body from harmful electromagnetic fields.

[Mel Siff: *** Including this information creates the impression that all of

the above scientists were doing work which relates directly to the design of

this watch, a technique that in persuasion is known as " appeal to authority " .

All that they quote here is correct, but it does not support the claims made

about the watch. If this tiny chip manages to cancel out some of the EM

fields of the earth, then let's see the peer-reviewed studies. How does such

a small chip manage to produce such great EM output to counteract the

powerful EM fields of the earth? Why don't they mention how such a tiny

battery in a wrist watch can manage to achieve this remarkable effect? The

military would love to have a few larger chips fore obvious reasons. Maybe

they do have, but that is hidden from us by some Official Secrets Act...

right? ]


Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why is the Teslar an active device? An active device produces a

measurable signal which will continue to protect the body no matter how long

it's worn.

The Teslar is an active device, continuously producing a measurable signal

while oscillating between 7 and 9 hertz. This keeps the signal active within

the body's energy system.

[Mel Siff: *** More word play that tells us nothing of any value. I went

to the research section of their website but found nothing there but a blank

page. Like that other different type of portable vibrator we discussed a few

weeks ago, this site seems to have been set up in a hurry just to sell to the

gullible masses, but not to offer any genuine corroborating evidence.]

2. What is a passive device?

In a passive device there are no working parts and the protection signal and

benefit cannot be measured. Since there are no working parts with a passive

device, the body is quickly entrained. It is similar to living in a home

where planes roar overhead or the earsplitting sound of a subway train

rattling outside your window...you just get used to it over a short period of


[Mel Siff: *** Nonsense. The various rhythms of the body are not entrained

to any of the static or " passive " things in the environment. Many different

rhythms are generated by different systems in the body and many of these,

like the cardiac and brain rhythms change all the time. Moreover, static

fields carry no information to stimulate entrainment, so that it is

impossible for physiological processes to entrain to them.]

3. Why does the Teslar use a watch?

The Teslar uses the watch mechanism because the watch has a measurable

electric (battery) and magnetic field (coil with moves the sweep second

hand). With the Teslar chip, the electromagnetic fields cancel each other, to

create a zero point, scalar field. On this scalar field is modulated a 7 to

9 hertz signal. This important earth healing frequency is then pulsed into

the body providing around the clock protective energy with the tick of every


[Mel Siff: *** This assumes that the body has to be protected from a very

specific bandwidth of frequencies, but environmental EM fields are by no

means that constant. Sunspot activity alone profoundly affects our EM

environment and periodically causes massive disruption of our

telecommunication systems. This advertising " blurb " shows a serious lack of

many scientific fundamentals.]

4. Why do you have to wear the Teslar on your left arm?

The arms and legs of the body act as antenna and this is how outside

frequencies enter the body. For most people, all frequencies travel into the

body through the left hand and exit out the right hand. To protect the body,

it is necessary to stop these fields at their entry point, the hand, not

after they enter the body. Having a Teslar on the wrist is the best point to

collapse this offending energy. Wearing a device around the neck attempts to

collapse the energy after it has entered the body and after it has started

its bad effect on our cells. By the time the unwanted extremely low

frequencies of the electromagnetic field enters the center of the body it is

well established in the biofield and its benefit around the neck is not


[Mel Siff: *** If they read some of the research which examined the effect

of EM fields on the body (yes, done by some of those very scientists whose

work they cited,) they will have noticed that far more profound effects can be

exerted on human behaviour and health by exposing the brain and CNS to these

fields, not the extremities. Let's see just one shred of scientific evidence


all of these way-out paramystical claims about how the body interacts with

its EM environment. ]


If this watch does indeed offer some benefits, it certainly has little or

nothing to do with all of those gurusque claims about how the body is

affected by its EM environment. If this website offered some more adequately

referenced information and far less mumbo-jumbo, it would help a great deal.

As it stands, it comes across as something that is even worse than almost

anything that I have seen on any TV infomercial. Since it may well affect

some acupuncture meridian, this effect may indeed stimulate a powerful

placebo effect, especially since anyone who wears this watch has been told of

its amazing powers.

The power of suggestion such as Voodoo has been known to kill in primitive

societies and psychosomatic diseases are very well authenticated, so a large

effect by an impressive looking and well-described magic bracelet would not

really be surprising. We shouldn't forget for one moment that the same

primitive mind lurks pretty close to the surface even today in so-called

" modern man. "

If we are to take these watches seriously, then the company concerned needs

to offer some less insulting advertising and some genuine research or

clinical studies to back up their claims.

Dr Mel C Siff

Denver, USA


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