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There are people who will walk away from you. Or hurtyou. Or not love you. Or not 'see' you.And hear me when I tell you this - when people try towalk away from you: let them go. Don't try to talkanother person into staying with you, loving you,calling you, caring about you, coming to see you,staying attached to you. I mean hang up the phone ifyou need to. When people turn from you, let them go.They're on their way to somewhere or something else:somewhere or something that does not include you andlet me tell why that is okay...Your destiny is never tied to anybody or anything thatleft.People leave you because they are not joined to you.And if they are not joined to you, it's best they donot stay. Let them go.And it only means their part in your story is over.And it's good to know when people's part is over soyou don't keep trying to push something that doesn'tneed to be.Let me tell you something. I've got the gift ofgood-bye. It's the tenth spiritual gift, and I believein good-bye. It's not that I'm hateful, it's that I'mfaithful, and I know whatever I need, I will haveavailable to me, without convincing it to be a part ofmy life.LET IT GO.If you are holding on to something that doesn't belongand is not good for you, then you need to.....LET IT GO.If you are holding on to past hurts and pains......LET IT GO.If someone can't treat you right, love you back, andsee your worth.....LET IT GO.If someone has angered you........LET IT GO.If you are holding on to thoughts of hatred orrevenge......LET IT GO.If you are involved in a wrong relationship oraddiction......LET IT GO.If you are holding on to a job that no longer meetsyour needs or talents.....LET IT GO.If you have a bad attitude.......LET IT GO.If you keep judging others to make yourself feelbetter.....LET IT GO.If you're stuck in the past and God is trying to takeyou to a new spiritual level.....LET IT GO.If you are struggling with the healing of a brokenrelationship.......LET IT GO.If you keep trying to help someone who won't even tryto help themselves......LET IT GO.If you're feeling depressed and stressed........LET IT GO.If there is a particular situation that you are usedto handlingyourself and God is saying "take your hands off ofit," then you need to......LET IT GO.Let the past be the past. Forget the former things.Our Divine One, our Creator is doing new things for2007!!!LET IT GO.I invite you to take an opportunity, during the next60 seconds, to stop whatever you are doing, and sendloving, healing, abundant, happy, and warm thoughts tothe one who sent this to you. Know that they areturning toward you, not away from you. They care foryou. They are not keeping you or judging you. They areinviting you to grow with them, and to LET IT GO.Finally, stop and think of those things or thoseprecious people in your life who were brought to you.Take a moment to appreciate someone kind, someonegracious, someone who loves you, and thank God andpray for them.Sent with love from a myspace friend!Passing it on with love to you!

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This was wonderful, as always, . :) Thank you! One of the silly things I do to facilitate the "letting go" process is to sing it...yes, I am sharing something very silly and personal - but it works *grin*. For example, if I am in pain or whatever, I will sing, "Oh, the pain inside is frightful, release would be delightful, and since I love my Soul, I choose to let it go, let it go, let it go!" Sung to the tune of "Let it Snow". *grin* I am a believer in finding humorous ways (or

those we find humorous to ourselves) to release things, making the process a joyful one and not a laborious one that it can sometimes feel to be. ;)Thanks again for being an incredible being, !! Much Love,~Ali~karmarqu69 <karmarqu69@...> wrote: There are people who will walk away from you. Or hurtyou. Or not love you. Or not 'see' you.And hear me when I tell you this - when people try towalk away from you: let them go. Don't try to talkanother person into staying with you, loving you,calling you, caring about you, coming to see you,staying attached to you. I mean hang up the phone ifyou need to. When people turn from you, let them go.They're on their way to somewhere or something else:somewhere or something that does not include you andlet me tell why that is okay...Your destiny is never tied to

anybody or anything thatleft.People leave you because they are not joined to you.And if they are not joined to you, it's best they donot stay. Let them go.And it only means their part in your story is over.And it's good to know when people's part is over soyou don't keep trying to push something that doesn'tneed to be.Let me tell you something. I've got the gift ofgood-bye. It's the tenth spiritual gift, and I believein good-bye. It's not that I'm hateful, it's that I'mfaithful, and I know whatever I need, I will haveavailable to me, without convincing it to be a part ofmy life.LET IT GO.If you are holding on to something that doesn't belongand is not good for you, then you need to.....LET IT GO.If you are holding on to past hurts and pains......LET IT GO.If someone can't treat you right, love you back, andsee your worth.....LET IT GO.If someone

has angered you........LET IT GO.If you are holding on to thoughts of hatred orrevenge......LET IT GO.If you are involved in a wrong relationship oraddiction......LET IT GO.If you are holding on to a job that no longer meetsyour needs or talents.....LET IT GO.If you have a bad attitude.......LET IT GO.If you keep judging others to make yourself feelbetter.....LET IT GO.If you're stuck in the past and God is trying to takeyou to a

new spiritual level.....LET IT GO.If you are struggling with the healing of a brokenrelationship.......LET IT GO.If you keep trying to help someone who won't even tryto help themselves......LET IT GO.If you're feeling depressed and

stressed........LET IT GO.If there is a particular situation that you are usedto handlingyourself and God is saying "take your hands off ofit," then you need to......LET IT GO.Let the past be the past. Forget the former things.Our Divine One, our Creator is doing new things

for2007!!!LET IT GO.I invite you to take an opportunity, during the next60 seconds, to stop whatever you are doing, and sendloving, healing, abundant, happy, and warm thoughts tothe one who sent this to you. Know that they areturning toward you, not away from you. They care foryou. They are

not keeping you or judging you. They areinviting you to grow with them, and to LET IT GO.Finally, stop and think of those things or thoseprecious people in your life who were brought to you.Take a moment to appreciate someone kind, someonegracious, someone who loves you, and thank God andpray for them.Sent with love from a myspace friend!Passing it on with love to you!

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What a wise suggestion Ali! I've never dealt with a hard issue quite like that. I will keep your suggestion in my awareness, and the next time I have a hard experience, I will SING it away with pleasure! heheIncredible love to you my sister,Stefanie > > > > There are people who will walk away from you. Or hurt> you. Or not love you. Or not 'see' you.> And hear me when I tell you this - when people try to> walk away from you: let them go. Don't try to talk> another person into staying with you, loving you,> calling you, caring about you, coming to see you,> staying attached to you. I mean hang up the phone if> you need to. When people turn from you, let them go.> They're on their way to somewhere or something else:> somewhere or something that does not include you and> let me tell why that is okay...> > Your destiny is never tied to anybody or anything that> left.> People leave you because they are not joined to you.> And if they are not joined to you, it's best they do> not stay. Let them go.> And it only means their part in your story is over.> And it's good to know when people's part is over so> you don't keep trying to push something that doesn't> need to be.> Let me tell you something. I've got the gift of> good-bye. It's the tenth spiritual gift, and I believe> in good-bye. It's not that I'm hateful, it's that I'm> faithful, and I know whatever I need, I will have> available to me, without convincing it to be a part of> my life.> > LET IT GO.> If you are holding on to something that doesn't belong> and is not good for you, then you need to.....> > LET IT GO.> > If you are holding on to past hurts and pains......> > LET IT GO.> > If someone can't treat you right, love you back, and> see your worth.....> > LET IT GO.> > If someone has angered you........> > LET IT GO.> > If you are holding on to thoughts of hatred or> revenge......> > LET IT GO.> > If you are involved in a wrong relationship or> addiction......> > LET IT GO.> > If you are holding on to a job that no longer meets> your needs or talents.....> > LET IT GO.> > If you have a bad attitude.......> > LET IT GO.> > If you keep judging others to make yourself feel> better.....> > LET IT GO.> > If you're stuck in the past and God is trying to take> you to a new spiritual level.....> > LET IT GO.> > If you are struggling with the healing of a broken> relationship.......> > LET IT GO.> > If you keep trying to help someone who won't even try> to help themselves......> > LET IT GO.> > If you're feeling depressed and stressed........> > LET IT GO.> > If there is a particular situation that you are used> to handling> yourself and God is saying "take your hands off of> it," then you need to......> > LET IT GO.> > Let the past be the past. Forget the former things.> Our Divine One, our Creator is doing new things for> 2007!!!> > LET IT GO.> > I invite you to take an opportunity, during the next> 60 seconds, to stop whatever you are doing, and send> loving, healing, abundant, happy, and warm thoughts to> the one who sent this to you. Know that they are> turning toward you, not away from you. They care for> you. They are not keeping you or judging you. They are> inviting you to grow with them, and to LET IT GO.> > > Finally, stop and think of those things or those> precious people in your life who were brought to you.> Take a moment to appreciate someone kind, someone> gracious, someone who loves you, and thank God and> pray for them.> > Sent with love from a myspace friend!> Passing it on with love to you!> >

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Hi & thank you for passing on this wonderful message, it is how I primarily manage to live very much in the "now".

I like to let everything which is "unlike love" flow on and move out of my life. Forgiveness & letting go are necessary actions in achieving the feeling of flowing freely through life. It is as hard or easy as we make it. Uniquely our own. Thank you so much for re affirming one of my true beliefs.

Love flows through me and every emotion or thought which is in tune with that is my life now, for the most part. I still have far to go in knowing myself and healing myself, but I have at least learnt to let things go and live joyously in NOW. Love on you all


----- Original Message ----From: karmarqu69 <karmarqu69@...> Sent: Friday, July 20, 2007 6:04:37 PMSubject: [] LET IT GO.

There are people who will walk away from you. Or hurtyou. Or not love you. Or not 'see' you.And hear me when I tell you this - when people try towalk away from you: let them go. Don't try to talkanother person into staying with you, loving you,calling you, caring about you, coming to see you,staying attached to you. I mean hang up the phone ifyou need to. When people turn from you, let them go.They're on their way to somewhere or something else:somewhere or something that does not include you andlet me tell why that is okay...Your destiny is never tied to anybody or anything thatleft.People leave you because they are not joined to you.And if they are not joined to you, it's best they donot stay. Let them go.And it only means their part in your story is over.And it's good to know when people's part is over soyou don't keep trying to push something that doesn'tneed to be.Let me tell you something. I've got the gift ofgood-bye. It's the tenth spiritual gift, and I believein good-bye. It's not that I'm hateful, it's that I'mfaithful, and I know whatever I need, I will haveavailable to me, without convincing it to be a part ofmy life.LET IT GO.If you are holding on to something that doesn't belongand is not good for you, then you need to.....LET IT GO.If you are holding on to past hurts and pains......LET IT

GO.If someone can't treat you right, love you back, andsee your worth.....LET IT GO.If someone has angered you........LET IT GO.If you are holding on to thoughts of hatred orrevenge..... .LET IT GO.If you are involved in a wrong

relationship oraddiction... ...LET IT GO.If you are holding on to a job that no longer meetsyour needs or talents.....LET IT GO.If you have a bad attitude.... ...LET IT GO.If you keep judging others to make yourself feelbetter.....LET IT GO.If you're stuck in the past and God is trying to takeyou to a new spiritual level.....LET IT GO.If you are struggling with the healing of a brokenrelationship. ......LET IT GO.If you keep trying to help someone who won't even tryto help themselves.. ....LET IT GO.If you're feeling depressed and stressed.... ....LET IT GO.If there is a particular situation that you are usedto handlingyourself and God is saying "take your hands off ofit," then you need to......LET IT GO.Let the past be the past. Forget the former things.Our Divine One, our Creator is doing new things for2007!!!LET IT GO.I invite you to take an opportunity, during the next60 seconds, to stop whatever you are doing, and sendloving, healing, abundant, happy, and warm thoughts tothe one who sent this to you. Know that they areturning toward you, not away from you. They care foryou. They are not keeping you or judging you. They areinviting you to grow with them, and to LET IT GO.Finally, stop and think of those things or thoseprecious people in your life who were brought to you.Take a moment to appreciate someone kind, someonegracious, someone who loves you, and thank God andpray for

them.Sent with love from a myspace friend!Passing it on with love to you!

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