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Thursday's workout: T-Tapp

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Hi Kathy!

I'm the same with you about messes - not a neat freak,

but I like a certain level of order. I'm gonna be a

basket case when we have our kitchen re-done!

Good for you on getting T-Tapp in - that Basic Plus

workout is just perfect to get something in in a short

amount of time. For next week I'm still thinking about

doing a 7 Day T-Tapp Bootcamp. I really can't say

enough about how just Primary Back Stretch alone has

helped me back and made me less cranky.

Take care,


--- Kathy Vetro wrote:

> I woke up really late today as I was up to around

> midnight working around the house. We are in the

> process of installing a flat screen in the living

> room. What a mess. I am not a neat freak, but the

> mess involved in painting, taking down our old unit,

> etc. is driving me nuts and making me cranky. I

> think we should be done tonight.


> I did T-Tapp Basic Plus this morning just to get in

> a 15 minute workout plus some relief for my tired

> back and legs from the project.


> Off to work. I am off tomorrow with my youngest

> Tony so at least I only have today to endure!


> Kathy



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