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Re: Playing catchup

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, be careful driving tomorrow, there is a winter advisory from 4am to 2pm...freezing rain/ice. JenSubject: Playing catchupTo: exercisevideos Date: Thursday, December 25, 2008, 6:35 PM

Merry Christmas everyone!

I only worked out twice this week but ate enough cookie dough, candy and other garbage to need to have worked out a whole lot more! Oh well, next week will be better since I won't be baking and hopefully, we'll get the rest of the stuff mostly out of the house.

Earlier in the week (Monday I think) I did the cardio and lower body on Voight's Slim Physique DVD. This is the one where she's got a 30 minute workout for each day of the week so you don't have to think, you can just follow the DVD and get cardio, upper body, lower body abs and yoga all in during the week. It was my plan to do one workout from that each day. As usual, it didn't work out that way. This was my first Voight workout and I liked her but had a hard time with the workouts even though they were pretty simple. the cardio was not too dancey or complex at all, I just had a hard time following. I'm sure if I did it a few more times (you do it 3 times during the course of a week following her plan) I would have been fine. Since it was only 15 minutes I tried not to get frustrated and just keep trying. The lower body was good but I had a hard time with some of the movements in this too, especially coordinating arms and legs (I had the same problem with the cardio). She does some nice ballet moves with her arms adding some upper body to the lower body work but mine just don't look nearly as graceful or coordinated. She doesn't explain how to do anything, you're just expected to jump in and do it which makes perfect sense since you're doing many of the workouts multiple times during the week and they're very short so she doesn't want to waste time explaining too much or boring you to pieces when you're doing the workout for the 2nd or 3rd time that week. I just need more practice time. I do look forward to finding a week where I can do the entire DVD!! Thank you Sara for sending this to me!!

Tuesday I spent most of the day on the freeway, moving about 5 miles per hour when we moved at all because of ice. There were cars spun out everywhere facing the wrong way in snow banks and accidents everywhere too. Ugh. I was going to work out after work but spent the rest of the day wrapping presents while the kids were at my in-laws then doing dinner and all our evening stuff after they got home. Wednesday I planned to work out before work but needed to sleep in so I did, then went to work (we had 22 people at our WW meeting!!) and then ran out of time in the afternoon before the Christmas Eve service at church in the evening then it was too late for me to do anything. So, today, on Christmas, which is now the 2nd anniversary of my working out on a regular basis most of the time, I finally fit in a workout after stockings & presents and breakfast here and before dinner and presents at my in-laws. I thought about doing a workout but couldn't stand the idea of listening to her, then thought I'd do Voight again but didn't want to think. I also wanted to do the step workout I did last week but couldn't remember which one it was and didn't feel like figuring it out and finally decided to pull something out of the wonderful box of goodies Santa Stacey sent me a few weeks ago and took out Crunch Boot Camp. I had thought about it in my deciding and rejected it thinking I wouldn't have to think but I might have to work too hard and finally said what the heck, let's do it. I am so glad I did!!!! I only had about 30 minutes for my workout (and we still ended up getting to the in-laws late) and this was 30 minutes of super simple athletic cardio with intervals of strength training but oh wow did it work me good in just 30 minutes!

Sue Hitzman leads it (she was new to me and I liked her a lot). She was friendly, energetic and fun without being over the top. She cues wonderfully and gives excellent form pointers throughout. No chatter, just instructions but in a very likeable way. There's 6 or 7 other people with her, men and women, one women shows low impact and easier modifications of moves. I followed Sue except on some variation of jumping jacks that caused me to think too much about what my arms and legs were doing so I just did standard jumping jacks and that was fine. I didn't wear my HRM because I didn't want to get caught up in numbers today. I just wanted to move my body but didn't want to necessarily try to hit any particular target. I'm wishing I'd have worn it now because it would have been interesting to see how high my heart rate was (very high I'm sure, way out of my cardio training zone) and how many calories I'd burned in that 30 minutes (a lot more than with !). You go right from cardio into strength with no breaks at all, constantly moving but it was great! Thank you again Stacey, for this and all the other fun stuff you sent me!

Tomorrow I have to work at 6:45 and then have a break for about 90 minutes then have 3 back to back meetings. I'm subbing for another leader for those. It will be interesting to see how many people show up to WW the day after Christmas! I am, once again, planning on working out sometime in the afternoon though... maybe I'll get back to those Voight workouts on Slim Physique! ;-)

I hope those of you who celebrated Christmas experienced many blessings, I know I did and may post about them later. I hope those who did not enjoyed a peaceful day too!!

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Thanks Jen!

I'm home in between classes. I did my 7 AM at work class and the roads were dry. When I came out an hour later my car was coated in ice and it was raining. The roads were well-salted though so driving was fine. I'm leaving in a few minutes to do my 3 classes in the local WW center and it hasn't been raining for a while so hopefully it will still be okay out there. I get done around 1 so with any luck it will be warm enough by then that there shouldn't be too much slipping and sliding. These classes are all within 15 minutes of my house and no expressway so this is good so far! Thanks so much for your caring though!!

Playing catchupTo: exercisevideos Date: Thursday, December 25, 2008, 6:35 PM

Merry Christmas everyone!

I only worked out twice this week but ate enough cookie dough, candy and other garbage to need to have worked out a whole lot more! Oh well, next week will be better since I won't be baking and hopefully, we'll get the rest of the stuff mostly out of the house.

Earlier in the week (Monday I think) I did the cardio and lower body on Voight's Slim Physique DVD. This is the one where she's got a 30 minute workout for each day of the week so you don't have to think, you can just follow the DVD and get cardio, upper body, lower body abs and yoga all in during the week. It was my plan to do one workout from that each day. As usual, it didn't work out that way. This was my first Voight workout and I liked her but had a hard time with the workouts even though they were pretty simple. the cardio was not too dancey or complex at all, I just had a hard time following. I'm sure if I did it a few more times (you do it 3 times during the course of a week following her plan) I would have been fine. Since it was only 15 minutes I tried not to get frustrated and just keep trying. The lower body was good but I had a hard time with some of the movements in this too, especially coordinating arms and legs (I had the same problem with the cardio). She does some nice ballet moves with her arms adding some upper body to the lower body work but mine just don't look nearly as graceful or coordinated. She doesn't explain how to do anything, you're just expected to jump in and do it which makes perfect sense since you're doing many of the workouts multiple times during the week and they're very short so she doesn't want to waste time explaining too much or boring you to pieces when you're doing the workout for the 2nd or 3rd time that week. I just need more practice time. I do look forward to finding a week where I can do the entire DVD!! Thank you Sara for sending this to me!!

Tuesday I spent most of the day on the freeway, moving about 5 miles per hour when we moved at all because of ice. There were cars spun out everywhere facing the wrong way in snow banks and accidents everywhere too. Ugh. I was going to work out after work but spent the rest of the day wrapping presents while the kids were at my in-laws then doing dinner and all our evening stuff after they got home. Wednesday I planned to work out before work but needed to sleep in so I did, then went to work (we had 22 people at our WW meeting!!) and then ran out of time in the afternoon before the Christmas Eve service at church in the evening then it was too late for me to do anything. So, today, on Christmas, which is now the 2nd anniversary of my working out on a regular basis most of the time, I finally fit in a workout after stockings & presents and breakfast here and before dinner and presents at my in-laws. I thought about doing a workout but couldn't stand the idea of listening to her, then thought I'd do Voight again but didn't want to think. I also wanted to do the step workout I did last week but couldn't remember which one it was and didn't feel like figuring it out and finally decided to pull something out of the wonderful box of goodies Santa Stacey sent me a few weeks ago and took out Crunch Boot Camp. I had thought about it in my deciding and rejected it thinking I wouldn't have to think but I might have to work too hard and finally said what the heck, let's do it. I am so glad I did!!!! I only had about 30 minutes for my workout (and we still ended up getting to the in-laws late) and this was 30 minutes of super simple athletic cardio with intervals of strength training but oh wow did it work me good in just 30 minutes!

Sue Hitzman leads it (she was new to me and I liked her a lot). She was friendly, energetic and fun without being over the top. She cues wonderfully and gives excellent form pointers throughout. No chatter, just instructions but in a very likeable way. There's 6 or 7 other people with her, men and women, one women shows low impact and easier modifications of moves. I followed Sue except on some variation of jumping jacks that caused me to think too much about what my arms and legs were doing so I just did standard jumping jacks and that was fine. I didn't wear my HRM because I didn't want to get caught up in numbers today. I just wanted to move my body but didn't want to necessarily try to hit any particular target. I'm wishing I'd have worn it now because it would have been interesting to see how high my heart rate was (very high I'm sure, way out of my cardio training zone) and how many calories I'd burned in that 30 minutes (a lot more than with !). You go right from cardio into strength with no breaks at all, constantly moving but it was great! Thank you again Stacey, for this and all the other fun stuff you sent me!

Tomorrow I have to work at 6:45 and then have a break for about 90 minutes then have 3 back to back meetings. I'm subbing for another leader for those. It will be interesting to see how many people show up to WW the day after Christmas! I am, once again, planning on working out sometime in the afternoon though... maybe I'll get back to those Voight workouts on Slim Physique! ;-)

I hope those of you who celebrated Christmas experienced many blessings, I know I did and may post about them later. I hope those who did not enjoyed a peaceful day too!!

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