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Re: TD DMPS treatments in the UK

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I was wondering where I could get this treatment for my son in the UK

>>I think you can still buy this at the Breakspear Hospital Pharmacy though its out of vogue now, particularly the Buttar protocol. Are you already doing biomed? Diet, enzymes, supps etc? I think you posted on A-M about soiling etc, that cleared up for us with treating gut bugs when Sam was 6. Tell us a bit more about your lad

Mandi in Dorset

Mum to Sam 11, 47XYY, Regressive Autism, Heavy Metal Toxicity and Severe Cute-ness :)

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> From: Mum231ASD@...

> Date: 2008/04/06 Sun PM 03:47:39 BST

> To: Autism-Biomedical-Europe

> Subject: Re: TD DMPS treatments in the UK



> In a message dated 06/04/2008 10:18:38 GMT Standard Time,

> rachel.stubbs.white@... writes:


> I was wondering where I could get this treatment for my son in the UK




> >>I think you can still buy this at the Breakspear Hospital Pharmacy though

> its out of vogue now, particularly the Buttar protocol. Are you already doing

> biomed? Diet, enzymes, supps etc? I think you posted on A-M about soiling

> etc, that cleared up for us with treating gut bugs when Sam was 6. Tell us a


> more about your lad


> Mandi in Dorset

> Mum to Sam 11, 47XYY, Regressive Autism, Heavy Metal Toxicity and Severe

> Cute-ness :)





> thank you Mandi so good to know that others have been through this & come out

the other side hopefully.

Joss is just over 4 attends autistic nursery unit attached to special needs

school he is verabl with the odd word & speaks a lot of baby babbling; in May

2006 when he was nearly 2 & half & before we had the diagnosis (but knew

something was up) he would soil his nappies & then remove them & either tear

them up & /or smear the contents around his cot/bedroom/self & anything else.

I decided to take him out of nappies as clearly they were not serving the

purpose they were designed for & I was concerned that as he was doing it in his

cot (unsupervised) that he was tearing up & eating bits of nappy toothat this

was potentially dangerous

so we went into pants & it took a long time but he does manage to keep them dry

he can last for about 3 hours but has never instigated using the toilet for

himself if we take him though he almost always does a wee successfully - he

goes all night in just pajama bottoms & we more often than not have a dry bed in

the morn as long as we take him as soon as he wakes up. so have had no need of

nappies for ages.

but the POO.. his room is smelling like a public toilet he will poo & smear

& sometimes wet if we leave it just a bit too long.. he will just not sit on the

toilet long enough allow the bowels to open. he smears himself & toys with his

poo & then doesnt like it on his hands so will try & wipe it off on the carpet

or in his hair. its driving me crazy. he can have 2 or 3 bowel movements per

day & within 4 hours this can change from rock hard to watery loose. but then

his diet is not too good (through his choice)

school have now said they want to tackle this head on & want to put him back

into pull ups but im just not sure this the right thing to do I dont think he

would eat nappies now but I m certain he will remove it.

any advice you can offer would be great tbh Im just worn out constantly having

to make allowances for his unpredicatble autistic nature & I have a 3 month old

baby too so the washing in our house!!!! looks like a launderette - im a

full time washerwoman let alone anything else...

anyway thanks for getting in touch any advice you can give would be gratefully




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It sounds to me like your sons bowel is impacted. Has he a history of bowel probs? This alternating nature of the stools is indicative of this, would your paediatrician allow you to have a bowel x-ray? You can email me off list if you want to, but the number of times I have heard this over the years is incredible!! If your sons bowel is backed up then pooh cant get out so it gets slushy in order to by-pass this.....

The chewing of the nappies sounds to me like a mineral deficiency. Shattock recently said to another mum who had a similar problem Phosphorus. I would try a broad spectrum easily absorbed multi mineral supplement like Brainchild Liquid Ultra sensitive, you may be able to get a tester before buying the whole thing in case its not suitable.

For the pooh and smearing I would take all carpet out his room and toys. Have as much wipeable as you can. Get rid of the hair for now so you can just wash your son down with accidents. I think you will find that once his bowel is cleared out and you have good bugs in there and enough laxatives to keep his bowel moving this may sort itself out.

I am not a medic just a mum who has heard and lived this too so none of this is medical advice. Do you work with a DAN Practitioner too?

Good Luck and please contact me if I can help anymore.



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We used to put on dungarees over the sleepsuit to stop him getting at nappies. Since going glutenfree, it's no longer an issue, trained for daytime now, and keeps nappies on in bed.

good luck

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