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Becoming Radiant Love

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Becoming Radiant Love

Written by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

As we move into the higher light of biology our bodies seem to start kicking and screaming. Pains in all colors and forms erupt like a week of eating chocolate. The body says 'look at me, feel me' demanding your attention like a small spoiled child. Life is demanding you move forward embracing all of her teachings without any complaining. The mind ponders the next turn the next day the next dollar. The body shouts the loudest and all cells turn inward.

You blame your pain on the weather, old age, young age, and worry. You take an aspirin and expect it to go away like it usually does. But the pain persists demanding your attention. You go to a healer a doctor a chiropractor to get adjusted, attuned, oiled and rubbed and still no relief. The body demand s that you the parent/ creator energy address the pain personally no outside interference. Looking outside of your self will not provide the answer to the question of erasing the pain. The pain is partly yours belonging to the recent past/ or other lives / levels past. Something you have stuffed away. Mostly the pain is of the darkness and un-human things that are happening to the Mother Earth and her children.

At this time all the men, woman and children of earth are processing pain for the Mother Earth. That pain may come in any form of awareness in body mind or spirit. What is happening on the earth is atrocious. Fear awakens in the heart of many each morning as they raise. Enough is enough the mother says and she gives to her flesh in human form some of the pain of what she is feeling.

Pain that will not go away no matter how hard you rub or pray. She asks to SEND RADIANT LOVE into all aspects of pain personal and planetary. Feel your pain and then from the deepest part of your heart and soul send RADIANT LOVE. Ask RADIANT LOVE TO INFUSE YOU ON A SUBATOMIC LEVEL THROUGHOUT ALL UNIVERSES. See all the love you have ever felt taking shape, holding density. See the love as a Radiant livingness, Now send that Radiant Love to what hurts, in body mind spirit, country or planet. Just like the plume of the shuttle see this energy as precise, direct, sculpted, and condensed. Let go of all that you are and release your heart-light 100%. In this endless selfless action Radiant Love will multiple exponentially filling the universes and Galactic Center with a new flavor of love.





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HEAR!!! HEAR!!! I have been going though so many changes in my life lately, that it was hard to focus on anything. I chose to think only of myself...big mistake! As soon as I let go of my selfish thinking and started to think about others and the world as a whole my problems and troubles seem to be solving themsleves. Sometimes the universe give you a kick in the butt to remind you of what you should be doing. My problems seem so tiny now that I have opened up and shared with people I never would have thought of talking with before. I know that though helping them I am helping myself. I feel a new found love for everyone. It is really an awsome feeling! Carla Licon

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