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The Biology of Kundalini: Conscious Incarnation

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The Biology of Kundalini: Conscious IncarnationBy Jana Dixon"Our challenge is to recognize and develop the biological potentialwithin. This is the true goal of life."-ph Chilton PearceKundalini: (Sanskrit kund, "to burn"; kunda, "to coil or to spiral").A concentrated field of intelligent, cosmic, invisible energyabsolutely vital to life, beginning in the base of the spine when aman or woman begins to evolve as wisdom is earned. Kundalini has beendescribed as liquid fire and liquid light. The ultimate outcome ofkundalini is the union of will (sakti kundalini), knowledge (pranakundalini) and action (para kundalini).Kundalini is post conventional, postegoic transformation. Those whohave experienced significant kundalini know that it is a top-downphenomenon. Kundalini is the miracle of life itself amplified. Becausewe need to rapidly reach a higher homeostasis and acclimatize to thisstrange new sense of being, this process of metamorphosis needs tobecome increasingly consciously received and consciouslyself determined. That spiritual acceleration necessitates consciousincarnation, for if the awakening of consciousness does not becomeincreasingly conscious, several negative outcomes may occur:. If there is resistance, the body will not be able to handle thecharge, which can lead to the breakdown of the metabolism.. The influx of energy meeting resistance will generate more primitivechemistry and structures.. There may be a reduction in consciousness due to numbing andaddictions.. The down cycle will be more extreme, and recovery will be prolonged.. If we bite down against our own incarnation, we could becomespiritually anxious, essentially losing trust in the benevolence ofthe universe. Or we could respond to kundalini in the same way that werespond to life in general, depending on how our nervous system is setand how developed we are.THE FORMULA FOR KUNDALINIThe formula for kundalini is flow times energy divided by resistance-that is, conductance (amps) times energy resources (watts) divided bytoxicity, or inferior wiring, coupled with attitude, intention and theability to allow.Depending on our acceptance or rejection of our own incarnation, thiswill determine the flavor of both our life and our kundalini trip.Whether we tread the path of fire alone or with a guide or companionsis really up to our individual needs and desires. For the path offire, we need a certain strength in order not to become maladapted.This means that the key to mastery of metamorphosis is to becomesuperbly adapted to one's own incarnation. It sounds weird, I know;we are not used to thinking in these terms. Conscious incarnation isgiving ourselves permission to show up; it is a "choice." You couldcall it a self welcoming meditation.A PROCESS OF PURIFICATIONMetamorphosis is a process of purification, but it is not a simpledetoxification that is occurring; rather, it is the ongoing evolutionof life itself. Kundalini purifies the body/mind so that our deeperself incarnates. Evolution simply is. It is simply what is when westop suppressing, abusing and holding ourselves back from the fluidrealization of our being. Because of the collective forces of inertiaand resistance, there is a tension between what we are now and what istrying to manifest from beyond the veil. Due to this disparity, thepressures of birthing consciousness can be enormous, and there is thetendency for the poor ego to be drawn all over the map while thedeeper self is coming to light. Thus we need enormous faith,understanding and compassion in order to ride the wave. To ride thewave of emergence into the depths of the unknown takes autonomousinsight and intelligence to avoid being smashed under the wave orvainly try to save ourselves by crawling back up the beach.The peak experiences of kundalini are a perturbation of conditionedconsciousness. Whether we receive this perturbation through vibration(music/drum/dance/chanting), drugs, stress, devotion to a guru,romantic devotion or meditation, it is a taste of our own deepestsource and condition of self. Incarnation is one of the hardest tasksimposed on us. The instinct is to back away from the edge of ourincarnation, and our entire physiology and consciousness is diminishedto the degree that we do this. Our immune system, nervous system andmitochondria exist in the matrix of our positive or negativeassessment of ourselves and our world. Intimacy and consciousness areessentially the same thing.If you turn your feeling sense, emotion and thought toward comingforth to the nth degree without hesitation or doubt, you willautomatically increase both the strength and the number ofmithocondria and immune cells. I am proposing a conscious andintentioned incarnation as a form of mindfulness meditation incoordination with breath. Imagine an embodiment practice or purposefulincarnation, not just as a visualization or affirmation, but as anallowing, letting the universe permeate our being to the max. When youdo this, you can actually feel your cells respond.OUR INERTIAL ARMOR AND KUNDALINI AWAKENINGThat which resists kundalini is the inertial armor we have takenourselves to be, which is composed of both positive and negativeconditioning. We are always trying to define ourselves in order tosurvive, navigate, defend and justify ourselves, and this reduces thetrue infinity of our being down to our limited, local self. Bothfreedom and meaning, however, are found through dropping this smalldefinition of self. The peak experience of kundalini awakening allowsparticipation in the world/brain and Earth/soul, through notidentifying with the conditioned stage that we are at.Our resistance to negative experience and trauma tightens the rubberband of the neuromuscular armor, making the symptoms of ourcontraction more obvious: numbness and unconsciousness, displayingever-increasing dysfunction, neurosis and removal from reality. Thuswhen our conditioning is penetrated, the symptoms are likely to bemore extreme than they would be if, say, we came from a very benign,loving history. The way we have each built our armor is its ownparticular resolution. That is, our kundalini awakening will arise indirect relation to the specific armor/archetype that we haveconstructed. That is why life itself is archetypal: We are inevitablydrawn to the specific great attractor who will break through our veiland promote touching our deepest level of existence. This is thehumanizing process, the great alchemy.Since kundalini is the universe becoming more conscious of itself,when the miracle of metamorphosis happens to us, we should learn to gowith it, not just for our own salvation, but for that of the entiretree of life. To fight evolution is not only stupid, it is suicidal.Through the extremes of kundalini, we realize that we have a choicebetween surrender and resistance, life and death, Eros and Thanatos.And love is found to be synonymous with life itself. How we aidhuman evolution is to first truly love ourselves in a sovereignfashion, through our solo relationship with the universe/God/existenceand intimacy with our soul. Every time we resort to our addictions toback down from the raw edge of our existence and full self response-ability, we interfere with and resist the spiritual plan for humanity.In metamorphosis, the body-soul does most of the work, including thetransmutation of elements. All we can really do is get out of the way,and just doing that takes all our courage, all our intelligence andintuition and all our respect and love. Evolution just is. Half thebattle would already be won if we just stopped getting in our own way.Accept or reject? It's only our selves anyway. So the "I," or soul, isnot different from potentiality, which is not different fromconsciousness itself. To the extent that we choose energy increasingchoices in any situation, we create our soul. In reference to Jungnow, this means embracing the tension of opposites-the marriage ofmatter and spirit, form and emptiness, which is the heart of thetantric tradition.SPIRITUAL RE-ENCHANTMENTWe could interpret the realm of possibilities to be emptiness, thevoid from which all energy/consciousness is birthed. This is what wemean by the term "spiritual." Therefore, spiritual re-enchantmentwould simply be learning to say yes to energy-increasing choices andto the realm of possibilities. This realm of possibilities is, ofcourse, not a place but faith itself, via which we are not separatefrom God and not separate from the good, the true and the beautiful.The irony is that we never were separate, but this increased unity isjust the realization of ineffable non duality-the energy ofspiritualization itself, Eros! Or, as Ken Wilber would say, spiritualEros, the trajectory of the matrix of the universe.Without self-determination, without giving ourselves the green light,neither our body nor our mind or our soul can fully incarnate. Thus wehave to actively choose to be here, moment by moment. We have toactively choose to increasingly arrive here in the world as it is, andas we are, compassionately embracing shadow and light and the up andthe down of the Tao. We have to actively choose to take the brakesoff, choose to stop hiding under our shell of conformity, choose tostop pretending that we are limited and deficient.Abandonment is the primary trauma that we must learn to face inorder to to avoid abdicating our own life. All we really want and needis our self; that is what we are longing for. Total responsibility forone's condition needs to really be grokked in order to move into thekind of sovereignty where self self-development is even possible.Otherwise everything else in the world (according to our triggers)determines who we are. Love, of course, is the opposite ofabandonment. Love is more like a plant that needs cultivating ratherthan a black-or-white thing. Existence, therefore, is either makinglove to or abandonment of the degree to which we cultivate this plant.From the relative perspective, there appear to be variouscounter forces and lids on our evolutionary process. Ultimately thereare no obstacles, but our mortal self tends to bathe in inertia. Badfaith is when we fail to take responsibility for our own choices.Self-responsibility-that is, becoming responsive to self-is none otherthan freedom or enlightenment.One thing that is not often taken into account is that the body hasthe potential to grow spiritually throughout a lifetime, andconditions need to be ripe for this growth. This is a top-down processlead by Spirit itself. Our culture tends to prevent this physicalspiritualization, and thus neither emotion-mind nor spirit tends togrow. Spiritual realization (metamorphosis, spiritual acceleration)has its corresponding physical component. This must be fullyunderstood and allowed in order for spirituality to be substantiated.That is, the body must be allowed to transmute for incarnation tobecome real.EVOLUTION IN A SUSTAINED WAVERather than continuing to interpret our kundalini experience through atraditional lens or theorize a science from our subjective experience,we need an ongoing empirical investigation of the physiology andpsychology of awakening. By understanding changes to the nervoussystem, metabolism, hormones and all facets of the biophysics andchemistry of metamorphosis, we can work with the changes to increaseour adaptive and homeostatic abilities. In this way, as our life force(our incarnation) rises, we can prepare to meet it, so that evolutionproceeds in a sustained wave. The way we tend to grow at present is infiery spurts that create burnout and take years of recovery. Beingunprepared and maladapted to metamorphosis means that we are spendingso much of our energy and effort coping with the physical, emotionaland mental effects of kundalini, that there is little of us left tobring our true gifts of spiritual genius into manifestation.Having foreknowledge or insight into this process can save us years offear, regression, secondary fallout and inertial back stepping.With kundalini, as with life in general, we can choose to bemaladapted or pro adapted. It takes more heart, intelligence anddiscipline to be pro adapted, because often the first impulse todiscomfort is to seek comfort, and often the comfort we choose is tobecome numb and asleep through various anti life means. And so we caneven make it that the evolutionary energy of kundalini can dumb usdown and zonk us out, if that's what we "want." Or we can use themetamorphic energy to awaken us further and further to the mystery anddeepen our experience of life. It's our choice. By searching withinourselves and learning how to be proadapted under circumstancesthat have no precedent, we become pioneers, paving the way for therest of humanity to follow.

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Being a creative artistic musical person, this was heavy thinking, but the final sentence really says it well: "By searching withinourselves and learning how to be proadapted under circumstancesthat have no precedent, we become pioneers, paving the way for therest of humanity to follow." Proadapted under circumstances that have no precedent... humm that just about sums up my life (lol) - now I'm glad it's finally been defined, and maybe, just maybe there IS a good reason for it!?!? Thank you for this Liane! Peaceable

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