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RE: Fun in the Resort

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Hello Nissa

I am so sorry that you are suffering so much, I think you and Tom and

everyone else who is going through rough times, I think you are all so

brave. I know it is not much consolation but I do think of you all and

certainly hope 2009 is really a lot better for you all.

Take care

Best wishes

Joan U.K.

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It is with support,and kind words that I am able to be brave. Do not think for a

minute that I do not become paralyzed with fear. I have finally found my voice

in asking for help,hugs,visits,etc. I remember telling Darya that I was scared I

was going to die,and she responded the same. I'm getting back to my old stubborn

self,and it feels really good. I'm sending all the good karma I can to

Tom,Dianne and everyone else who needs it. We will get through it,day by day!



To: Stillsdisease

From: joanuk@...

Date: Wed, 24 Dec 2008 16:59:08 +0000

Subject: RE: Fun in the Resort

Hello Nissa

I am so sorry that you are suffering so much, I think you and Tom and

everyone else who is going through rough times, I think you are all so

brave. I know it is not much consolation but I do think of you all and

certainly hope 2009 is really a lot better for you all.

Take care

Best wishes

Joan U.K.

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I have to agree with many here. If it was not for my family here I would have

been a basket case many times because of my life with stills. many times my

family here has come threw for me when my family out side of this place did not

or would not understand or they were tired of dealing with it and me for all it

is worth. I have found the two greatest things that help me make it day to day

in life with stills and that is I no longer look for that drug or any thing

other that will give me a remission or the one that will cure me . this was also

what my ex wife could not deal with as all she wanted was that magic pill for a

cure or remission . yes i have been given a remission not by any medication but

just because and yes it has ended also . what i do have is a supportive wife and

a family here and with all of you that know that there are days I do whimper

and complain it dose not mean I am giving up but only that i need to clear my

chest so I can move

on. I also now know that my life before stills was not normal so life with

stills is normal even when it is not normal as most see it but then again most

do not even know there life's are not normal to any one but them self's. I still

get to enjoy life just not the same as I used to I know that and I have had to

adjust my life in many ways some I am glad for and some I am sad over because i

can not do them any more. I am glad I was in shape before stills and hate that I

am not now and that a walk of a mile almost kills me now were before it was

nothing now just getting dresses some days is all I manage to do and some days

just getting out of bed is all I do but i am glad I can do that as I know many

can not even do simple things like that be it from stills or other things so

when i look at life this way I am glad for what I do have including all the

pains and hurts I deal with daily because in the end it is how I deal with them

and how I see threw them

that makes me who I am . now if i could just heal instead of having soars for

months on end before they finally heal that would be nice but tell just not

getting any new ones is a joy so tell family

 try to look up and enjoy the small things we have as in the end there the

greatest things most over look and we have been blessed with the ability to see

them because now we understand the simple things in life and the gift they are

peace all and joy to fill your day today and all the days that fallow


the  rednecks

Marty & G.

the redneck's my space http://www.myspace.com/martyg58

 To learn about Stills Disease  http://www.stillsdisease.org/stills_info

For conservitive minded people  http://www.americac2c.org " If  we ever forget

that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone  under. " ~



 In the old days a man who saved money was a miser; nowadays he's a wonder. 

~Author Unknown



A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive

treason from within.~Cicero



            Hello Nissa

I am so sorry that you are suffering so much, I think you and Tom and

everyone else who is going through rough times, I think you are all so

brave.  I know it is not much consolation but I do think of you all and

certainly hope 2009 is really a lot better for you all.

Take care

Best wishes

Joan U.K.

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> Dear Nissa,

Im sorry to hear about your scary ordeal. Hope you get better soon and

have a pain free day! Thinking of you and yours during this hard time

Ann Fultz








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