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> Thanks Cat. I'm happy that I'm back also and really want to thamk Elly

> for that phone call, as I was about as low as I've ever been around that

> time and just getting that " check-up " call meant an awful lot to me. I'm not

> one to be too open when I'm depressed, which as you know is about a total

> " 180 " from my usual outlook.


Glad to be back, Kirk.

PS....I did check in a few times, even when I wasn't " active " just to

see what was going on....and I also checked in a few other times down at my

Mother-in-Laws' when doing some odds & ends for them.

Hope everyone has a Happy New Year. They HAVE to get better sooner or

later.....don't they???

Later, Kirk.





Everything in life sucks except things that should!

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Welcome home! You know those aliens that used to look for Dan the Man and

Tricia? I bet they looked and looked and found you instead and now you need an

alien hat to keep them away, yep that's what we'll do, look for you one too so

they will not be able to find you either. You've had way too much goin' on for

them to be messin' around with you any more. So, I'm looking for you a hat to

wear while your on the computer just like I did for Dan. But yours will be

special just for you as well.

Buddy we miss you and are glad your back but sorry your not well. Every winter

with your trials I appreciate your signature more and more as I'm sure you do

too. Stay with us though now your computer is hanging in there, we need you and

your personality.

Talk more soon,


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Thanks !.....but I think I'll be around for a good length of time

again. Just do what ever you possibly can to send loads of massive snow

storms this way, and not the kind that barely miss (usually what we get ever

since I put the plow on my truck right before I got whacked!

Besides, I need to make a good grand (or better) cash so I can fix Ol'

Rusty Chevy up again! Mechanically it is damn near perfect, but body is

about to fall off! So let it snow let it snow LET IT SNOW!!!!

Glad to hear from you again.

Later, Kirk.





Everything in life sucks except things that should!

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 O man o man am I glad to see you posting as the old Kirk again . I have not

only missed you but was worried as all get out because last I heard and read I

was lookin back and seeing my self! as far as the resort deal I am like you once

in it is okay it is all the BS to that point.

 Computers I was like you and that is why I built my own for years now I have a

dell and well I love the thing best one I have ever had even over my own built

ones but I did order it built more then elcheapo! as you found out and most will

todays computers sold to the masses are mostly all built with every thing on the

mother board so the day of replacing this or that are gone when you lose one you

lost it all!

 again Kirk it is wonderfull to know my bro is his normal self but do not take

that as normal noral because that is some thing I do not bel;ive you ever were

hugs and may 2009 find you a better year then you have had in a long time ! 


the  rednecks

Marty & G.

the redneck's my space http://www.myspace.com/martyg58

 To learn about Stills Disease  http://www.stillsdisease.org/stills_info

For conservitive minded people  http://www.americac2c.org " If  we ever forget

that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone  under. " ~



 In the old days a man who saved money was a miser; nowadays he's a wonder. 

~Author Unknown



A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive

treason from within.~Cicero


" The  most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the

government  and I'm here to help. "    ~  Reagan 

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marty and kirk - computers.. urg... never the same again... can't build them

anymore (at least not easily)... and everything in technology changes so

fast that you buy one (even the best) and the next year, it's as slow as

molasas... pathetic..

And this coming from an ol' time programmer turned VP/Manager of Information

services... But when I was working I never cared about the fact that I had a

part in technology changing because I didn't have to pay for it :)

NOW I DO... It stinks!!! :)


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Hate to pay for technological improvements? Than you would really and

truly DESPISE being a technician (auto mechanic) as the cost alone forced a

rapid change in my industry, forcing many out and mandating the rest of us

begin to specialize. My favorite area of repair was always

chassis/suspension. Sounds easy & cheap until one considers this..... In

1994 we bought our 1st alignment machine, and at that time it cost about

$10k.......that one died right before I got sick and the new one was $16k!!!

None of that factors in the cost of my tools & equipment, my schooling or

continual seminars...etc..... I used to laugh when people would bitch about

an alignment costing $70.00. I had to do a minimum of 5 per week just to

make the payments on the damn machine! We also had to buy an Emissions

Analyzer that cost almost 7k, and in order to be " up to date and allowed to

use it " you have to pay $1500.00 every single year for the service plan for

it. I could have built that machine for about 500 bucks, but the state only

certified 7 different companies to sell them here! Got us by the short hairs


I still keep up with my field as for some stupid reason I still want to

do it, even though it is the worst industry to be involved in by far!

Electricians, carpenters, plumbers, assembly line workers etc.....don't have

to continually keep up on new education, go to (and pay for) schools for

seminars, buy their tools once for a hell of a lot less than they cost us

AND they all get paid a HELL of a lot more than the vast majority of

mechanics ever will! THANK YOU CHAIN STORE M***** f******!!!!!! They can

afford to advertise to get the unknowing and unsuspecting in their doors

with a " cheap " , " too good to be true " " menu item " price......only to rape

the ever living piss out of a great percentage of them!

Oh well.......I went just a " shade " off topic there......but I'm back!

Later, Kirk.

2008/12/31 alli m

> marty and kirk - computers.. urg... never the same again... can't build

> them

> anymore (at least not easily)... and everything in technology changes so

> fast that you buy one (even the best) and the next year, it's as slow as

> molasas... pathetic..


> And this coming from an ol' time programmer turned VP/Manager of

> Information

> services... But when I was working I never cared about the fact that I had

> a

> part in technology changing because I didn't have to pay for it :)


> NOW I DO... It stinks!!! :)


> Alli



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Thanks Marty! I missed a lot of you people too! At first I was in a deep

" hole " and when I started to finally come out of it my ******* 'puter took a

shit! I'm glad I'm back too, as this keeps my mind busy, and beats the shit

out of wanting to do nothing but sleep and pray to die.

I get like that a few times per year, mainly at the start of winter, and

again a couple of time after the holidays and in mid winter. I am so damn

tired of being a " Human dartboard " and being in various sorts of pain 90% of

the time..........on top of the never ending headaches.

I have enough friends that work on computers that I can at least get the

bastards fixed for a reasonable cost, but I never had the opportunity to

deal with computers until I was well established in my field...and by then

staying current in my industry took precedence over learning how to " play "

with computers. My oldest son has a great interest in computers and designed

his 1st HTML web page when he was 8. He has been exposed to computers all of

his life, and they have them in school (something I never saw...and I'm not

that old!) so I hope he can learn enough about then to take care of mine in

the future. I can install components and such, that is cake...but as far as

setting up BIOS and such I am totally clueless! I though about taking

classes on them as I can probably go to school for damn near free now, but I

can't rely on my body from hour to hour, let alone day to day or week to

week in a school environment.....besides....the majority of todays' college

age kids & I are like oil & water....which is a long, long story. I just

DESPISE " FAKE " people who wouldn't know an individual if one was staring

them in the face. I know not all of todays' " kids " are like that, but most

of them that I know are....so that must be a trend...at least in my area.

Add to that it only takes 3 seconds of me hearing ©rap music?? to go from

happy to seeing blood and I'm kind of screwed on that front.

Oh well, thought you'd like this reply! Happy New Year!

Later, Kirk.





Everything in life sucks except things that should!

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yeah - it really sucks - not fair at all.. I'm sorry Kirk... it's not right,

all these monopolies, etc.

It shouldn't be this way. It really isn't right.

But - I'm glad your back - I've been on and off myself, but I thank God for

everyone on my Stills family board!

Always ready and willing to support me - no matter what.

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 I could not even turn our first computer on my son had to show me how I was

about 38 then. I learned about them on my own more after I found out about still

then before. Like you it has been a life saver for me. The one I have now I did

go into debt for I call it my sanity bill. My wife talked me into it instead of

trying to fix again my old best as each time I fixed it I also upgraded it

a bit. the hardware is the easy part the html and bios and software well I still

get lost now and then  so I call my kid up for help just like my mom calls me up

to help her on her computer we each have our own tec support person LOL.

  I know that both here at my stills home and my time I spend on line any more

are about the biggest things that keep my mind going and my depression away as

well as it is. like you the winter time and the holidays are the worst for me.

for me it still go's back to the lose of my life with my kids.  I thought

earlier my daughter and I would be able to grow together again but that hope has

been dashed again by her flat out ! I do feel if I could have had time with her

and or have some how kept her mother from poisoning her against me things would

have  worked out better, so yes I fight it hard this time of year. I also fight

it  around there birth days and then the worst one for me is Easter time as that

is when the ex put her plan into motion and had me arrested the night before

Easter Sunday so instead of spending Easter with my kids I spent it in Jail

under a suicide watch because of her and I was never allowed back into my home

again. she

planed and executed it with perfection! Then knowing I married some one that

also tried to kill me two times not by her self but by using the police it is

not easy to deal with knowing I believed in a person who could do all this to me

and my kids! I am thankful for but I wonder how she puts up with me when

I fight these demands at times because i get so dam down .

 but so glad your back . o by the way a great place to get computer parts at

good prices is Newwegg.com there not always the cheapest but close to it most of

the time. I do a lot of open box stuff with them and never had a problem yet. I

also buy a generation or two back that gets better pricing and still keeps me

running good and fast. 

the  rednecks

Marty & G.

the redneck's my space http://www.myspace.com/martyg58

 To learn about Stills Disease  http://www.stillsdisease.org/stills_info

For conservitive minded people  http://www.americac2c.org " If  we ever forget

that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone  under. " ~



 In the old days a man who saved money was a miser; nowadays he's a wonder. 

~Author Unknown



A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive

treason from within.~Cicero


" The  most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the

government  and I'm here to help. "    ~  Reagan 

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Let me remind you of something that I often remind myself of when I get

down. Living is about today, not the past, but today and the future. You

have an awesome wife! you are ALIVE. Sure, we have a crumy disease, but it

isn't cancer. IT's hard and I'm not going to try to kid you about that. I

hate it some days. But Every day, I get up and I THANK GOD I'm ALIVE, I

have an AWESOME HUBBY. I have friends and family. I look to today and the

future. Whenever I look to what I lost, I lose it. I can't allow myself to

do that and it sounds like niether can you. There is too much to Live for

to constantly think about the Past. Look at the good things in Life. I

find things daily to laugh at, to have fun with, even on the days that I

can't get out of bed. Live Life to the best that you can today is my

motto. It's too short, you know? Enjoy what you have as much as you can.

I know that everything else is hard and hurtful, but just try, OK?



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Kirk and the rest

 teck stuff is crazy! cars ar the worst most of the stuff they can not clean or

repair but have to replace and then the tolls to just trouble shoot them is

changing all the time in the computer control parts that is and that is becoming

more and more as the cars become smarter and smarter . Kirk the prices you said

do surprise me a bit but in a way that may surprise you I thought they were a

bit on the cheap side to be honest. Here just a smog tester (they do the dyno

testing ) is why more then that and your right they only allow you to use from

set companies and there wired directly to the California DMV now also. as for

Computers it is only three months at the most and it is outdated already once on

the store shelve! a computer that is two to three years old is well an dinosaur

any more in todays world. This may sound nuts to some but my computers are some

what high end for photo work ( just gen work) some video game playing ( yes a 50

year old gamer

manly WW ll stuff like medal of honor and call of duty) lots and I do mean lots

of Internet usage and some school work . the house has three at this time and

looking for a lap top now again for one of the kids for school. so being we live

in the country and no cable or DSL it was fun coming up with a none dial up net

work that also was not a sat system. we do have one uses a lap top air card in a

router so no computer has to be on all the time LOL yup a tecy person here

thanks to stills  see it is one of the gifts that stills gave me as I hated

computers before stills.

 but yes tec stuff is crazy and unless you have a real interest it changes so

fast that the average person can not keep up with it this is why a good car

wrench cost a few bucks it is as Kirk said his tools schooling and the shop

equipment he must have any more. same for most things now days as we live in a

throw away word now and most things do not get repaired but replaced. Kirk you

will understand this on a Mas air flow replacement is around $200 to $300 and

almost all repair people replace them but a person can clean one for about

$3.00 . I have done this to many and in fact changed a $400.00 tune up into a

$30.00 tune up by cleaning on and changing plugs in one car the big cost was for

trouble shooting it and then replacing the air flow sensor! so crazy yes but man

when your poor it hurts. thank goodness Kirk you can repair your own for the

most part! 

the  rednecks

Marty & G.

the redneck's my space http://www.myspace.com/martyg58

 To learn about Stills Disease  http://www.stillsdisease.org/stills_info

For conservitive minded people  http://www.americac2c.org " If  we ever forget

that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone  under. " ~



 In the old days a man who saved money was a miser; nowadays he's a wonder. 

~Author Unknown



A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive

treason from within.~Cicero


" The  most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the

government  and I'm here to help. "    ~  Reagan 

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