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hi everyone!

just thought i'd jump in and introduce myself...my name is Dejah, which is

pronounced like the " deja " in " deja vu " but is not French, it's actually from

an old sci-fi novel...my parents are kind of wacky, needless to say! I'm 22,

and I started doing taebo in the summer but then i injured my back (not from

taebo, it was from doing situps the wrong way i guess!) so i had to leave off

for awhile. I started up again after Christmas and am hoping to lose weight

and shape up in time for my wedding (which will be in august). i don't

really diet although i do tend to wander in and out of veganism because i

found that being on a vegan diet really seemed to help melt the pounds off,

although i find it hard to stick to because i love cheese so much! Plus my

fiance is french, and it's REALLY hard to avoid dairy when you're in france.

I'm going back to france in a couple of weeks and eventually hope to end up

with my fiance in London (he's looking for jobs there). needless to say

there is a lot of stress involved in making such a drastic move away from

home but when you're in love, you know how it is....actually, i'm curious

about being able to buy Taebo tapes once i'm over there, if anybody lives in

england i'd be curious to know if they released the same line of tapes as

they have in the US or if i'm going to have to have my mom ship them over to


Taebo is the only exercise routine that's ever worked for me. in just a

couple of weeks i can already tell that i've lost a little in the waist area

and my muscles are definitely stronger. i'd like to get the original basic

and alternate between that and the live version just to mix it up a bit. it

gets a bit predictable doing the same thing every day.

this seems like a really great, supportive group, and i'm looking forward to

being a part of it!

--Dejah :)

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In a message dated 1/15/2002 8:22:51 PM Central Standard Time,

goldmunde@... writes:

> this seems like a really great, supportive group, and i'm looking forward to


> being a part of it!



Welcome Dejah! Cool name!


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--- goldmunde@... wrote:

> just thought i'd jump in and introduce myself...my

> name is Dejah,

Welcome Dejah :o)!!!!!

I like unusual names :o)!!!!! It can be a pain when

there's 5 million other people with your name.

Sandie, Tae and Bo :o)!!!!!


" The task ahead of us is never as great as the power behind us. "

" Faith is the daring of the soul to go farther than it can see. "

" Act as if it were impossible to fail. "

" There are no shortcuts to anyplace worth going. "


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In a message dated 1/15/02 9:23:05 PM Eastern Standard Time,

goldmunde@... writes:

> this seems like a really great, supportive group, and i'm looking forward to


> being a part of it!

Hey Dejah!!!

I LOVE your name!! I am not sure about the Tae Bo tapes in the UK, but we

have a few people who can help you out with that! I don't think they are as

readily available there as they are here, so you may want to stock up :)

Welcome to the group!!!!


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Welcome Dejah

I live in the UK

Video tapes currently available in the UK in shops are:

UKBL1, UKBL2, UKBL3 - all of which are different from the orginal BL

12 tapes (ie not released in the US)


TaeBo Advanced (I don't have this so cannot tell you if its a

duplicate or not)

Taebo Abs & Glutes (says Teabo4 on the side of the box)


Original 4 Pack

Studio Live 4 pack.

Remember that we have PAL format in the UK, it's NTSC in the US so

there are compatibility issues. My VCR can play NTSC tapes so I can

play them

Hope this helps


who has no idea what format tapes France has

> I'm going back to france in a couple of weeks and eventually hope

to end up

> with my fiance in London (he's looking for jobs there). needless

to say

> there is a lot of stress involved in making such a drastic move

away from

> home but when you're in love, you know how it is....actually, i'm


> about being able to buy Taebo tapes once i'm over there, if anybody

lives in

> england i'd be curious to know if they released the same line of

tapes as

> they have in the US or if i'm going to have to have my mom ship

them over to

> me!


> Taebo is the only exercise routine that's ever worked for me. in

just a

> couple of weeks i can already tell that i've lost a little in the

waist area

> and my muscles are definitely stronger. i'd like to get the

original basic

> and alternate between that and the live version just to mix it up a

bit. it

> gets a bit predictable doing the same thing every day.


> this seems like a really great, supportive group, and i'm looking

forward to

> being a part of it!


> --Dejah :)




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Hi Dejah! Welcome to the group. I eat a vegan diet about 90% of the time, as

well. I try to follow the recommendations of Dr. McDougall, so it is

basically a low-fat vegan diet. Although, lately I've not been eating too

well...I guess from the stresses of the new job. hehe. Yeah, , excuses

excuses. ;) To be honest, I haven't done Tae Bo in about a week, either. I've

gotta get back to what I was doing before!! But, anyway...welcome once again

Dejah!! :)



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Re: newbie

hi everyone!

just thought i'd jump in and introduce myself...my name is Dejah,

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Remember that we have PAL format in the UK, it's NTSC in the US so

there are compatibility issues. My VCR can play NTSC tapes so I can

play them

Hope this helps<<

thanks, Jill, that does help a lot! Actually, i've heard from a friend that

you can buy VCRs that play NTSC and PAL formats...so i'll definitely be

looking for one of those once i get overseas!


> Jill

> who has no idea what format tapes France has<<

Actually, I think it's PAL, like in the UK!

and many thanks to everyone else for the warm welcome!


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  • 11 months later...

Welcome !

Check out this site for tips on figuring out starting weight:


Also it might be helpful to get a trainer to help you with proper

form. I couldn't afford a trainer at my gym, but they were happy to

show me one exercise. I learned a lot of exercises, one at a time

that way. Or if you work out at home, check out the book, Beyond

Brawn by Stuart Mc [sic], although it does take a while to

receive that book, or Muscle Media magazine. There are very good

descriptions that will help you protect your joints. A lot of people

find they are very sore at first and that is normal.

Check out the Body For Life Web site for recipes.

You will have to set aside some time each week to prepare your foods

or else you will be tempted. One guy on this list spends 90 minutes

on a Sunday. Those of us who don't like to cook pack cans of tuna,

apples, containers of cottage cheese, yogurt, oatmeal, and pouches of

supplement mix, etc.


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on 12/19/02 9:10 PM, Ritter at sritter@... wrote:

> I'd like some advice on how to find a good starting weight for each exercise,

> in the past when I've worked out, I seem to have worked out with too much

> weight in that I'd still be sore the next time it was time to do that muscle

> group. Granted, the routine I was doing was different from the book. This

> time I am going to go by the book. In the past I was doing reps with a

> certain weight to failure, then dropping it by 10 and doing that until failure

> and on and on.

I kind of addressed this in my week one notes on my website


Basically your going to have to guess at first. Then you do your workout and

see if you hit your tens. If you are real light, or real heavy you'll figure

it out before you reach your 6s, and can adjust. Problem is when you

realize your too heavy in your 12s. Now you don't know if it was because you

were lifting too much before.

I have some idea what I can do, so my guesses are pretty good, though it

does take me a couple of workouts to get on track. Then I look at my last

workout and if my 12s were 10s I up the weight by 5. (5 is my difference

between sets.)

In the past, how many reps could you do with a weight before failure and the

need to go down? If that number was high - like over 10 - that weight might

work as a target for your 8 set. If it was low - like 4 - you'll probably

want to set your 6 lower than that and walk the numbers down.

Also you probably want to make notes during the workout on how you felt

under a certain weight. For instance sometimes I feel I could lift more,

but my heart is racing on a 12 set. I note that and may go ahead an increase

the weight, but take a longer rest before it. [That isn't official BFL, but

it works for me.]

And being sore 3 days later isn't totally uncommon. I generally just workout

again anyway.

> Also, the only supplement I currently plan to take is Whey Protien, when do

> the experts think is the best time to take it and how many times per day?

I'm no expert. I do a meal replacement shake twice a day, but it has been my

goal to only do it once a day. I'm not a big breakfast eater and I'm usually

in a hurry so a shake works really well for breakfast. I also do one for my

last meal, though I'd like to do something like power pancakes, but haven't

gotten them made yet. I've also make protein pudding before, but I'm

thinking it actually has too little protein in it once you realize the 20g

you added is spread between 5 or six bowls.

I think I'm going to add this to my blog....



" Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to

God. " - Cameron

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Doug,

Welcome to both you and your wife! Feel free to ask any questions

that you (or the wife) might have... there are a ton of knowledgeable

people here. And if we can't answer a question, we can usually

direct you to someplace that can. :)

Best of luck to both of you, and I look forward to hearing about your


Jen B.

> Hello,


> Just a quick note to say Hi. My Wife and I are starting our second

> week on our first Challange....looks like there is some good

> information here.


> Doug

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  • 5 years later...

welcome .

 your about the age I was when dx with this wonderful thing called stills. I to

had to stop working and that was about 8 years ago now. I am a man so that is

were we star to depart similarity's LOL. I do take pain meds now . I have gone

with out Not fun and also have taken them every day to help hold things down

some all have worked in ways and not worked . stills is a crazy deal as each of

us a so different as people so is stills with each of us both in how it dose

things to us and the meds we use and or how and what we take. you did get it

right on the head about it being a thing of elimination. That is so true from

the dx to how to deal with it. I also know that how I have dealt with mine has

also changed over time . really sick at the start to a remission for a bit and

now getting back to were i was at the start but some what different yet . they

only things i have learned that help me is I do not look for a cure and I do not

look for any thing to

give me a remission . now i will take itehr one if handed to me but i do not

look for them I just live each day I can to the best I can some day I do better

then others but then again we each should be doing that any way LOL

 so hugs and welcome


the  rednecks

Marty & G.

the redneck's my space http://www.myspace.com/martyg58

 To learn about Stills Disease  http://www.stillsdisease.org/stills_info

For conservitive minded people  http://www.americac2c.org " If  we ever forget

that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone  under. " ~



 In the old days a man who saved money was a miser; nowadays he's a wonder. 

~Author Unknown



A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive

treason from within.~Cicero


" The  most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the

government  and I'm here to help. "    ~  Reagan 

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 can I ask why they removed your stomic? the reason I am asking is my stills is

also more organ then any thing other and has been from the start. so far I have

kept all my parts some how but it has been a close call more then once.

 I know they have looked at removal of this or that over time and in the end we

kept them . all of that was also at the start when they were not sure what I had

.. I also went out of state ( live in Idaho at the time ) to get a DX . I ended

up going to Stanford Medical center Calif. it was there or the mayo and I had

family close to Stanford so that is why I went there. as I said being mine is

also organ involvement more then any thing other I was being like a cat

curiosity . see now here you are the new person and I am asking you things aw

well just like stills were not normal here LOL



the  rednecks

Marty & G.

the redneck's my space http://www.myspace.com/martyg58

 To learn about Stills Disease  http://www.stillsdisease.org/stills_info

For conservitive minded people  http://www.americac2c.org " If  we ever forget

that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone  under. " ~



 In the old days a man who saved money was a miser; nowadays he's a wonder. 

~Author Unknown



A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive

treason from within.~Cicero


" The  most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the

government  and I'm here to help. "    ~  Reagan 

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Hi ,  Welcome to the group, and sorry you had to be in such a way to

find us.  I think you'll find everyone very helpful, friendly and caring here. 

I certainly have, being new this year too. 


Unfortunately, we all seem to have some things in common and some things

uniquely our own.  Some meds work for some, but not for others.  Some have the

complication of not " just " having Still's, but have other things going on

that are not strictly Still's related.  There doesn't seem to be any easy

answers!  But you'll always get support and love and sometimes a needed kick in

the buns!  I hope they find something that works for you soon.  I'm glad

you seem to have a great support system in person and aren't afraid to lean on

them a bit.  Sometimes we worry about not inconveniencing others so much, we

don't see how much those same others want to help us. 


Welcome, and see you around!

Sue R. 

Subject: Re: RE: Newbie

To: Stillsdisease

Date: Sunday, November 30, 2008, 11:50 PM

Hey Elly,

My name is and I am female,and 42 yrs old,


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Hi and welcome. My nickname here is and I was diagnosed 31

years ago at the age of 19. My Still's is now in remission. I love this

family here and wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.

I haven't heard of the medication you're speaking of but the best of luck

when trying it. I hope it will be your magic.

Again welcome and we look forward to being your friends.


On Behalf Of jmreed0410

Subject: Newbie

HI everyone, I am newly dx with Stills. I have been researching for

info on Still's, any help would be appreciated if the Cytoxan does

not work its off to the Mayo clinic.


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Thanks Marty, it is good to know that you and the others are out there to talk

to when you need it. I have a Oncology appt. on tuesday, its funny that Dr.

Baltz was treating my B-12 deficiency and my iron deficient anemia from have my

stomach removed. He is actually the one who discovered that it was Still's, I

showed up one day feeling horrible, he and my rheumotologist had thought for a

while before the day in Jan 2008, that I had some sort of autoimmune disorder

they just were not sure what it was. Back to my story, I had a temp 103, WBC

67,000, other lab was all screwed up, and a ferritin level of 4,000. That's what

gave it away, for almost 2 years of iron transfusions and only getting my

ferritin up to 125 at most on a good day. Had to have all the test to rule out

cancer, bacterial infection, and 1,000 other things that it could be and it was

not any of them. By the middle of March, it was decided it was Still's disease.

Again thanks!!! Where do

you live?


Subject: Re: RE: Newbie

To: Stillsdisease

Date: Monday, December 1, 2008, 12:52 AM

welcome .

 your about the age I was when dx with this wonderful thing called stills.. I to

had to stop working and that was about 8 years ago now. I am a man so that is

were we star to depart similarity's LOL. I do take pain meds now . I have gone

with out Not fun and also have taken them every day to help hold things down

some all have worked in ways and not worked . stills is a crazy deal as each of

us a so different as people so is stills with each of us both in how it dose

things to us and the meds we use and or how and what we take. you did get it

right on the head about it being a thing of elimination. That is so true from

the dx to how to deal with it. I also know that how I have dealt with mine has

also changed over time . really sick at the start to a remission for a bit and

now getting back to were i was at the start but some what different yet . they

only things i have learned that help me is I do not look for a cure and I do not

look for any thing to

give me a remission . now i will take itehr one if handed to me but i do not

look for them I just live each day I can to the best I can some day I do better

then others but then again we each should be doing that any way LOL

 so hugs and welcome


the  rednecks

Marty & G.

the redneck's my space http://www.myspace. com/martyg58

 To learn about Stills Disease  http://www.stillsdi sease.org/ stills_info

For conservitive minded people  http://www.americac 2c.org " If  we ever forget

that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone  under. " ~



 In the old days a man who saved money was a miser; nowadays he's a wonder. 

~Author Unknown



A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive

treason from within.~Cicero


" The  most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government

 and I'm here to help. "    ~  Reagan 

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I am happy to answer all that I can. As I said, I am in the medical field, I

had just recently got my license to be a Physician assistant, next step was

to go to medical school, I may never see that dream, so I have some answers that

maybe some others don't. I had to have my stomach removed because it had stopped

functioning like it should. First I had a partial removal because the upper 1/3

still functioned somewhat and the surgeon was trying to save as much as

possible. About 8 months later it ceased to function all together. It would not

empty and when I ate it just backed up in my esophagus, like severe reflux and I

had two bouts with pneumonia during this time due to aspiration. I could not lay

flat at night after eating or this would happen when I slept. So at this point,

the rest was removed along with several feet of colon that had ulcerated from my

meds just sitting there not going anywhere, anti-inflammatories and steroids are

bad with a

stomach. If you can keep your organs and live somewhat comfortably do it. I am

now minus a spleen, gall bladder and appendix, and a majority of my lymph nodes

in my neck. This has all occured since 2006, apparently I had a major flare and

did not know it, because it had been attacking organs and we didn't know that

was what was going on. I was fortunate that all the Drs. work well together and

went back and looked at their notes and biopsies from the previous surgeries,

and all the biopsies showed the same patterns and results, I wish we would have

known sooner, but that was not to be.

Big hugs

Subject: Re: Newbie

To: Stillsdisease

Date: Monday, December 1, 2008, 12:59 AM


 can I ask why they removed your stomic? the reason I am asking is my stills is

also more organ then any thing other and has been from the start. so far I have

kept all my parts some how but it has been a close call more then once.

 I know they have looked at removal of this or that over time and in the end we

kept them . all of that was also at the start when they were not sure what I had

.. I also went out of state ( live in Idaho at the time ) to get a DX . I ended

up going to Stanford Medical center Calif. it was there or the mayo and I had

family close to Stanford so that is why I went there. as I said being mine is

also organ involvement more then any thing other I was being like a cat

curiosity . see now here you are the new person and I am asking you things aw

well just like stills were not normal here LOL



the  rednecks

Marty & G.

the redneck's my space http://www.myspace. com/martyg58

 To learn about Stills Disease  http://www.stillsdi sease.org/ stills_info

For conservitive minded people  http://www.americac 2c.org " If  we ever forget

that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone  under. " ~



 In the old days a man who saved money was a miser; nowadays he's a wonder. 

~Author Unknown



A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive

treason from within.~Cicero


" The  most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government

 and I'm here to help. "    ~  Reagan 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi ,  Welcome to the Family.  Hope you were able to enjoy the holiday.  You

will get a lot of good information here, ways of coping, things to be watchful

for and how to be your best asset! 

Happy, painfree New Year!

Sue R

Subject: Newbie

To: Stillsdisease

Date: Saturday, December 27, 2008, 3:57 AM

Hi all...

I guess I don't know really what to say. I was diagnosed with

Still's this past week (after being ill for 2 months and being

tested for every other thing under the sun). I finally got to a

Rheumatologist who recognized the symptoms and did the blood work

that showed classic elevations and such.

I joined this forum since nobody I know has been afflicted with this

other than me (nobody I know has even heard of it!) and I thought I

might need support or be able to lend support.

That is all for now...

I hope you all had a very Happy Holiday (whichever you may

celebrate!) and have a happy new year.


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Hi ee and welcome.Sounds like you have gone through the stills gamut of

tests!It is highly unlikely that you would know or meet someone else with

Still's,we're a rare breed!!! I am glad you decided to join us,we are a very

special group of people and speaking for myself,noone really understands our

struggles like we do.Sit back relax and enjoy the ride,we will be here for you

whenever you need us.Chances are someone will have experienced something you are

going through and can commiserate.Though we all have the same disease,we are

also very different in our symptoms at times.We are not all on the same

meds,some don't work for one,but do for another.I am so sorry you had to find

us,but glad you did.Now you will have many shoulders to cry on,sounding boards

to vent to and people who know how you feel.Nice to meet you and I love your


love Elly

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome !

I've only been with the group for a few months myself, but I must say I get

a lot of support from the group!

I'm sorry you got diagnosed, but I'm happy for you that you were diagnosed

so quickly! My diagnosis was almost 10 years in the making!

happy you found us!

one of your new Still's friends,


In a message dated 12/26/2008 10:57:46 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

shawnee3101@... writes:

Hi all...

I guess I don't know really what to say. I was diagnosed with

Still's this past week (after being ill for 2 months and being

tested for every other thing under the sun). I finally got to a

Rheumatologist who recognized the symptoms and did the blood work

that showed classic elevations and such.

I joined this forum since nobody I know has been afflicted with this

other than me (nobody I know has even heard of it!) and I thought I

might need support or be able to lend support.

That is all for now...

I hope you all had a very Happy Holiday (whichever you may

celebrate!) and have a happy new year.


**************New year...new news. Be the first to know what is making

headlines. (http://www.aol.com/?ncid=emlcntaolcom00000026)

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--- Hi Kate. Before all my other Stills symptoms arose, around 3 years

ago, I was seeing a Neurologist for debilitating headaches that lasted

days. He came up with cluster HAs but since my Stills symptoms have

progressed in the last couple years after that, most in the last year,

I'm not so sure that the HAs aren't from Stills. I am now on Vicodin

also since I have found a Primary Care Dr. that is compassionate to my

issue but doesn't have the expertise to help any further. I've been to

a Rheumatologist recently and he couldn't come up with anything except

to say that I don't have Arthritis after all. That was quite a blow!! I

was thinking...Now what?! Then I found the Stills web site. I'm trying

to collect as much information as I can since every Dr. bill is paid by

cash, and that is getting scarce, just to get negative results and told

they can't find anything. Do you possibly know exactly what tests were

positive/high that your Dr. came up with this diagnosis? I could

compare them to mine. Thank you very much for taking the time to reply

to this. I'm sure you know how much it will be appreciated.

Hope your day is pain free,

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HI ,

I have been reading the emails you are currently asking questions about.

My Rheumy says that sometimes the arthritis shows up later in the disease

progression, because at first I had been asking why were all the x-rays of my

hands normal. Even though they hurt and would swell, same goes for some of the

other joints they had x-rayed.

Now, almost a year later my x-rays are starting to reveal joint erosion, which

of course now we are trying to stop with the Kineret.

I also notice that you mention what test some of us have had done, my WBC

currently is running almost 30,000, but I do not have an infection. My Ferritin

level is 3,400 as of yesterday, Sed rate was 56, my liver enzymes are high, and

my daily temp spike usually happens around 4:00pm and runs anywhere from 101 to

103 degrees.

Keep on researching, if you are fortunate enough to have a good Rheumy, I would

take all your research and see if he is open to suggestions. If not see if you

GP will help.

Take Care,


To: Stillsdisease

Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 9:13:07 AM

Subject: Re: Newbie

--- Hi Kate. Before all my other Stills symptoms arose, around 3 years

ago, I was seeing a Neurologist for debilitating headaches that lasted

days. He came up with cluster HAs but since my Stills symptoms have

progressed in the last couple years after that, most in the last year,

I'm not so sure that the HAs aren't from Stills. I am now on Vicodin

also since I have found a Primary Care Dr. that is compassionate to my

issue but doesn't have the expertise to help any further. I've been to

a Rheumatologist recently and he couldn't come up with anything except

to say that I don't have Arthritis after all. That was quite a blow!! I

was thinking...Now what?! Then I found the Stills web site. I'm trying

to collect as much information as I can since every Dr. bill is paid by

cash, and that is getting scarce, just to get negative results and told

they can't find anything. Do you possibly know exactly what tests were

positive/high that your Dr. came up with this diagnosis? I could

compare them to mine. Thank you very much for taking the time to reply

to this. I'm sure you know how much it will be appreciated.

Hope your day is pain free,

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Hi ,

Also, one thing to keep in mind is that the goal is to keep your

joints from eroding. That is why many of the DMARDs and Biologics

are used at the onset of the diagnosis, before physical damage is

actually present. That is the same concept for RA. The presence of

arthritis pain, usually joints on both sides of the body are effected

and is one of the " major " markers Dr. Cush uses in defining AOSD.

(see stillsdisease.org)

The first stage of the arthritis part of these diseases is the joint

pain and soft tissue inflammation. This is inflammation taking place

within the joints causing the pain. At this point little or no

damage has taken place and the goal is to stop the inflammatory

cacade of the cytokine chemicals leading to the attack on the

joints. If left uncontrolled, that is when over time the white cells

gnaw away at the joints.

So, in a nutshell, the abscence of erosion is a good thing. The

marker of the arthritis is that when rising in the morning there is

painful joints and it takes over an hour for the pain to improve

while working the painful joints. You will see this description on

most discussion related to autoimmune/autoinflammatory arthritis. Do

you have any joint pain, especially first thing

in the morning?

Remember, once damage has occurred it is for all intent and purpose,


And Yes, we do not get all the symptoms at the same time in our

progression of the disease and if no arthritis, yet, if it is AOSD it

will most likely appear. Mine started in my ankles and I actually

confused that with other things they thought I had, or the early

doctors did prior to my Rheumy asking all the right questions.

Tom frm PA


> HI ,

> I have been reading the emails you are currently asking questions


> My Rheumy says that sometimes the arthritis shows up later in the

disease progression, because at first I had been asking why were all

the x-rays of my hands normal.

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Hi ,

   I guess I know how you feel having to pay a lot (with each payment not

sure how long my resources can last too) to get a lot of negative results. Being

the caregiver to my Down Syndrome brother who has been hospitalised twice since

end of Sep 08, it is also heart wrenching to see him in pain, having numerous

syringe pricks to get blood for tests, a result of which being already anaemic,

he needed blood transfusion 4x thus far and has suffered many side effects due

to drugs tried. My brother is now one step away to being diagnose with Still.

The rheumatologist I saw said his symptoms pointed to Stills but to rule out

other complications, he needs to run a bone marrow test first to rule out

leukemia since Downs children are also prone to having that and leukemia could

also present some of those symptoms. Just wonder has anyone here done any bone

marrow test before? What should I expect, in terms of possible side effects

besides the normal ones

of pain, possible site infection and nerve damaged if not done properly?

greatly blessed by all the sharings and wishing all a healthier 2009



To: Stillsdisease

Sent: Thursday, 15 January 2009 11:13:07

Subject: Re: Newbie

--- Hi Kate. Before all my other Stills symptoms arose, around 3 years

ago, I was seeing a Neurologist for debilitating headaches that lasted

days. He came up with cluster HAs but since my Stills symptoms have

progressed in the last couple years after that, most in the last year,

I'm not so sure that the HAs aren't from Stills. I am now on Vicodin

also since I have found a Primary Care Dr. that is compassionate to my

issue but doesn't have the expertise to help any further. I've been to

a Rheumatologist recently and he couldn't come up with anything except

to say that I don't have Arthritis after all. That was quite a blow!! I

was thinking...Now what?! Then I found the Stills web site. I'm trying

to collect as much information as I can since every Dr. bill is paid by

cash, and that is getting scarce, just to get negative results and told

they can't find anything. Do you possibly know exactly what tests were

positive/high that your Dr. came up with this diagnosis? I could

compare them to mine. Thank you very much for taking the time to reply

to this. I'm sure you know how much it will be appreciated.

Hope your day is pain free,

Have a new Yahoo! Mail account? Kick start your journey by importing all

your contacts! http://www.trueswitch.com/yahoo-sg

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I was wondering if you could tell me where I can find info regarding white

cells destroying the joints. My white cell count has been high for the 3 1/2

years that I had stills. This info could be helpful when I take Met Life to




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