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How to stay positive

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I found this great article that I thought could benefit the team.

Transcend with love and light, Deb

How to Stay Positive in Negative Situations: by ,

March 13th, 2007

The best way to deal with these negative situations is to

accepting completely what they are, not to just us but the universe

as well. The universe is our direct understanding to how thing really

operate. Once you comprehend the universe then you recognize yourself

and the situation of life more clearly. The universe does not observe

things in a `negative' or `positive' way. The universe is always

unbiased and neutral.

Of course, because of our emotions to a given situation

we label and define our situations based on what we feel about it. If

we feel disconnected from a situation in life and rather not be

experiencing it then we will most often label that situation

as `negative' for the reasoning of not accepting it as a part of who

we choose to be. It is important to do this for the reason of who we

choose to be is a whole part of why we have the experience in the

first place and because each and everyone of us are infinite this is

our way of setting boundaries and borders so we can define ourselves

as something in particular. If you are part of everything then you

cannot define yourself as anything within the everything. As a

result, we can begin to see and experience our infiniteness as parts.

We will see more of our infiniteness as we add more and more parts by

stretching our infinite consciousness past the boundaries that are

filtered through the mind, also known as our `comfort zones'.

Yes, the boundaries and borders are important for the

purposes stated above, but most often, we do not disconnect for the

reason acknowledged. More times then not an individual will

disconnect from a situation and label it negative given that they do

not see themselves in it or as one of their creations. Yet it is

important to value these `negative' situations as part of the

infinite thus you can realize your infiniteness.

How are these negative situations my creation or me? When

this question enters your mind you must understand that you are

playing a game with yourself since you are infinite then there is not

anything within the infinite that is not you and no knowledge is

unknown to you. The question to pin point a better perceptive and

perhaps spark the cord within you is to ask questions like, " what

about this am I judging negative? " or " for what reason did I create

this into my life? " in this way you accept the responsibility of

every part of your creation and hence you have the power to change

it. Have you heard the saying or quote " everything happens for a

reason " ? Well the reason is for you as an individual to give it

meaning, since you as an individual created it. It does not matter

the reasoning you give it as long as you give it an empowering

reason. If you give it an empowering reason then you allow the

universe to lead you exactly where you need to be and why

that `negative' situation was created. It might feel and sound like

you are making up that reason and you are, just as you made up and

created the negative situation in the first place. The only

difference is that people create the negative situations in their

life on an unconscious or higher self-level but however it was

created, it is a guarantee that it was to empower you therefore you

might as well make it a reason that empowers you. You must have

thought you needed it or you would have not created it. There is a

point in life where you can decide not to experience negative

situations and that can be established by living your joy as a

career, which I wrote an article on how to do that here.

The whole reason for any experience is to call forth a

remembrance of who you really are as an infinite potential of all

that is and all that is not. Within this infinite potential of who

you are anything is possible and once you stop trying to control,

move past, go beyond, cast out, go above or run from the

possibilities of `negative' experiences then there is no reason for

them to happen anymore. In other words, the instant you realize and

accept that everything is equal, then you recognize you cannot go

beyond or move past negative situations because the negative

situations are equal to you since you are infinitely everything.

Hence, you are accepting to let go and allow the idea that the

possibility of `negative' situations have the potential to happen at

anytime and you are perfectly content with that idea since you

realize every `negative' situation is created by you for you to

empower yourself. All it takes is that realization and negative

situations will eliminate within your existence.

Reality is a reflection of you and only you. What you see

everywhere in your life and reality is a reflection of you. It is a

lot of responsibility to see that you created it all, but if you do

not take on that responsibility then you do not empower yourself to

change it. If you are taking a victim approach on life then you are

seeing yourself as being the victim not the creator. In a victim

mode, you are disempowering yourself to see that you have the power

to change it. You are saying, " I am the victim and in order to change

this situation I must change the victimizer or the situation not

myself " . We have all used this approach and we all realize it does

not work for the reason that the `victimizer' never changes.

Magicians often use mirrors to perform their illusions because

mirrors reflect a clear image of life making the illusion seem very

real when you are unaware of the mirror that the magician is using.

When you are the magician then there is no illusion, you see the

mirror and you use the mirror as a tool. If reality is a mirror then

you must change yourself in order to see the change in the mirror. If

you desire for your hair to change then you must comb or brush the

hair on your head in order to see the change in the mirror, use must

use the mirror as a tool. More times then not people will try to

change what they see by changing the mirrored reflection. A famous

quote says, " Be the change you want to see in the world " this is

exactly what that quote means. In addition, there is a doctor named

Dr. Joe Vitale who heals patients without ever seeing them in person.

Dr. Joe Vitale heals them by healing the part of his Self that

created them in the first place. He takes the responsibility of

creating not only his life and everyone in it including everything he

sees, hears, tastes, touches, or in any way experiences, because he

realizes that there is no out there. In other words, he is being the

magician and using the mirror of reality (and everyone in it) as a

tool to heal himself and `them'. I use this approach myself as well

and it works surprisingly perfect. When you take responsibility for

all of reality then you give yourself the power to change anything

within reality.

Adopt this into your reality by first looking around at everything

you see and hear in your reality right now. Next, close your eyes.

When you close your eyes in this moment, you are telling your mind to

refresh your viewpoint. Now open your eyes and look around you again

except this time see everything as if you are looking into a mirror.

Everything you are now seeing or hearing is a reflection of the

mirror within you. Everything starts from within and it reflected

outwardly. Everything in the outward observation is your inner Self,

therefore use your eyes as a mirror. This will give a very accurate

and proper position to everything in your life. Now the difficulty is

keeping that reality into position while under `negative' situations.

Seeing life as the reflection of yourself and not giving into the

illusion. The solution to always being the magician is to remember it

in every moment. There are many ways to do this but the way I find

the easiest is to speak it, breathe it, and live it. I do this

through my website because after all, we speak about that which we

wish to remember and at the same time, I am taking responsibly for

everything in creation by reminding every part of myself about the

infinite potential they are through what I write. My whole life is in

dedication to this process along with everything I think, say, and do

because it is my joy of passion and even if in other moments I decide

to pursue one of my other joys like bowling, I end up remembering

something of my infiniteness and always write about it. An example of

that is this article.

In conclusion, the easiest way to stay positive in negative

situations is to understand what negative situations are as a

reflection of yourself to empower you as an infinite potential being

in remembrance and the way to heal any negative situations is to heal

yourself by taking responsibility for it as part of you. If you truly

take that responsibility within yourself then it is your

responsibility to help heal all your `other' selves as well. One way

to do that would be to spread this message to others but only if it

has helped you ;)

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