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hi Jen

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Hi, Jen,

The Tapazole was to suppress(block) my thyroid and the Synthroid (or a

generic thereof) was to replace. The idea behind this is to give the hyper

thyroid a chance to rest and recover, I think. Some people have used other

versions of this method.

I was very hyper when I started this treatment and each time we stopped, I'd

go hyper again.... until we did the slooow weaning off the medications. And

with that..so far so good... I am scheduled to have blood work done again

next month.

About your question re. changing from one medication to another, I have no

experience there. The only change ever made in my medications was to try a

generic for Synthroid which was not as effective. Of course, now, things

are different. I 've been off all thyroid medication since April 1st.

Good luck,


Hi Fran

>Hi Fran,


>Nice to meet you! I'd like to read up more on the block and replace method

>of controlling hyperthyroid. At this point in my life, I can't imagine

>dealing with this forever. I've always been fairly healthy. As a child I

>was never sick and hardly ever saw a doctor although thinking back,

>interestingly enough, at age 13 I did get tested for a thyroid problem.

>This happened after I started pulling out my hair. (This is something that

>runs in my family as well, compulsive hair pulling) I am on a mailing list

>for that disorder as well and we've sometimes discussed the relation


>tricholtillomania and thyroid disorders. Maybe there is a connection. So

>many hair pullers seem to have another disorder of some sort :) But really

>up until three months ago, my only woe was the stupid hairpulling. So is

>there anyone else on this list in a similar situation. I'd love to talk

>about it even though it isn't the most fun thing to discuss. I've only

>recently become more open with it. It's easy to talk about it to a


>stranger via e-mail, rather than in person with a close friend! Since


>diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, hair pulling is the least of my worries! I

>have lost a bit of hair due to the thyroid problems I believe but it isn't

>much of a concern although I certainly don't want to be bald!


>You mentioned the medications Tazapole and Synthroid. Since I am just

>learning about these different drugs, these meds are prescribed for? You

>here still hyper at the time you were taking them? For some reason I

>thought the Synthroid was some sort of a replacement hormone or something.

>Please excuse my lack of knowledge because I am just lost here! After

>mentioned that PTU may be a cancer causing agent, I really don't relish the

>thought of staying on it forever!!!! After I am done breastfeeding, I


>love to give something else a try, which brings me to another question:


>For everyone, are there any side effects of switching to certain


>in your experiences? Is there a waiting length of time before you go on a

>new drug to get the old one out of your system or anything along those


>that I need to be aware of? My family doctor is a great lady but she


>hasn't been a lot of help info wise. The endo I saw didn't impress me but


>was fortunate to get into see him quicker than I normally would have. In

>order to see him, I needed a referral and apparently up here in

>Saskatchewan, I would have been looking at a three to four month wait and


>I called the office, spoke to a receptionist, told her my story and how

>lousy and awful I was feeling and how scared and nervous I've been about my

>health and here I'm trying to raise two little boys and I feel I just can't

>take it anymore and so she said she'd put me on the short notice list and

>the next week I was called! Nothing like a sob story to get their

>attention. It's unfortunate that there aren't better and more doctors in

>Saskatchewan. It's one of the few provinces in Canada that doctors stay


>for very long. most of them seem to head to Alberta, I dont' know if


>where the money is, but it seems in Saskatchewan once you meet a doctor and

>get established with him/her, they up and move to Alberta or to the states!


>Well, I've rambled on again. Thanks everyone for writing and listening to

>my story. This place has been a big help! I'll answer any question anyone

>has if I can!




>P.S Fran that's fantastic that you were able to quit smoking and stop for

>30 years! Great job. And I agree with you, stress is probably what caused

>my thyroid to act up too!







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  • 5 years later...
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Dear Jen,

My name is Kanta and I have just gone through surgery to remove cancer-

a large tumor and another cancer in my repro system. I am now having


It is important to stay consciou during this experience and aware that

you are learning. And to ask yourself what you are learning as you

move through it. Trust? To rest? To accept love & help? To be gentle

with your body?

Stay in touch with your body and dioalogue with it. What does it need?

Allow people to help you. Let go of anything you don't really need to

think about. Let this be a new time ofdr you- the beginning of a new

chapterin your life in which you love yourself very, very well and

with great care and kindness. Forgive. You and anyone/thing else. Find

the part of you that most wants to live and be with that.

With the help of a counselor or great support person/wise woman, find

the part of you that may be holding angst, death wish, fear, trauma,

and help her let go of these things and be free to feel good now.

Rest. Let your body heal and don't try to be a hero/martyr by doing

too much too quickly. Just let it heal!

Respectfully submitted,

Love & Light,


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