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Re: Falling apart

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There are going to be days like this. You need to go and do

something really special for yourself. I know sometimes it's hard to

find the good but you need to look for it. That's the only way I

keep going.

Ohio - Terry]

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boy i know how you feel about just giving up. i guess it took me about 3

years. but i still bout with depression over my missed life. i would like to

go back. i am so tired of sitting here and doing nothing. but yet if someone

asked me to go somewhere i'd just find a reason not to go. i told my son if i

get a settlement from my company i've got to do something!! i am so tired of

being sick and broke all the time. kathy in il

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Hi Stacey, I am a nurse. HCTZ is used to rid your body of excess fluid, but it

seems to me that if you are not urinating much, that you are too dry. How much

does the doctor have you on? You may need to cut the dose down or drink more

fluids. Dehydration will affect your kidneys. Talk to your doctor.


[ ] Falling apart

Hi All,

I haven't written in awhile, but I have been reading the posts. Lately, I

feel like my body is falling apart. My back surgery went well and I am

recovering from that. Two weeks ago I noticed that my feet and ankles were

swelling more than usual. It got progressively worse until I saw my pcp.

She put me on a water pill (HCTZ) and ordered and echocardiogram and labs.

No results on the labs yet, but I have noticed that since starting the HCTZ

the swelling has gone down, but I have almost completely stopped urinating.

The last couple of days, I have gone about 4-5 times a day and only a

trickle. I am worried that there is a problem with my kidneys seeing that I

have had kidney stones in the past. Not to mention that mentally, I am just

disgusted. I feel like as soon as I get one problem taken care of, then

something else malfunctions. I have not been able to start the prosorba

column treatments, due to a shortage of staff at the blood bank in our area.

They asked me to travel to Pittsburgh for the treatments, but I turned them

down. It would be at least one and a half to two hour drive (one way) and

then 3-4 hours for the treatment and then the ride home. I would have to

have someone drive for me and someone to watch over Wyatt. I explained that

this would be just too much for me to handle. So I am not on any DMARD at

this time and boy am I feeling it on some days. Today is one of those days.

Wyatt is at his aunt's house. He went for a birthday party yesterday and

spent the night. I just feel so worn down sometimes. Like my body is just

giving up on me. It's very disappointing. I'm afraid to plan ahead to do

things this summer because I don't know how I will feel when the time comes

and I am tired of being the center of attention due to my disease. I feel

like I am always sick and tired and just wish I could find some energy

somewhere. My family probably thinks that I am a hypochondriac who always

has to have something wrong. But I have always been a healthy person up

until about 2 years ago and I am not accustomed to being ill. I guess that I

had just better get used to it. When do you finally give in and accept that

you just can't do things?

Love and Hugs

Stacey in PA

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So good to hear from you, I was getting worried that you were so quiet.

However, I wish it was with better news. I am also on HCTZ for my kidney

stones which does help with that condition. I think the best one to get

answers on your current problem would be your doctor. When urine output

decreases, that is something that needs MD attention.

Try to take it easy and let us know what the doctor has to say. Take care

and don't try to overdo too much.

Gentle, tender, angel hugs,

Debs in FL

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Good Morning All...

Hopes this finds you all well and happy, which I am sorry to say probably isn't

the way that it is. I have found a new pain, or should I say it has found me. It

is on my left shoulder. The only way that I can really describe it is like a

buring stinging sensation. It goes up into my neck. It is unbearable. Of course

like everyone else, if I have a good day, I over do with the housework and such.

Since I live alone I have no choice but to do it. And then I pay for it

afterwards. I was thinking that I had over done it, but this is hanging on. I go

the Drs today and we will see what he says, but I am not looking for anything

from him. Not the best Dr in the world. If I don't get any results today I am

changing Drs. Would like to know if anyone else has been experiencing

this...Would appreciate any input...


Auntblabbie2000@... wrote: Stacey,

So good to hear from you, I was getting worried that you were so quiet.

However, I wish it was with better news. I am also on HCTZ for my kidney

stones which does help with that condition. I think the best one to get

answers on your current problem would be your doctor. When urine output

decreases, that is something that needs MD attention.

Try to take it easy and let us know what the doctor has to say. Take care

and don't try to overdo too much.

Gentle, tender, angel hugs,

Debs in FL

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  • 4 years later...
Guest guest

Hi ! If there is something going on in your cervical spine (neck) or lumbar

spine (hips)

it us unlikely it is going to show up in the sed or crp. You need an MRI to

find out why you are having pain in those areas. DON'T wait until it is to late!

You are your own best advocate and you have to tell your DR you

susan <sasupbin@...> wrote:

I've had RA for 6 yrs and am currenly on MTX, plaquenil prednisone

folic acid and relefan. In the past month I've had increased neck hip

and back pain and now a pinched nerve, probably herniated disk in my

neck. (I haven't done the MRI yet. I did blood work today and the only

abnormal is a high WBC which is chronic fro the prednisone. My sed rate

and CRP were in the NORMAL range. My question is why do I feel so

horrible if my labs are normal. I see my rheumie on Monday but he is

unlikely to adjust meds with a normal sed rate and CRP.

Petunia Pigs Mommy


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Hi ,

I have normal labs too but my RA doc goes by his exam of my swollen joints and

the pain I am in. If he doesn't help you maybe it is time to see a new RA


Hang in there I totally understand how you are feeling maybe the MTX is just

not working for you.


[ ] falling apart

I've had RA for 6 yrs and am currenly on MTX, plaquenil prednisone

folic acid and relefan. In the past month I've had increased neck hip

and back pain and now a pinched nerve, probably herniated disk in my

neck. (I haven't done the MRI yet. I did blood work today and the only

abnormal is a high WBC which is chronic fro the prednisone. My sed rate

and CRP were in the NORMAL range. My question is why do I feel so

horrible if my labs are normal. I see my rheumie on Monday but he is

unlikely to adjust meds with a normal sed rate and CRP.

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Just another thought, did you know that FM doesn't show up in blood tests etc.


[ ] falling apart

I've had RA for 6 yrs and am currenly on MTX, plaquenil prednisone

folic acid and relefan. In the past month I've had increased neck hip

and back pain and now a pinched nerve, probably herniated disk in my

neck. (I haven't done the MRI yet. I did blood work today and the only

abnormal is a high WBC which is chronic fro the prednisone. My sed rate

and CRP were in the NORMAL range. My question is why do I feel so

horrible if my labs are normal. I see my rheumie on Monday but he is

unlikely to adjust meds with a normal sed rate and CRP.

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My name is Terry and i just saw a new rheumy yesterday. She has started me on

200mg of plaquenil twice a day plus i take advil400mg three times a day. Can't

start on the mtx because of elvated liver functions could be caused by

gallstones. Had a ultra sound of liver and it appears normal. My rheumy says

that sed rate and other tests were normal, but my rheumatoid factor was 1400

[normal is like 30]. Hands are swollen and joints in fingers hurt like

hell---------so does my big toe lol. So anyhoo the doc says sed rate can be

normal but u have to look at the whole picture. Hope the plaquenil works for me.

Marsha Hostetler <marshahostetler@...> wrote: Hi ,

I have normal labs too but my RA doc goes by his exam of my swollen joints and

the pain I am in. If he doesn't help you maybe it is time to see a new RA


Hang in there I totally understand how you are feeling maybe the MTX is just not

working for you.


[ ] falling apart

I've had RA for 6 yrs and am currenly on MTX, plaquenil prednisone

folic acid and relefan. In the past month I've had increased neck hip

and back pain and now a pinched nerve, probably herniated disk in my

neck. (I haven't done the MRI yet. I did blood work today and the only

abnormal is a high WBC which is chronic fro the prednisone. My sed rate

and CRP were in the NORMAL range. My question is why do I feel so

horrible if my labs are normal. I see my rheumie on Monday but he is

unlikely to adjust meds with a normal sed rate and CRP.

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I also have had RA for the past 5 yrs. Im currently taking MTX, sulindex,

azathoaphine, folic acid, philocorpin not sure if the spelling is right.....and

within the past 6 months, the meds dont seem to be helping at all. Now my

Rheumie is thing of starting me on one of the Biologics, maybe you should

discuss that with your RA doctor. Im in the process of taking certain test to

see IF I'll be a good candidate for Remicade. Hang in their.


Sue <sujon@...> wrote:

Just another thought, did you know that FM doesn't show up in blood tests etc.


[ ] falling apart

I've had RA for 6 yrs and am currenly on MTX, plaquenil prednisone

folic acid and relefan. In the past month I've had increased neck hip

and back pain and now a pinched nerve, probably herniated disk in my

neck. (I haven't done the MRI yet. I did blood work today and the only

abnormal is a high WBC which is chronic fro the prednisone. My sed rate

and CRP were in the NORMAL range. My question is why do I feel so

horrible if my labs are normal. I see my rheumie on Monday but he is

unlikely to adjust meds with a normal sed rate and CRP.

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