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Re: Hello Everyone! (reply)

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Thank you for your kind words . I'm sorry I have not a chance to respond back to you sooner it has been a crazy week. I know I need to slow down and get back in balance but ...... I'm unable to do that this week, but I promise next week will be better. I realy enjoy everyone here you all brighten my day and give the the energy,balance and sence of well being I need . Thank you Tere and everyone for understanding, I love you all.


and Blessings of Love and Light,


> > >> > >> > > Thanks for the 'Welcome' Liane!> > >> > >> > > I am new to the group and have posted replies but> > I guess I never> > > introduced myself. My name is Sheila. My journey> > to find the TRUTH> > began> > > when I was just a child. My Dad wasn't in my life> > much while I was> > > growing up but I have him to thank for instilling> > in me the desire to> > > seek the TRUTH. When I was 10 years old my Dad> > returned to Michigan.> > (He> > > was in the middle of a trek that would take him> > from Michigan to> > > Montana. I don't know all the places he's lived> > but I know he traveled> > > the Florida Keys, worked on the Alaskan pipeline,> > canoed down the> > Yukon> > > river, and lived in a commune in Malibu,> > California.)> > >> > > So, my Dad, my 7 year old brother, and I headed to> > the Upper Peninsula> > > of Michigan one summer to camp and visit some> > friends of his on> > Drummond> > > Island. We stayed in the woods beside Lake Huron,> > we dived naked off> > > giant rocks into the lake to swim and bathe, we> > picked berries and ate> > > native plants my Dad harvested and cooked. I was> > miserable! I wanted> > to> > > be home with my friends, eating junk food, and> > watching TV. My Dad was> > a> > > stranger to me. He seemed weird and I was> > embarrassed of him. He had> > > long hair and beard and didn't wear a shirt or> > shoes when we went> > > places. I was bored but was an avid reader so I> > read "The Tibetan Book> > > of the Dead" book my Dad had in his jeep. I asked> > my Dad a lot of> > > questions about it and he talked with me about his> > beliefs.> > >> > > My Dad became a part of Clare Prophets> > organization ('Summit> > > Lighthouse' or 'Church Universal and Triumphant').> > He would send me a> > > lot of information and long letters about> > spirituality. I was young> > and> > > wanted my Dad to be interested in what was going> > on in my life and for> > > him to tell me about him not his 'church'. When I> > was 13 I got into> > > trouble and my Mom sent me to California to live> > with my Dad. I lived> > in> > > a dorm at the church's school in Pasadena and he> > lived in Malibu. He> > > picked me up at the airport when I arrived and> > handed me a jug of> > orange> > > liquid. I thought it was orange juice and took a> > big swallow and it> > was> > > warm carrot juice. YUK! (I love carrot juice now> > but like it cold) I> > > rebelled against everything and everybody at the> > church and was sent> > > back to Michigan a few months later. The best> > memory I have of> > > California is my Dad taking me to dinner at The> > Inn of The Seventh Ray> > > in Topanga Canyon and Grauman's Chinese Theater in> > Hollywood to see> > the> > > premier of Star Wars! Wow!> > >> > > The things I learned from my Dad were always> > inside me. I married a> > > fundamentalist Christian when I was 18. In 1987 I> > became very ill and> > > was close to death when I was given the book,> > "Life After Life" by> > > Moody. I devoured the book and was filled> > with JOY and HOPE. I> > > read every book I could find on Near Death> > Experiences and then every> > > book about reincarnation. I later became a 'born> > again' Christian but> > > always questioned the churches teachings. I> > started attending Unity> > > church after my divorce in 1999 and finally felt> > like I was being> > taught> > > concepts that made sense to me, rang TRUE to my> > heart and mind. I took> > > alot of classes at Unity and learned alot about> > things like..positive> > > thinking, affirmations, creating your own reality,> > living in the> > moment,> > > and codependency. One of the authors of "I'm Not> > Crazy, Lazy, or> > Stupid"> > > went to Unity and I attended a class the authors> > gave on Attention> > > Deficit Disorder that changed my life. Using their> > coping skills I was> > > able to attend college later and recieve a 3.99> > GPA.> > >> > > I met my soul mate last November and moved to> > Kentucky to be with him.> > > He has always been interested in the Mayan culture> > and so we are> > > learning about it. We took a cruise to Mexico in> > May and toured the> > > Mayan ruins at Chaccoben. It was amazing! I had> > spine surgery in> > > December and haven't really gotten out to meet> > anyone here in> > Kentucky.> > > There are no Unity churches here so I'm depending> > on the internet to> > > socialize and learn new things. I was lead to this> > group and know I> > will> > > learn a lot from all these wonderful people. I> > feel the LOVE and LIGHT> > > here very strongly! I will strive to be a positive> > asset to the group.> > > !NAMASTE!> > >> > > > > > > > > > > ____________________________________________________________________________________> Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers from someone who knows. Answers - Check it out. > http://answers./dir/?link=list & sid=396545433>

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