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The Whole Thing

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Unedited, un-named and undone.....


Separated at birth...the split occurs. Why???

There is the " collective " , whole and complete. Yet when viewed from

our vantage point, it is not as it appears.

There is us...the indivdiual. There is us...the group. There is

us...the family.

The Collective Consciousness is whole and well. It operates

completely as it should...all as one. It is what we call God, the

universe, the higher power. All it does operates from the power of

LOVE. Nothing is done that is not LOVE.

Thoughts are things...Thoughts create...regardless of what they are.

There is NEVER any thought that doesn't create. It is pure energy and


Now, what happens to a thought when we have it? First, very little is

A NEW THOUGHT. Understand this.

When you entertain a thought, one of Loving Essence at it's core, you

have activated your intention into the Collective Consciousness. It

is your highest mind, which is the very same mind of all the rest.

Now if the thought is random, and mostly consisting of anything other

than love, and it's components, you have accessed the lower mind, or

to say, the Collective Un-Consciousness.

The Collective Un-Consciousness contains all the indiviual thoughts

ever brought into being. " There is absolutely nothing new under the

sun. "

Have you ever had a thought, and allowing it to come into your

awareness, produces even more thoughts that are related? Everyone

does. This is the " thinking process " .

Today a thought " appears " to you on a product you could create...you

think a little about it and soon, more thoughts on the matter have

attached. None of them are so new, as just newly accessed and

pondered on, perhaps even " refined " by this process, adding to it

your insights and intention, we add energy and possibility.

You let the thoughts go, other things to do, to think on. And what

happens? Six months later, you see " your product " sitting on the self

at the mall or advertised on TV. What happened?

Someone else allowed the thought to come into their awareness, maybe

your very thought, maybe part of the thoughts that attached

themselves to this energy. They added, intended and drew more

thoughts to it.

You dropped the thought at the time because certain thoughts produced

questions and more thoughts which surrounded money, financing,

bringing to being your idea, and you let it go, maybe because your

vibration was not what it could of been to have kept your focus and

intention to finding the answers, the revealing thoughts that would

of attached sooner or later, that were already, in fact, available in

the collective realm.

The one who brought it to full being didn't stall on the financing

question because at their vibration, it was a given.

Now then, the Collective Un-Consciousness is also full of unlimited

thoughts, all revolving with attraction to the thoughts like it,

linking up. Each thought or group of attached thoughts are always

linking up in different ways to " like " thoughts. Much like the

keywords used in a search engine brings related materials

forward...where do you think the thought to create a search engine

came from?

This is how you tend to see separation of things. This is how you see

darkness, and what seems dark is something we fear, don't understand.

Have you ever had a thought that came to mind and immediately shook

it off because it was " too real " , " too scary " , " too matter of fact " ?

It wasn't an orginal thought at all, like all thoughts. It was part

of the collective pool.

Not everything in this pool of thought is even " bad " or " dark " .

However, thoughts are manufactured to fuel this collective pool. Many

know what it is and how it works. By increasing certain types of

thoughts, control can be created and maintained, feeding it.

Now, if letters makes words, makes sentences, makes for ideas, and

they are power...they are thoughts, spelled out.

You've heard it said that a picture replaces a thousand words. It's

very true. What you can picture envokes imagination, and

emotion...the keys to creation, the fuel for it..the " activator " .

And if a picture replaces a thousand words...a thousand

thoughts...just how many can a video, a movie, TV create?????

So, that being said, what can we do?

It's really very simple. We seek to be whole, to be complete. We seek

love and healing.

With the being of the Collective Consciousness, we are one and

complete. We know, as this being, in this state of being, we are

constantly becoming more, expanding LOVE. All of the thoughts are

towards LOVE, towards humanity, towards wholeness. So while as

indiviual in a sense we can have any related thoughts such as these,

it is a wholeness of thought that is the same as all the others...or,

collective thought, collective agreement...and what " being " in it's

wholeness is not what we have contributed to being what GOD is. A

constant state of rejoicing and growing and celebration of what " we "

are....TOGETHER as ONE. The One Being. God knowing himself

completely...understand this....You and I knowing ourselves so

completely there is no disagreement or separation of our thought and

knowing. No separation in our action, our desire.

So, the next time you call out to God, try looking into the mirror.

You'll find yourself standing there along with every like minded

energy in the universe.

So, what of the Collective Un-Conscious? What about it?

We have come here, in this time and place to heal it. It is us as

well. We came to " experience " this disconnection, in this form, in

this way. How else can you be aware of what needs attention than to

be " in it " ?

You have NOT done one thing where you have not had a thought along

the lines of " there has to be a better way " . And out of that, many

Better Ways have been created, be it a device, a drug, a tool.

By realizing and remembering who we are, we begin to send Love, our

very essense and time into this collective of which we are a part of.

LOVE transmutes, changes, heals and mends EVERYTHING it touches or is

sent to, even BY MERE THOUGHT.

We revolve towards those things that resonate with us, that which

needs our healing. NOT OUR JUDGEMENTS. We did not come to render

judgements and punishments. We did not come to point fingers and

further separate into more pieces...WE CAME TO LOVE.

What is forgiveness? Do you remember? It's a reminder. Forgiveness is

a reminder that LOVE WAS NOT PRESENT, therefore, we can not recognize

anything without bestowing LOVE into and upon it. We wish to have you

remember LOVE and bring it's presense...and in doing so...healing is


We are here to send love, to bring it into everything that presents

itself to us in each moment...the situation or " being " or thought

present knows, it is drawn TO YOU. The essense of it KNOWS YOU. It

knows where to go, where it is drawn to be healed, to be whole.

Demons? How many did you cast out today? More than your aware of


Demons are but thoughts in the Collective Un-Consciousness, that have

become very deep and dark...very much afraid, very much powerful,

having great power...yet, they are but collections of thoughts.

We send love into all we do, into all we encounter...transmuting,

healing thoughts. It is the thoughts that become " enlightened " ,

infused with new information, information that is LOVE. Your drawing

to, by your awareness, LOVE to these other thoughts and empowering,

attaching, attracting to this collection, a new possibility, and

being the ultimate power, the perfect state...all the other thoughts

in this collection change...defuse what meaning it had before...it

changes...it heals.

Just what does " go out and cast out demons in my name " mean? Go, from

our true Collective Conscious with LOVE and loving thoughts and

create flow of love into what is not that. You do not destroy a

demon, a thought, a collection of thoughts...you change it, you heal

it...you bring LOVE.

So, what then is healing? Healing is the bringing of rememberance.

And what is remembering? THOUGHTS!!!!


Change the thought, you change the vibraton. All illness, pain,

turmoil, confusion, sickness and hopelessness is but the thoughts

found there. CHANGE THE THOUGHTS...and you as a healer need only

bring LOVE to it and watch it change before your very eyes.

" Where any two gather and agree... " is well said. It means the healer

and the healed...ARE ONE...all else is illusion.



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