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BUTTAR PROTOCOL and why it is out of fashion? was: Burbur

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Hi Micheal and others, would anyone know why this protocol is out of

fashion, have many kids regressed on it? or was it ineffective for most?



> >

> >

> > Sorry I don't know - but Burbur is Desmodium molliculum and may be

> > better known as Manayupa

> >

> > http://www.amazon.com/Manayupa-Body-Detox-Desmodium-

> molliculum/dp/B000O6\

> > J22W

> > <http://www.amazon.com/Manayupa-Body-Detox-Desmodium-

> molliculum/dp/B000O\

> > 6J22W>

> >

> > http://www.herbalremedies.com/burbur-detox.html

> > <http://www.herbalremedies.com/burbur-detox.html>

> >

> > I got the impression Nutramedix is well thought of.

> >

> > Best wishes,

> >

> > sandy

> >


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> Hi Micheal and others, would anyone know why this protocol is out of

> fashion, have many kids regressed on it? or was it ineffective for



> tia


> Natasa



I can't speak to anything but the chelation aspect of Buttar's

protocol. I know of a good number of kids who regesssed on it.

Buttar even had a name for the regression: " horns and tail " . I find

it reprehensible that someone would find a cutesy name for what

amounts to further poisoning of a child.

Anyway, his every other day dosing schedule seems to have been based

on the custody he had of his child, rather than any scientific

basis. He was also responsible for introducing the idea that you

shouldn't supplement minerals on chelation days, which caused many

problems for a good number of kids.Furthermore, Buttar grossly

exaggerated his successes, blamed parents for his failures (their

unwillingness to test extensively for example), and was pretty loose

with the truth about some fairly crucial matters. This alone would

make me examine very closely any claims he might make for other parts

of his protocol.


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Thanks for that Anita, he himself does sound a 'bit' offputting. Re

those kids who regressed, would you happen to know if those were

long-lasting regressions, or were they doing worse only while on the



> >

> > Hi Micheal and others, would anyone know why this protocol is out of

> > fashion, have many kids regressed on it? or was it ineffective for

> most?

> >

> > tia

> >

> > Natasa

> >



> Natasa,


> I can't speak to anything but the chelation aspect of Buttar's

> protocol. I know of a good number of kids who regesssed on it.

> Buttar even had a name for the regression: " horns and tail " . I find

> it reprehensible that someone would find a cutesy name for what

> amounts to further poisoning of a child.


> Anyway, his every other day dosing schedule seems to have been based

> on the custody he had of his child, rather than any scientific

> basis. He was also responsible for introducing the idea that you

> shouldn't supplement minerals on chelation days, which caused many

> problems for a good number of kids.Furthermore, Buttar grossly

> exaggerated his successes, blamed parents for his failures (their

> unwillingness to test extensively for example), and was pretty loose

> with the truth about some fairly crucial matters. This alone would

> make me examine very closely any claims he might make for other parts

> of his protocol.


> Anita


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Generally, kids stayed worse for a while. The couple kids I can

remember coming out of it more quickly were shifted straight away to 8

hour dosing (per dmps half life).

If you read the notes on Buttar being investigated they are fairly

horrifying. I tend to believe the " establishment " on this one, as the

accusations resemble very closely what I've seen ASD parents write.



> Thanks for that Anita, he himself does sound a 'bit' offputting. Re

> those kids who regressed, would you happen to know if those were

> long-lasting regressions, or were they doing worse only while on the

> protocol?

> nx

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