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was talking and what do ya all think

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hi all

  and I were talking last night about depression and stills. some thing

she has noticed in all of us is one take away all meds and we still have a big

set of action in our lives that set us up for depression . that being

chronically ill a, lose of life as we have been taught to believe in , lose of

work or play time ( I refuse to grow up so it cut into my play time) things we

enjoyed doing ect. now the lose of one let alone all could bring it one and now

add in meds like roids , and yes anit depressants ,MTX and o so so many more

ingredients in our cocktails  and we are set up fully to fight a mind of

depression . what i was wondering how many fought it before still? I mean bad I

know i did not o sure i would get down and such but never ever did not wanting

to live ( as an adult not under the age of 25)  or let alone thought of way to

do some thing about it in a bad way. now from stills forward it is a fight

almost every day be it getting up

but the worst is when I have time to sit and think . now if i get engrossed

into some thing that fills my time I seam to be okay but slack time that's a

killer for me and with stills there is always to much of that .I know today I am

going to ask about it because for me it is getting bad were i cry a lot even for

old mushy me. it dose not take much . now doing any thing is not a thought of

mine at all and has not been for years when that happened I do believe it was

from my meds and not being on most of them no thought but the deep sadness the

crying and being upset most of the time almost angry at the world is not good .

things like that so

did you fight depression before stills?

 did you always feel down or sad before stills?

 now the same but after stills

 what did you do before that helped?

what do you do now?

 who can or do you feel you can realy tell how your feeling if any one?

 did you talk to any one about it before stills?

 do you feel any of us need to look out for it be it stills alone or the meds?

 do you feel it is worse with meds ?

 better with meds?

 just some thought I have had and questions and well may be others also have

them and seeing it may help .Knowing what others feel , have done , how they

deal may help or give Ideas to try . hey I am looking as so dam tied of crying

and feeling I have nothing or that all my value as a person is gone . now deep

inside i know this is t=not true but i get that feeling at times how about you?


the  rednecks

Marty & G.

the redneck's my space http://www.myspace.com/martyg58


 Stills ; An illness I know to well!

To learn about Stills  http://www.stillsdisease.org/stills_info

If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin'.


In the old days a man who saved money was a miser; nowadays he's a wonder. 

~Author Unknown

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