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Raising Your Vibration

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Raising Your Vibration

By the Rev. Rita Faubel, NST

One of the important things students of mediumship have to learn, is how to raise their vibration. Everyone in this physical life experience, at one time or another, also has a need to change their rate of vibration. There are times when we feel low, or upset feelings appear. This is normal part of living, but one must not allow this to continue. By changing your feelings/vibrations to a more positive rate, you are in control of the situation instead of the situation controlling you.

So how do we teach people to raise their vibration? Sometimes, in class meditation the leader may gently guide students through an exercise which encourages a raising of personal vibrations. An example of this would be to try to reach up higher and higher to touch a sparkling star with projected personal energy, or to imagine oneself walking upon clouds floating high in the sky, or to climb a ladder, rung by rung, until a star or a cloud is reached. It should be understood that this should be practiced in the daily meditation and should be the main goal in the meditative process.

A person can work at raising, or changing their vibration at home, anytime during the day or night. The following is a list of ways to raise your vibration. These ideas will help individuals exert better control over their daily mental and spiritual environment, and help one more readily acquire the control needed to attain at will the high working vibration so necessary for changing one's vibration

Ways To Raise Your Vibration


Deep breathing Count the breaths Breathe deeply Imagine the beach or mountains

*Exercise Brisk walking Jogging Aerobics Dancing Swimming Bike riding Cleaning house

*Contact with water Shower or bathe Swimming Wash clothes, dishes, the floor


*Wear bright and cheerful colors

*Stay in good health Proper nutrition Sufficient sleep Rest or relaxation (long term)


*Be positive at all times Concentrate on the positive aspects of life Be thankful for what you have List them Read uplifting or inspirational material Read comical material Repeat affirmations Repeat Healing Prayer


Listen to or play pleasant music

*Enjoy art or objects of beauty


Enjoy nature Walk through a garden or park Smell flowers listen to birds chirping Go to beach or mountains Absorb sunlight Bask in moonlight Live in natural surroundings (long term)


Laugh Smile at yourself in a mirror See a comedy movie or play


Do something creative


Play with children


Loving: kissing; hugging




Go shopping for something you like


Take control of your life Plan future activity Visualize the most successful results


Associate with positive enlightened people and activities Avoid negative people and situations when possible


Be sincere and honest


Live a moderate and balanced life


Surround yourself with and send out white light


Project white light & pink cloud around troublesome persons or situations


Call in your spirit doctor/chief protector & chemist to clear your aura & surroundings


Send crown chakra energy out and up toward spirit guides


Tune into guides on mental/thought level


Tune into higher spiritual levels and visualize life there


Pray to God./Infinite Intelligence


Service to others. Help someone; cheer up someone


Give or send healing or loving thoughts to others


Receive healing



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