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Re: Re: Food/Drink

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I've heard about that and see some validity in it. I worked on a farm as a

young kid (11-13) for some money and got to know the old Italian dude pretty

well. Besides, there has to be a sense of pride that back then, you

literally fed everyone around you. Now all the farmland is becoming

row-houses here, and even the farms that haven't been sold are struggling

and hardly used anymore.



> Kirk, that is a wicked combination!


> As for foods that make you flare; supposedly there's a belief that

> some foods can. Unfortunetly they are all the ones I grew up with,

> such as dairy (we ate a great deal of dairy products) and bleached

> flour, bleached sugar, I suppose anything bleached might contribute

> to a flare....


> I think the point was to get everyone back to farming. Perhaps even

> go as far back as the 1800's when processing foods hadn't caught on.

> Of course wearing that hair bonnet just isn't a good look for me but

> I don't mind tilling the soil and all that. I do however, draw the

> line at killing my own animals.


> Yeah, this is getting a little far fetched. Although there are those

> people that think we really should go back to farming. Supposedly,

> they feel (I've heard this first hand) we're being poisoned by our

> own government. There's more to that but I'd rather not go into it.


> Take care and be well.


> Ellen





Everything in life sucks except things that should!

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Interesting thing about the bleached sugar. Would that include

granulated cane sugar? One of my more common drinks is sweet tea.

Zovtic wrote:

Kirk, that is a wicked combination!

Unfortunetly they are all the ones I grew up with,

such as dairy (we ate a great deal of dairy products) and bleached

flour, bleached sugar, I suppose anything bleached might contribute

to a flare....

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So help me out - I missed out on one MSG somewhere -- is ice tea the wicked

combo or the beer and peppers??

(sorry --- sometimes I'm just slow---)

My new doc says Dairy (calcium) is critical to eat during the day... Yogurt,

milk, cheese... What's the take on that? (non processed cheese of

course--- not the deli slices in plastic).

Curious minds want to know.

-- Re: Re: Food/Drink

I've heard about that and see some validity in it. I worked on a farm as a

young kid (11-13) for some money and got to know the old Italian dude pretty

well. Besides, there has to be a sense of pride that back then, you

literally fed everyone around you. Now all the farmland is becoming

row-houses here, and even the farms that haven't been sold are struggling

and hardly used anymore.



> Kirk, that is a wicked combination!


> As for foods that make you flare; supposedly there's a belief that

> some foods can. Unfortunetly they are all the ones I grew up with,

> such as dairy (we ate a great deal of dairy products) and bleached

> flour, bleached sugar, I suppose anything bleached might contribute

> to a flare....


> I think the point was to get everyone back to farming. Perhaps even

> go as far back as the 1800's when processing foods hadn't caught on.

> Of course wearing that hair bonnet just isn't a good look for me but

> I don't mind tilling the soil and all that. I do however, draw the

> line at killing my own animals.


> Yeah, this is getting a little far fetched. Although there are those

> people that think we really should go back to farming. Supposedly,

> they feel (I've heard this first hand) we're being poisoned by our

> own government. There's more to that but I'd rather not go into it.


> Take care and be well.


> Ellen





Everything in life sucks except things that should!

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I agree, sugar is really bad for us in general and fake sugar is even worse for

us. Turbinado sugar is a form of un-refined sugar...it actually has some

nutrients still in it because it hasn't been processed to pieces. It is brown

becuase of this.

Additionally, there is a natural sweetener called Stevia. You can buy it at any

health food store and some regular grocery stores. You can buy it in powder,

liquid or honey-style forms. You can go to www.stevia.net and learn more than

you ever wanted to know including a conversion chart to help you in baking.

www.Stevia.com also has recipes and other info. Also, when I cook, I sweeten

with just a touch of pure Maple syrup. Anything from squash and sweet potatoes

to salad dressings and whipped cream. Oh, and one of my family's favorite

desserts is a version of Strawberry Shortcake. Sometimes we use shortcake, but

more often than not, we just skip that part. Take ricotta cheese and add

vanilla and a touch of maple syrup to taste. Top with fresh strawberries that

have been drizzled with a little maple syrup and smashed with a pie crust thingy

(yes, quite a technical name for the tool you use to cut butter into flour, but

I cannot think what to call


BTW, our DC recommends Stevia.

Bon Appetit!


Re: Food/Drink

Sorry it took so long for me to answer. I had to work Monday night

and Tuesday - needless to say, I'm exhausted. And yes, I'm working

today but only 4 hours.

As for bleached sugar, from what I've heard, yes. I use sugar in my

coffee and when I bake (when I can stand for long periods of time)

but there are alternatives. Personally I can't stand the taste of

those " fake " sweeteners and that includes Splenda; another options

might be what's called " raw sugar " . It doesn't look pretty at all,

it's usually brown, perhaps different shades of brown and usually not

refined in anyway. It's still sugar, just the same.

The only other option I can see would be to grow your own sugar cane,

which really isn't difficult to do if you're in a warm climate. I

used to grow my own but we moved to our townhouse and my patio is

completely covered by cement. All my plants are in pots and I just

haven't had the time to go out and get a sugar cane to start growing


Take care and be well.




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  I haven't used salt in any of my foods for a long time either and no one

notices...Do you have an organic store nearby?   I try to go to Whole

Foods..they have a nice selection.

Diane   42


Thanks for the info on Stevia. I completely forgot about it (not

unusual these days)! I've been using raw sugar and feeling a little

better with that but I know I'm missing the mark on nutrients so I'll

switch to Stevia now.

I've also changed salts, by the way. It's not something I usually

use since I have high blood pressure but I've gotten rid of all the

usual table salt and now only have two kinds in my cubbard. Kosher

salt and Sea Salt. I use the Sea salt when I make chicken soup

(homemade of course) and the like and the Kosher for things such as

mouth sores. My family doesn't notice the difference. Kosher salt

has been a staple in our house and something I grew up with.

When I bake, by the way, I do NOT add salt. Almost all recipes call

for it but I find it unnecessary and no one knows the difference.

Take care and be well. I have to get ready for work (ugh!)



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Yes, sea salt is your best bet. It has minerals and essential trace minerals

and, used in moderation, is actually good for you! Table salt, which you've

stopped using altogether, has been stripped of everything healthy (same as

processed sugar and quite frankly, homogenized and pasteurized milk...they are

so far removed from their original states that they not only have nothing to

offer, but can actually harm our bodies, but milk would be an entirely new

subject! LOL)

Basically, go back to Nature should be our mantra!

Hope you have a great day at work! My kids are waking up so my day is starting

as well!

I love having someone to talk to about this subject!


Re: Food/Drink


Thanks for the info on Stevia. I completely forgot about it (not

unusual these days)! I've been using raw sugar and feeling a little

better with that but I know I'm missing the mark on nutrients so I'll

switch to Stevia now.

I've also changed salts, by the way. It's not something I usually

use since I have high blood pressure but I've gotten rid of all the

usual table salt and now only have two kinds in my cubbard. Kosher

salt and Sea Salt. I use the Sea salt when I make chicken soup

(homemade of course) and the like and the Kosher for things such as

mouth sores. My family doesn't notice the difference. Kosher salt

has been a staple in our house and something I grew up with.

When I bake, by the way, I do NOT add salt. Almost all recipes call

for it but I find it unnecessary and no one knows the difference.

Take care and be well. I have to get ready for work (ugh!)




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Alcohol definitely causes me to either flare, or just get more pain and for

some reason this is always 2 days after drinking. If I go out on the Friday

night it will be Sunday when I start to flare. However, I also notice it

does depend what I drink – lager seems to be the worse culprit for me.

From: Stillsdisease [mailto:Stillsdisease ]

On Behalf Of a_cone

Sent: 02 January 2008 15:36

To: Stillsdisease

Subject: Re: Food/Drink


I feel better when I do eat dairy, as well as a more " natural " diet.

I do my best when I have several servings of cheese a day (I hate milk

and yogurt), vegetables and meat. No processed foods from a box, no

pasta, no bread. Maybe some potatoes or rice.

Lately I have been off my more puritan diet and it does me no favors

in regards to my Stills. NOw that I am settled in my new house, i am

going back to my better eating and it should help how bad I am feelign


My one bad thing is a can of soda a day. i cannot drink diet - I have

a bad reaction to artificial sweetners, and for me, I'd rather have

real, natural suger anyways. I don't find not drinking soda to help

me, so I allow my indulgence.


> My new doc says Dairy (calcium) is critical to eat during the day...


> milk, cheese... What's the take on that? (non processed cheese of

> course--- not the deli slices in plastic).


> Curious minds want to know.

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I was afraid to have even one drink for New Years eve celebration    so I

didn't... but the methotrexate makes me feel nauseas for 2-3 days afterwards

that I should have!!

Diane  42

Alcohol definitely causes me to either flare, or just get more pain and for

some reason this is always 2 days after drinking. If I go out on the Friday

night it will be Sunday when I start to flare. However, I also notice it

does depend what I drink – lager seems to be the worse culprit for me.

From: Stillsdisease [mailto:Stillsdisease ]

On Behalf Of a_cone

Sent: 02 January 2008 15:36

To: Stillsdisease

Subject: Re: Food/Drink


I feel better when I do eat dairy, as well as a more " natural " diet.

I do my best when I have several servings of cheese a day (I hate milk

and yogurt), vegetables and meat. No processed foods from a box, no

pasta, no bread. Maybe some potatoes or rice.

Lately I have been off my more puritan diet and it does me no favors

in regards to my Stills. NOw that I am settled in my new house, i am

going back to my better eating and it should help how bad I am feelign


My one bad thing is a can of soda a day. i cannot drink diet - I have

a bad reaction to artificial sweetners, and for me, I'd rather have

real, natural suger anyways. I don't find not drinking soda to help

me, so I allow my indulgence.


> My new doc says Dairy (calcium) is critical to eat during the day...


> milk, cheese... What's the take on that? (non processed cheese of

> course--- not the deli slices in plastic).


> Curious minds want to know.

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That's what we use too - it's really good. The kosher sea salt is found

pretty much every where.

-- Re: Food/Drink


I only use Sea Salt as well. it does not have iodine added to it and

is recommended for those with thyroid disease (who should watch iodine


I switched years ago, but I find that I do way better on that than

table salt. Plus I think it tastes better.


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I have the Same problem - plus I don't want to have any more problems with

my liver than I already do...

Alcohol dose not even taste good to me any more...... At one point in my

life I enjoyed a good glass of wine or a drink - but not anymore ---

I don't even miss it - now I'd rather just take my meds and go to sleep when

I can't move instead of party. Oh well. At least I have my love for me

family and good friends and trust in God.

And my dogs - the unconditional love of pets... Thank God for them..... I

think they have been my doctors as much as my real Doctors have.


-- Re: Food/Drink


I feel better when I do eat dairy, as well as a more " natural " diet.

I do my best when I have several servings of cheese a day (I hate milk

and yogurt), vegetables and meat. No processed foods from a box, no

pasta, no bread. Maybe some potatoes or rice.

Lately I have been off my more puritan diet and it does me no favors

in regards to my Stills. NOw that I am settled in my new house, i am

going back to my better eating and it should help how bad I am feelign


My one bad thing is a can of soda a day. i cannot drink diet - I have

a bad reaction to artificial sweetners, and for me, I'd rather have

real, natural suger anyways. I don't find not drinking soda to help

me, so I allow my indulgence.


> My new doc says Dairy (calcium) is critical to eat during the day...


> milk, cheese... What's the take on that? (non processed cheese of

> course--- not the deli slices in plastic).


> Curious minds want to know.

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Beer has gluten in it. Anything made with malt ( " wine " coolers included). I

wonder if it is the alcohol/gluten combo?

FYI-anything distilled is GF (wine, whiskey, etc.). I'm curious...can you drink

these without a flare-up? Mark is on MTX right now so he cannot drink anything,

but if he comes off of it, he loves beer so I'd like to know which direction to

steer him in.



Re: Food/Drink


I feel better when I do eat dairy, as well as a more " natural " diet.

I do my best when I have several servings of cheese a day (I hate milk

and yogurt), vegetables and meat. No processed foods from a box, no

pasta, no bread. Maybe some potatoes or rice.

Lately I have been off my more puritan diet and it does me no favors

in regards to my Stills. NOw that I am settled in my new house, i am

going back to my better eating and it should help how bad I am feelign


My one bad thing is a can of soda a day. i cannot drink diet - I have

a bad reaction to artificial sweetners, and for me, I'd rather have

real, natural suger anyways. I don't find not drinking soda to help

me, so I allow my indulgence.


> My new doc says Dairy (calcium) is critical to eat during the day...


> milk, cheese... What's the take on that? (non processed cheese of

> course--- not the deli slices in plastic).


> Curious minds want to know.

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I was told to eliminate sugar by my RD when my blood sugar was borderline

and switched to splenda. It took me a few tries but I found I can't tell the

difference if you do one thing...use less splenda than you would

sugar....tastes the exact same to me, and I'm quite particular about my

coffee (and occasionally tea).

As far as Sweet-n-Low, I wouldn't feed that to my toilet for fear of it

puking up everything it swallowed over the last few days...LOL (Think about

that one for a minute!)

And that stuff in the blue package is quite horrible too. Try this if you

can...I like Diet Pepsi/Diet Coke/Coke Zero.. not for the diet but for the

taste. Try Diet Rite!!! Better than all of them and made with splenda.

Then again splenda may be the next saccharin, but I like it.

Have a good one, Kirk


> Sorry it took so long for me to answer. I had to work Monday night

> and Tuesday - needless to say, I'm exhausted. And yes, I'm working

> today but only 4 hours.


> As for bleached sugar, from what I've heard, yes. I use sugar in my

> coffee and when I bake (when I can stand for long periods of time)

> but there are alternatives. Personally I can't stand the taste of

> those " fake " sweeteners and that includes Splenda; another options

> might be what's called " raw sugar " . It doesn't look pretty at all,

> it's usually brown, perhaps different shades of brown and usually not

> refined in anyway. It's still sugar, just the same.


> The only other option I can see would be to grow your own sugar cane,

> which really isn't difficult to do if you're in a warm climate. I

> used to grow my own but we moved to our townhouse and my patio is

> completely covered by cement. All my plants are in pots and I just

> haven't had the time to go out and get a sugar cane to start growing

> again.


> Take care and be well.


> Ellen





Everything in life sucks except things that should!

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I am exactly opposite I like the blue packaged Equal and hate the Splenda..

How are your headache now?? any better?


Re: Re: Food/Drink

I was told to eliminate sugar by my RD when my blood sugar was borderline

and switched to splenda. It took me a few tries but I found I can't tell the

difference if you do one thing...use less splenda than you would

sugar....tastes the exact same to me, and I'm quite particular about my

coffee (and occasionally tea).

As far as Sweet-n-Low, I wouldn't feed that to my toilet for fear of it

puking up everything it swallowed over the last few days...LOL (Think about

that one for a minute!)

And that stuff in the blue package is quite horrible too. Try this if you

can...I like Diet Pepsi/Diet Coke/Coke Zero.. not for the diet but for the

taste. Try Diet Rite!!! Better than all of them and made with splenda.

Then again splenda may be the next saccharin, but I like it.

Have a good one, Kirk


> Sorry it took so long for me to answer. I had to work Monday night

> and Tuesday - needless to say, I'm exhausted. And yes, I'm working

> today but only 4 hours.


> As for bleached sugar, from what I've heard, yes. I use sugar in my

> coffee and when I bake (when I can stand for long periods of time)

> but there are alternatives. Personally I can't stand the taste of

> those " fake " sweeteners and that includes Splenda; another options

> might be what's called " raw sugar " . It doesn't look pretty at all,

> it's usually brown, perhaps different shades of brown and usually not

> refined in anyway. It's still sugar, just the same.


> The only other option I can see would be to grow your own sugar cane,

> which really isn't difficult to do if you're in a warm climate. I

> used to grow my own but we moved to our townhouse and my patio is

> completely covered by cement. All my plants are in pots and I just

> haven't had the time to go out and get a sugar cane to start growing

> again.


> Take care and be well.


> Ellen





Everything in life sucks except things that should!

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At the moment it is a 5 or so...but it is coming back......you're supposed

to get 12 hours out of Oxt...I get 7-8, tops. I'll be calling my PCP again

tomorrow morning, see what he wants to do...I can't take another few days

like the last few have been...so for as bad as I hate the F****** resort if

he wants me to go, I'll go.




> I am exactly opposite I like the blue packaged Equal and hate the

> Splenda..

> How are your headache now?? any better?

> Diane..42


> Re: Re: Food/Drink


> I was told to eliminate sugar by my RD when my blood sugar was borderline


> and switched to splenda. It took me a few tries but I found I can't tell

> the


> difference if you do one thing...use less splenda than you would


> sugar....tastes the exact same to me, and I'm quite particular about my


> coffee (and occasionally tea).


> As far as Sweet-n-Low, I wouldn't feed that to my toilet for fear of it


> puking up everything it swallowed over the last few days...LOL (Think

> about


> that one for a minute!)


> And that stuff in the blue package is quite horrible too. Try this if you


> can...I like Diet Pepsi/Diet Coke/Coke Zero.. not for the diet but for the


> taste. Try Diet Rite!!! Better than all of them and made with splenda.


> Then again splenda may be the next saccharin, but I like it.


> Have a good one, Kirk




> >


> > Sorry it took so long for me to answer. I had to work Monday night


> > and Tuesday - needless to say, I'm exhausted. And yes, I'm working


> > today but only 4 hours.


> >


> > As for bleached sugar, from what I've heard, yes. I use sugar in my


> > coffee and when I bake (when I can stand for long periods of time)


> > but there are alternatives. Personally I can't stand the taste of


> > those " fake " sweeteners and that includes Splenda; another options


> > might be what's called " raw sugar " . It doesn't look pretty at all,


> > it's usually brown, perhaps different shades of brown and usually not


> > refined in anyway. It's still sugar, just the same.


> >


> > The only other option I can see would be to grow your own sugar cane,


> > which really isn't difficult to do if you're in a warm climate. I


> > used to grow my own but we moved to our townhouse and my patio is


> > completely covered by cement. All my plants are in pots and I just


> > haven't had the time to go out and get a sugar cane to start growing


> > again.


> >


> > Take care and be well.


> >


> > Ellen


> >


> >


> >


> --


> Everything in life sucks except things that should!



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Are you on the computer A LOT?   maybe the screen?  do you wear glasses/? I

am grasping at straws here to help  lol


Re: Re: Food/Drink


> I was told to eliminate sugar by my RD when my blood sugar was borderline


> and switched to splenda. It took me a few tries but I found I can't tell

> the


> difference if you do one thing...use less splenda than you would


> sugar....tastes the exact same to me, and I'm quite particular about my


> coffee (and occasionally tea).


> As far as Sweet-n-Low, I wouldn't feed that to my toilet for fear of it


> puking up everything it swallowed over the last few days...LOL (Think

> about


> that one for a minute!)


> And that stuff in the blue package is quite horrible too. Try this if you


> can...I like Diet Pepsi/Diet Coke/Coke Zero.. not for the diet but for the


> taste. Try Diet Rite!!! Better than all of them and made with splenda.


> Then again splenda may be the next saccharin, but I like it.


> Have a good one, Kirk




> >


> > Sorry it took so long for me to answer. I had to work Monday night


> > and Tuesday - needless to say, I'm exhausted. And yes, I'm working


> > today but only 4 hours.


> >


> > As for bleached sugar, from what I've heard, yes. I use sugar in my


> > coffee and when I bake (when I can stand for long periods of time)


> > but there are alternatives. Personally I can't stand the taste of


> > those " fake " sweeteners and that includes Splenda; another options


> > might be what's called " raw sugar " . It doesn't look pretty at all,


> > it's usually brown, perhaps different shades of brown and usually not


> > refined in anyway. It's still sugar, just the same.


> >


> > The only other option I can see would be to grow your own sugar cane,


> > which really isn't difficult to do if you're in a warm climate. I


> > used to grow my own but we moved to our townhouse and my patio is


> > completely covered by cement. All my plants are in pots and I just


> > haven't had the time to go out and get a sugar cane to start growing


> > again.


> >


> > Take care and be well.


> >


> > Ellen


> >


> >


> >


> --


> Everything in life sucks except things that should!



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Did you find the article on the light bulbS?  Wouldn't that be great if that

was the reason you are having the headaches soooooo bad?


Re: Re: Food/Drink


> I was told to eliminate sugar by my RD when my blood sugar was borderline


> and switched to splenda. It took me a few tries but I found I can't tell

> the


> difference if you do one thing...use less splenda than you would


> sugar....tastes the exact same to me, and I'm quite particular about my


> coffee (and occasionally tea).


> As far as Sweet-n-Low, I wouldn't feed that to my toilet for fear of it


> puking up everything it swallowed over the last few days...LOL (Think

> about


> that one for a minute!)


> And that stuff in the blue package is quite horrible too. Try this if you


> can...I like Diet Pepsi/Diet Coke/Coke Zero.. not for the diet but for the


> taste. Try Diet Rite!!! Better than all of them and made with splenda.


> Then again splenda may be the next saccharin, but I like it.


> Have a good one, Kirk




> >


> > Sorry it took so long for me to answer. I had to work Monday night


> > and Tuesday - needless to say, I'm exhausted. And yes, I'm working


> > today but only 4 hours.


> >


> > As for bleached sugar, from what I've heard, yes. I use sugar in my


> > coffee and when I bake (when I can stand for long periods of time)


> > but there are alternatives. Personally I can't stand the taste of


> > those " fake " sweeteners and that includes Splenda; another options


> > might be what's called " raw sugar " . It doesn't look pretty at all,


> > it's usually brown, perhaps different shades of brown and usually not


> > refined in anyway. It's still sugar, just the same.


> >


> > The only other option I can see would be to grow your own sugar cane,


> > which really isn't difficult to do if you're in a warm climate. I


> > used to grow my own but we moved to our townhouse and my patio is


> > completely covered by cement. All my plants are in pots and I just


> > haven't had the time to go out and get a sugar cane to start growing


> > again.


> >


> > Take care and be well.


> >


> > Ellen


> >


> >


> >


> --


> Everything in life sucks except things that should!



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In a message dated 01/03/2008 11:54:41 AM Eastern Standard Time,

abuckeye03@... writes:





does any one kno how to quit getn these emails i want out email

me at _mickeyt1975@aol_ (mailto:mickeyt1975@aol) .com

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20/20 vision, been checked out by a neuro-opthamologist (spelling) and all

is fine. I'm on the computer usually 15-20 minutes at a time. I only really

use it for email, research & burning cd/dvd's.

Trust me on one thing, I've gone out of my way to see some of the best there

are and came up empty.




> Are you on the computer A LOT? maybe the screen? do you wear glasses/?

> I am grasping at straws here to help lol


> me..42


> Re: Re: Food/Drink


> >


> > I was told to eliminate sugar by my RD when my blood sugar was

> borderline


> >


> > and switched to splenda. It took me a few tries but I found I can't tell


> > the


> >


> > difference if you do one thing...use less splenda than you would


> >


> > sugar....tastes the exact same to me, and I'm quite particular about my


> >


> > coffee (and occasionally tea).


> >


> > As far as Sweet-n-Low, I wouldn't feed that to my toilet for fear of it


> >


> > puking up everything it swallowed over the last few days...LOL (Think


> > about


> >


> > that one for a minute!)


> >


> > And that stuff in the blue package is quite horrible too. Try this if

> you


> >


> > can...I like Diet Pepsi/Diet Coke/Coke Zero.. not for the diet but for

> the


> >


> > taste. Try Diet Rite!!! Better than all of them and made with splenda.


> >


> > Then again splenda may be the next saccharin, but I like it.


> >


> > Have a good one, Kirk


> >


> > On 02/01/2008, Zovtic <zovtic@... <zovtic%40aol.com><zovtic%40aol.com>>



> >


> > >


> >


> > > Sorry it took so long for me to answer. I had to work Monday night


> >


> > > and Tuesday - needless to say, I'm exhausted. And yes, I'm working


> >


> > > today but only 4 hours.


> >


> > >


> >


> > > As for bleached sugar, from what I've heard, yes. I use sugar in my


> >


> > > coffee and when I bake (when I can stand for long periods of time)


> >


> > > but there are alternatives. Personally I can't stand the taste of


> >


> > > those " fake " sweeteners and that includes Splenda; another options


> >


> > > might be what's called " raw sugar " . It doesn't look pretty at all,


> >


> > > it's usually brown, perhaps different shades of brown and usually not


> >


> > > refined in anyway. It's still sugar, just the same.


> >


> > >


> >


> > > The only other option I can see would be to grow your own sugar cane,


> >


> > > which really isn't difficult to do if you're in a warm climate. I


> >


> > > used to grow my own but we moved to our townhouse and my patio is


> >


> > > completely covered by cement. All my plants are in pots and I just


> >


> > > haven't had the time to go out and get a sugar cane to start growing


> >


> > > again.


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Take care and be well.


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Ellen


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > --


> >


> > Everything in life sucks except things that should!


> >


> >

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Thanks to everyone for the comments - it seems like there is some concensus. I

will try the sea salt and natural sugars to see if there is improvement.

a_cone wrote: Jody,

Personally I do fine with liquor - whiskey or vodka. I don't drink a

lot of beer anymore because I swell up, but occassionally will have

one. I can't drink red wine anymore, makes me feel like crap, but

white and champagne are fine. I don't drink a whole lot - usually

just one here and there or if my parents are in town, a few extra. My

liver gets tested every 3 months, so for me, I don't mind having a few

drinks in between as long as the doc isn't worried about the results

of my tests. My old rheumy in Los Angeles used to say that it's not

going to hurt to have a drink or two on these meds. I think he

believed in finding the balance in life. but that is a very personal

decision between a patient and the doc.



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I like splenda the best to - I use it in my tea instead of sugar - the only

thing I use sugar in is Coke when I have a bad headache ... Maybe I'll try

diet rite...

Thanks for the tip

-- Re: Re: Food/Drink

I was told to eliminate sugar by my RD when my blood sugar was borderline

and switched to splenda. It took me a few tries but I found I can't tell the

difference if you do one thing...use less splenda than you would

sugar....tastes the exact same to me, and I'm quite particular about my

coffee (and occasionally tea).

As far as Sweet-n-Low, I wouldn't feed that to my toilet for fear of it

puking up everything it swallowed over the last few days...LOL (Think about

that one for a minute!)

And that stuff in the blue package is quite horrible too. Try this if you

can...I like Diet Pepsi/Diet Coke/Coke Zero.. not for the diet but for the

taste. Try Diet Rite!!! Better than all of them and made with splenda.

Then again splenda may be the next saccharin, but I like it.

Have a good one, Kirk


> Sorry it took so long for me to answer. I had to work Monday night

> and Tuesday - needless to say, I'm exhausted. And yes, I'm working

> today but only 4 hours.


> As for bleached sugar, from what I've heard, yes. I use sugar in my

> coffee and when I bake (when I can stand for long periods of time)

> but there are alternatives. Personally I can't stand the taste of

> those " fake " sweeteners and that includes Splenda; another options

> might be what's called " raw sugar " . It doesn't look pretty at all,

> it's usually brown, perhaps different shades of brown and usually not

> refined in anyway. It's still sugar, just the same.


> The only other option I can see would be to grow your own sugar cane,

> which really isn't difficult to do if you're in a warm climate. I

> used to grow my own but we moved to our townhouse and my patio is

> completely covered by cement. All my plants are in pots and I just

> haven't had the time to go out and get a sugar cane to start growing

> again.


> Take care and be well.


> Ellen





Everything in life sucks except things that should!

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Have you tried Calcium Lactate? It is a more natural form and doesn't build up

in your body. I don't know the details but that is what our DC has put Mark on.

Standard Process is the brand name and you can only buy it from a doctor, I

think, but might be worth it. It also helps with fever...when Mark's are up as

well as my kids, I dissolve some pills in water for them. I've also been on it

for years now and our DC has had me take extra when I am having a very stressful

day...it is calming, too.

Re: Food/Drink

Calcium is critical for those who are on Pred. When I started pred. My doctor

had to help me find a calcium pill I could take and not throw up. Plus I craved

cheese, so that helped some, but when you are partially lactose intolerant you

have to be careful how much dairy you eat.

For me calcium is one of those minerals that is difficult to balance in my body.

I get more calcium than my body utilizes then I get calcium deposits (bone

spurs) in my joints, especially my knees. Yet my doctors want me to get enough

calcium so that I don't end up with osteoporosis.

Fayette, OH

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Another one (health problem) I remembered was lactose intolerance. For many at

the workshops I've been to, their Lact Int went away when they stopped eating


Re: Food/Drink

My Great Aunt has Gluten sensitivity, and her son has Celiac's disease.

She also said that once she went Gluten free she felt a lot better, and she

didn't have any major health issues. I have Fibro and have had no problems with

gluten or wheat.

Fayette, OH

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My new doc said that you need to make sure that you eat and drink calcium

during the day and that the suppliments alone aren't good enough. He said

to make sure to drink low fat/fat free milk, yougurt, cheeses, etc.

Anything high in calcium and to have at least 4 servings through the day. I

found this very interesting.. I already eat yogurt daily, and drink milk in

the morning, but I can't say that I have 4-5 servings a day;

-- Re: Re: Food/Drink

Have you tried Calcium Lactate? It is a more natural form and doesn't build

up in your body. I don't know the details but that is what our DC has put

Mark on. Standard Process is the brand name and you can only buy it from a

doctor, I think, but might be worth it. It also helps with fever...when Mark

s are up as well as my kids, I dissolve some pills in water for them. I've

also been on it for years now and our DC has had me take extra when I am

having a very stressful day...it is calming, too.

Re: Food/Drink

Calcium is critical for those who are on Pred. When I started pred. My

doctor had to help me find a calcium pill I could take and not throw up.

Plus I craved cheese, so that helped some, but when you are partially

lactose intolerant you have to be careful how much dairy you eat.

For me calcium is one of those minerals that is difficult to balance in my

body. I get more calcium than my body utilizes then I get calcium deposits

(bone spurs) in my joints, especially my knees. Yet my doctors want me to

get enough calcium so that I don't end up with osteoporosis.

Fayette, OH

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I have to admit as a diet cola drinker...Diet Rite (I think it is made by

R/C) is by far the best tasing diet cola I've had, althouth I like the new

diet Pepsi Wild Cherry & Lime, but they are hard to find.


> I like splenda the best to - I use it in my tea instead of sugar - the

> only

> thing I use sugar in is Coke when I have a bad headache ... Maybe I'll try

> diet rite...

> Thanks for the tip


> -- Re: Re: Food/Drink


> I was told to eliminate sugar by my RD when my blood sugar was borderline

> and switched to splenda. It took me a few tries but I found I can't tell

> the

> difference if you do one thing...use less splenda than you would

> sugar....tastes the exact same to me, and I'm quite particular about my

> coffee (and occasionally tea).

> As far as Sweet-n-Low, I wouldn't feed that to my toilet for fear of it

> puking up everything it swallowed over the last few days...LOL (Think

> about

> that one for a minute!)

> And that stuff in the blue package is quite horrible too. Try this if you

> can...I like Diet Pepsi/Diet Coke/Coke Zero.. not for the diet but for the


> taste. Try Diet Rite!!! Better than all of them and made with splenda.

> Then again splenda may be the next saccharin, but I like it.

> Have a good one, Kirk



> >

> > Sorry it took so long for me to answer. I had to work Monday night

> > and Tuesday - needless to say, I'm exhausted. And yes, I'm working

> > today but only 4 hours.

> >

> > As for bleached sugar, from what I've heard, yes. I use sugar in my

> > coffee and when I bake (when I can stand for long periods of time)

> > but there are alternatives. Personally I can't stand the taste of

> > those " fake " sweeteners and that includes Splenda; another options

> > might be what's called " raw sugar " . It doesn't look pretty at all,

> > it's usually brown, perhaps different shades of brown and usually not

> > refined in anyway. It's still sugar, just the same.

> >

> > The only other option I can see would be to grow your own sugar cane,

> > which really isn't difficult to do if you're in a warm climate. I

> > used to grow my own but we moved to our townhouse and my patio is

> > completely covered by cement. All my plants are in pots and I just

> > haven't had the time to go out and get a sugar cane to start growing

> > again.

> >

> > Take care and be well.

> >

> > Ellen

> >

> >

> >


> --

> Everything in life sucks except things that should!



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Just hope you don't get stuck in my trap...when your cholesterol

skyrockets and you have to back off on the cheeses & such! I gave up regular

milk a long time ago. I can't stand skim (which amazes me, as I used to live

on it as a kid for wrestling to maintain weight) but can take 1% with

cereal. I need either 2% or whole milk in my coffee or tea or I'll never

drink it.



> My new doc said that you need to make sure that you eat and drink

> calcium

> during the day and that the suppliments alone aren't good enough. He said

> to make sure to drink low fat/fat free milk, yougurt, cheeses, etc.

> Anything high in calcium and to have at least 4 servings through the day.

> I

> found this very interesting.. I already eat yogurt daily, and drink milk

> in

> the morning, but I can't say that I have 4-5 servings a day;


> -- Re: Re: Food/Drink


> Have you tried Calcium Lactate? It is a more natural form and doesn't

> build

> up in your body. I don't know the details but that is what our DC has put

> Mark on. Standard Process is the brand name and you can only buy it from a

> doctor, I think, but might be worth it. It also helps with fever...when

> Mark

> s are up as well as my kids, I dissolve some pills in water for them. I've

> also been on it for years now and our DC has had me take extra when I am

> having a very stressful day...it is calming, too.


> Re: Food/Drink


> Calcium is critical for those who are on Pred. When I started pred. My

> doctor had to help me find a calcium pill I could take and not throw up.

> Plus I craved cheese, so that helped some, but when you are partially

> lactose intolerant you have to be careful how much dairy you eat.


> For me calcium is one of those minerals that is difficult to balance in my

> body. I get more calcium than my body utilizes then I get calcium deposits

> (bone spurs) in my joints, especially my knees. Yet my doctors want me to

> get enough calcium so that I don't end up with osteoporosis.



> Fayette, OH


> ------------ --------- --------- ---

> Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.




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