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Do You Listen When You Talk To Yourselves?

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From: Rainbojangles

*Galactic Consciousness*

Thank You:sea'lestialEmanations Of LoveEternally A SeekerAli Odyssey Spirit ~~tina~~

Your core belief systems are ingrained and they rule your repetitive self-talk that goes on non-stop (even when you are sleeping). It takes concerted effort to change one's subconscious self-talk. It takes a true examination of core beliefs to find out what limits the full expression of your potential to self-actuate and succeed. "It turned out badly, just like I imagined or just like I believed it would, no matter how much I tried that positive thinking stuff and that affirmation stuff." Of course it did and there is your proof that it does work, if you'd only be honest with yourself. The truth is that, no matter how much it is denied, your thoughts and your beliefs create your reality. Not the stuff you think about at odd moments, but the stuff you think in the background when you are not even paying attention. The stuff you think when you react. Not the stuff you want to believe, but the stuff that you deep-down believe about yourself and life...that's what produces the results. If you do not ever do the work necessary to examine and change your core beliefs and subconscious self-talk, you cannot expect to change your reality picture- because you are imagining and expecting things to be the way they have always been and they are the way they have always been because of your core beliefs and predominant repetitive self-talk. If you want success but don't believe you deserve it, you won't get it or won't keep it if, somehow, you manage to luck into it. If you believe that you want to go to heaven some day and also believe that 'it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to get into heaven', then you'll not get rich. If you believe that it takes what you don't have to achieve success or that success is somehow tainted, you'll not achieve it. If your subconscious is constantly telling you how unworthy you are, in some repetitive loop of some parental or teacher's instruction, you'll not be able to break free of that mental prison, until and unless, you make the effort to examine your core beliefs and subconscious programming AND then discard all the crap that does not serve you and replace it with stuff that does. You will get the results you imagine and expect. What are you imagining? What are you expecting? Those are the questions you need to ask yourself.

Believe it or not...that's the way it works. Imagine that.

hugs~odyssey spirit~christina~

Intentional Living




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