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Spirit Of Angels

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Spirit Of Angels Literally

"messengers", angels may be anywhere the spirit force moves. Angels are

messengers who must be heard in their own language. As messengers in

the sheerest meaning of the word, angels may come from any realm of

earth or cosmos. Angels may be visible or invisible but all angels bear

a message. The most important thing for those who converse or wish to

converse with angels is the ability to hear and understand their

messages. The Places Of Angels; The

first power was placed in the four corners of the world, the four

cardinal directions or the four primary forces of the world. These four

states correspond to four elements of all existence in heaven and earth: Conscious; The

conscious is all that one knows and recognizes with awareness. It

perceives and recognizes the elements of existence and copes with

survival issues. The driving energy of the conscious mind rises from an

unseen scheme of primal instinct and soul desire just beyond its

vision. The conscious mind expands its periphery by recognizing the

unseen power that motivates it. "There is no consciousness without

discrimination of opposites. This is the paternal principle, the Logos,

which eternally struggles to extricate itself from the primal warmth

and primal darkness of the material womb; in a word, from

unconsciousness. Therefore its first creative act of liberation is

matricide... Nothing can exist without its opposite; the two were one

in the beginning and will be one again in the end. Consciousness can

only exist through continual recognition of the unconscious, just as

everything that lives must pass through many deaths." Unconscious; This

reservoir of untapped information lies just beyond the grasp of the

conscious mind, compelling the conscious by its invisibility. The

unconscious takes its force from two fundamental aspects. The first is

comprised of those unconscious elements entirely personal to the

individual, relating to the unique experience of the personality and

soul. The other element is the inborn, genetic images called the

collective unconscious by Jung. "I have chosen the term 'collective'

because this part of the unconscious is not personal but universal; in

contrast to the personal psyche, it has contents and modes of behavior

that are more or less the same everywhere and in all individuals. It

is, in other words, identical in all men and thus constitutes a common

psychic substrate of a supra personal nature which is present in every

one of us... Normally

the unconscious collaborates with the conscious without friction or

disturbance, so that one is not even aware of its existence. But when

an individual or a social group deviates too far from their instinctual

foundations, they then experience the full impact of unconscious

forces. The collaboration of the unconscious is intelligent and

purposive, and even when its acts in opposition to consciousness its

expression is still compensatory in an intelligent way, as if it were

trying to restore the lost balance." (The Archetypes and The Collective

Unconscious, C.G. Jung)Super conscious; The

"I Am That I Am" that transcends personality from lifetime to lifetime

is the super conscious. It exists beyond the personality identity of the

conscious and the genetically inborn collective unconscious. As Jung

suggested, the super conscious is what the Hindu called the "higher"

conscious. It communicates in synchronicity and intuition and is

comprised of soul memory and past-life experiences. The "I Am That I

Am" of the super conscious is the soul that transcends lifetimes. Jung

did not postulate the existence of a soul beyond a single lifetime as a

scientific fact, although his identification of the collective

unconscious is unparalleled. Much research has proven the existence of

the soul beyond a single lifetime, notably Moody's research in

Near Death Experiences and the success of Weiss' research into

past-life therapies. Head of the Department of Psychiatry at Mt. Sinai

Hospital in Miami Beach, Florida, Weiss' premier past-life therapy is

chronicled in Many Lives Many Masters.Supra conscious; The

supraconscious is the aspect of pure spirit that transcends all limits

of identification from which existence on any level takes its form. The supra conscious is the undifferentiated godhead and the essential

character of unconditional love and union. author unknown

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