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Re: Faith?

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hi ! I don't think we've heard from Faith, I sure hope she's

doing alright and got a diagnoses.

Glad to hear you are doing pretty good! Always nice to hear good



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My PCP doesn't want me in the resort.......at least not yet. I guess you

have to have a fever and other symptoms before they even conside admiting

one anymore!!!


> Hey everyone,


> Happy New Year! I have been reading along and trying to survive the

> holidays. Kirk, man, I cringed when I visualized you bouncing your head off

> the support beams in your basement. I know you are frustrated and I know you

> are hurting but OWWWIE...just go get the dilauded or whatever it is that

> works and lets you sleep in the resort. Like you said, at least you made it

> through Christmas!

> Anyway, My point with this email is that Faith Holt was supposed to go

> back to the new rheumy (my rheumy) last month. Poor dear is still struggling

> with getting a diagnosis. I haven't heard from her and was wondering if

> anyone else had.


> Sending out many hopes for a happy new year and healthy new year to all my

> Stilligan Family Members! 2008 will mark my 10th year of battling the

> dragon, and this was the first fall I was not flaring in the resort...Thank

> You Rituxan! Still holding at 10mg of pred, but this rituxan chick is

> feeling ok.


> Stay Healthy



> ---------------------------------

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No   sorry Ellen  I don't know it.

Diane 42

-Hey gang! I usually email with Faith but haven't heard from her in a 

few days. Does anyone know her phone number?

Take care and be well.



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California?  no..Sweet home..Chicago...cold but sweet.

Actually I am usually up this late and later. I used to work the midnight shift

before stills came along...it is 1145p.m.  here.  I went to sleep around 4am

yesterday   but today I had such a bad headache and back ache I took 2 tylenol

#3's and it eased it up a bit.


Thanks Diane. What are you doing up at this hour? It's 12:45 a.m.

here in Florida, are you in California or something along that line by




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We've had a cold snap here. It was rather funny to see people walking

around in their fur coats when it's 54 degrees out. I'm still wearing

my short sleeved uniform for work.

I've had to up my pred to 20 mgs, as well take a total of 40 mgs of

hydrocodone plus three ibuprofen 800s before going to bed. I still

woke up in pain.

I'm going to head back to bed though and give it another try. I've

heard Chicago weather can be brutal, more so than what we used to get

in NY. I hope you're staying warm enough and feeling as well as you


Take care and be well.


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54*?? is a cold snap???  lol   why that is swimming weather here!

It is supposed to warm up to the mid 50's on Sunday...we never know here in

Chicago..one day it is 20* the next could be 75*

Chicago weather can be brutal   there were days when we used to bring the car

battery inside the 

apartment (no garage) and then before work the next morning put it back in just

so the car would start..and there were days that the snow was so high in drifts

you could walk 'over' the fence...but worse than N.Y.?  I am not sure about

that...they always seem to have it bad...

I hope you read this in the morning because that means you had a good nights



We've had a cold snap here. It was rather funny to see people walking 

around in their fur coats when it's 54 degrees out. I'm still wearing

my short sleeved uniform for work.

I've had to up my pred to 20 mgs, as well take a total of 40 mgs of

hydrocodone plus three ibuprofen 800s before going to bed. I still

woke up in pain.

I'm going to head back to bed though and give it another try. I've

heard Chicago weather can be brutal, more so than what we used to get

in NY. I hope you're staying warm enough and feeling as well as you


Take care and be well.



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Good morning Diane! A good night's sleep? It was fitful as always

but once it warms up a bit I'll probably get a little more sleep.

Even my son was up last night. Of course he blamed it on me. I MADE

him go to bed " early " . I'm trying to help him get back into the

school schedule sleep pattern so I told him to be in bed no later

than 10:30. At 11:00 he was still up typing on his computer, by

11:30 I insisted he go to bed. That's why the work " made " is in caps.

I have to admit I don't miss the incredibly cold weather but I do

miss the look of snow. I also miss the mountains; Florida is so flat

and without character to the landscape. What I find really funny

here, though, is the fact that woman are pulling out their fur coats

and wearing them around town when the slightest chill hits. Around

here anything under 70* is considered chilly.

So, tell me, did you sleep well? Are you warm enough? Do I need to

make a pot of homemade chicken soup? I follow Grandma Meril's recipe

(you wouldn't believe what she would put in the soup), and it comes

out perfect every time, if I do say so myself. As a matter of fact,

one of my co-workers was sick with a cold, I brought him enough soup

to last a week (I make a huge pot of it) and he says he got better

because of it. True or not I don't know but it was nice to hear.

Dogs are begging to go out. Talk with later on. Take care and be



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Hi Ellen..

  Hope all is well today..Right now i am sitting at the dining room table with

my laptop and my husband (Chuck) is making breakfast...mmmmm  I can smell the

bacon ..I also have a honey dew coming...

Yes, I remember the days when I would try to get the kids to bed early for

school...lol   It always seemed that first day back was the roughest...(for me)

I sure miss them...I have 2 kids and they are both married...one with an 18

month girl  (cutest baby if I can say so myself ) They are all out in

Oregon...BEAUTIFUL!!  Why do I stay here???  NUTS!!


We slept well   i close the door to the bedroom after having a small space

heater in there and it keeps it nice and cozy all night...so do the comforters

and blankets..Today it is 42* out so we are having a warm spell....maybe you

will see Chicagoans on the news with this warm weather  lol

However, that pot of homemade chicken soup sounds good...whats the recipe??

maybe I will make chili for supper tonight...or wait till Monday when it is

supposed to get cold again   we will see.

Breakfast is ready   got to go!!  

Chat later


Re: Faith?

Good morning Diane! A good night's sleep? It was fitful as always

but once it warms up a bit I'll probably get a little more sleep.

Even my son was up last night. Of course he blamed it on me. I MADE

him go to bed " early " . I'm trying to help him get back into the

school schedule sleep pattern so I told him to be in bed no later

than 10:30. At 11:00 he was still up typing on his computer, by

11:30 I insisted he go to bed. That's why the work " made " is in caps.

I have to admit I don't miss the incredibly cold weather but I do

miss the look of snow. I also miss the mountains; Florida is so flat

and without character to the landscape. What I find really funny

here, though, is the fact that woman are pulling out their fur coats

and wearing them around town when the slightest chill hits. Around

here anything under 70* is considered chilly.

So, tell me, did you sleep well? Are you warm enough? Do I need to

make a pot of homemade chicken soup? I follow Grandma Meril's recipe

(you wouldn't believe what she would put in the soup), and it comes

out perfect every time, if I do say so myself. As a matter of fact,

one of my co-workers was sick with a cold, I brought him enough soup

to last a week (I make a huge pot of it) and he says he got better

because of it. True or not I don't know but it was nice to hear.

Dogs are begging to go out. Talk with later on. Take care and be




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Good morning Diane!

is getting ready for work, Rubin is still sleeping, I'm going to

take the dogs out soon, have my coffee and take my pills. I'm

actually enjoying our weather, believe it or not. It's been raining

on and off for the last three days. It's somewhat annoying, causes a

great deal of pain in me, people in general, are grumpy but still I

don't mind the rain. Odd.

and I went to the farmers market yesterday after I came home

from work. Picked up some fresh (and cheap) fruits but the veggies

just didn't do it for me this week so I'll get those tonight before I

leave work. Now if you'll excuse me, I have got to take pills. The

pain I'm sitting with is a little much to bare and once my son is

awake enough I'm taking him shopping for some new sneakers (I hate


I'm hoping to get on the computer again before I go to work but I

can't make promises.

Take care and be well.


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Hey, just a thought for those looking for deals....my wife works at JC

Penneys one day per week as a beautician. That gets her a discount card, and

when they have their sales & employee days is when I buy my shoes & such...I

bought at least 5 pairs of sneakers over the last 6-7 years that would have

cost upwards of $100 (or higher) but never paid more than $35.00. Just pick

out the discontinued items on those sale days and you're set. All you have

to do is find a friend that works there. Good, quality stuff available

cheap! Hell, I bout a pair of Sketchers (retail towards $90.00 and got them

for $17.00!!!

I have to spend like that, but even if I didn't I would...money was

always too hard to earn & too easily spent!



> Good morning Diane!


> is getting ready for work, Rubin is still sleeping, I'm going to

> take the dogs out soon, have my coffee and take my pills. I'm

> actually enjoying our weather, believe it or not. It's been raining

> on and off for the last three days. It's somewhat annoying, causes a

> great deal of pain in me, people in general, are grumpy but still I

> don't mind the rain. Odd.


> and I went to the farmers market yesterday after I came home

> from work. Picked up some fresh (and cheap) fruits but the veggies

> just didn't do it for me this week so I'll get those tonight before I

> leave work. Now if you'll excuse me, I have got to take pills. The

> pain I'm sitting with is a little much to bare and once my son is

> awake enough I'm taking him shopping for some new sneakers (I hate

> shopping!).


> I'm hoping to get on the computer again before I go to work but I

> can't make promises.


> Take care and be well.


> Ellen





Everything in life sucks except things that should!

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Hey Ellen,

How is the day so far?

I feel nauseas still and my back hurts but not bad enough to take a pain pill.

Today it is 64* out!!!!   geez, one day it is 13* the next it is 64* sweet

home, Chicago!!

It is really balmy today   I almost fear for the spring weather coming..

Nothing else going on here

chat later

take care

Diane 42

Good morning Diane!

is getting ready for work, Rubin is still sleeping, I'm going to

take the dogs out soon, have my coffee and take my pills. I'm

actually enjoying our weather, believe it or not. It's been raining

on and off for the last three days. It's somewhat annoying, causes a

great deal of pain in me, people in general, are grumpy but still I

don't mind the rain. Odd.

and I went to the farmers market yesterday after I came home

from work. Picked up some fresh (and cheap) fruits but the veggies

just didn't do it for me this week so I'll get those tonight before I

leave work. Now if you'll excuse me, I have got to take pills. The

pain I'm sitting with is a little much to bare and once my son is

awake enough I'm taking him shopping for some new sneakers (I hate


I'm hoping to get on the computer again before I go to work but I

can't make promises.

Take care and be well.



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