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Welcome to All Our New Family Members!

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Welcome to our newest Friends & Family here at Humanity Healing! *warm hug of greetings to all*Thanks, Stef, for taking the initiative to say "hi"...you are such a fabulous, sage, wondrous, loving and beloved Soul and Sista *grin* to me and to many, many more! May all who are newly arrived thoroughly enjoy all that is offered, may you also know beyond all doubt that your own offerings are not only "ok" with us, but truly deeply desired!! If you prefer to stay back and hang for a while first, no problem. Whatever works best for each cherished Soul and Family member is a-ok with us, too. *soft smile*Please, I ask that you also take note that we currently have 5 open polls running and your answers will be greatly appreciated! Also, there was a question posed by me in a posting which appeared on August 13th. "What is Healing to YOU?" and all that that entails. No answers are "wrong" or "bad" or "unacceptable". Truly! When the time comes (in a few days) this question will be closed and a single email formatted with all the replies sent forth to see all the diverse and sage responses which have been offered for you from another's heart and soul, not just their mind. So, again, WELCOME! Love & Light, Peace & Joy, Unity & Harmony,~Ali~

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